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Posts posted by GeorgesAbitbol

  1. If the other group is not backed they will probably put them in trial for defamation.

    About the backing of the Ja Group : I don't know how you were when you were student, but I participated in a lot of strikes and I wasn't backed by anything except my ideas and willing of changes...but for some here it seems the freedom of speech means nothing for thai students! I bet you and the "we love the Junta, daddy, Nation" can't believe they have free will

  2. and in one there was an explosion 15 days ago.

    Seems we have many specialists inhere about Belgium and it's nuclear powerplants.

    An explosion 2 weeks ago? WOW thats the latest news i heared. I live 10 km of one of them and i even didn't hear about that.

    Belgium gouvernement must have learned from Thais i assume in keeping news a secret.

    An explosion is a term, it does not always involve all the time fatalities, and it is not necessary a big one. You know car use "explision engine" right?

    So you may be an expert living close to the plants but for sure you re not an expert in word definition

    Read and learn:


  3. It's amazing how quiet the self-righteous brigade is when the death and destruction isn't caused by the US.

    Is there any hint in the OP of which country made the bombing?

    No, so maybe the us is involved as well in this one. We will know this quickly cause of it is russian bombing it will be war crime, if it is the us it will be a "natural mistake"

  4. Does any of you bashers in here ever stop for a moment and reflect on where, why, for who and how? I must say, I am getting increasingly tired of listening to westerners being so clever on behalf of other nations and cultures. Been here for more than a decade, I do know something about the culture and I also do speak the language. And as wrong as I might be, then I am pretty sure I would do the same as the prime minister, most of the way, if I was in his shoes. He is trying to set Thailand on a different course than it has been for a very long time, fighting very powerful people, traditions, economical structure (corruption) and even worse, ignorant keyboard warriors who need no time to think, reflect or achieve knowledge on any subject, to keep the stupidity flowing on social media.

    One thing I have learned, one key thing, is, Thailand is for Thais, governed by thais. And westerners does not have to look far to se the mayor <deleted> ups they have made by imposing their "high values" on other countries. For what ever reason. The man is not perfect, and we do not fully understand what it takes to be and to rule a country like Thailand, so who are we to question, from our comfy chairs, what is right and wrong? I do not know if he has any financial gain as other prime ministers before him, but I do know, he is making himself som mighty big enemies, and even if his fight should be selective, then his fight has started. I would be VERY selective in the beginning too, to make sure I was able to stay in power to go the whole nine yards, and not making myself TOO many enemies right away. It is a very dangerous fight, because not only does he have a less educated population to deal with, he has a powerful opposition that would use every bit of freedom of speech to turn the discussion away from the issues that really matter. Just like here. And then there are all the "wise" westerners who NEVER stop to be clever on behalf on other people without being able to handle their own problems.

    No, it sure is not perfect, and I do not agree with everything I hear and see, but I am born and raised in a different world, so that is to be expected, but luckily I do understand I am a guest. And I behave as such.

    So you would be an equally corrupt Prime Minister?

    You will tend to Nepotism?

    You will send people to arbitrary detention?

    You will push a company like AIS to give 6millions customers to True, right after the son of a top brass had a job there?

    You will tell foreigners to stopb being sexy if they don't want to be raped or killed?

    You will spend your whole day saying "Damn I hate Thaksin"

    You will fail in every field you promised to get rid of corrpution?

    You will justify the coup after Thaksin amnesty blanket but give an amnesty for past, present and futur action you may do?

    You will tell people the country is their but not allow them to speak openly?

    Prayut is NOT trying to set thailand to a different course : He tries to go back to a time where the mass was docile and shut up while the elite could do everything.

    Open you eyes dude.

    Well I am glad you are not in position to get elected...how wait they came to power with an illegal coup

    About your 10 years here and speak the language : same here, and I also pay my taxes here, I spend money in thai economy, I contribute to the economy so yes I come here to give my opinion.

    Right now Thai is not governed by thai as each time the election gave a winner there was a coup. Actually Thailand is governed by and for a small minority, which shrink everyday as even the high-so start to worry.

    And last : if you re getting tired of these discussion, just click on the top right red square (or left round one if you re on mac) and close the windows, go out, have a jogging....

  5. Germany is next.

    You must be joking!!! Germany has a strong secular constitution with a 93% non Muslim ( mostly Christian) population. What are you talking about???

    Obviously you have no idea what right now happen in Germany and other EU countries. In which Year are you living?

    I think it is you who obviously has no idea of what is happening in EU : I can tell you the far right political parties twist the mind of weak people...it seems they do a very good job from what I read..

    They know how to make you feel afraid, at the mercy of the big bad guys, so you will let them have more power, reduce your freedom and being manipulated easily...

  6. I don't think dolphins do formal adoptions, either. Species have different methods of raising young ... and human societies have even more flexibility. There isn't one choice. The "traditional" nuclear family is one way and of course popular. There are others. Single parents. Multi-generational parenting. Same sex couple parenting. Another example, the way many Israelis used to be raised collectively on kibbutzim.

    But human gay folk cannot sire naturally can they......?

    You mean two males? Duh. Why ask such a stupid question. They can adopt when it is legal. In some nations they can legally hire surrogates. Many have children from previous relationships with women. Do they have wombs? Seriously, why ask that unless to BAIT?

    Just answer my question.........yes or no......You know the answer but duck and dive...

    But just answer, can gay folk sire....?

    Forget about modern day medical inject this and that...Just say yes or no...

    Just answer this question : how in hell the fact that gay couples have babies upset you? does this have an impact on your daily life?

    Is this the christian influence on your education?

    The answer to your bait is :

    the conception of babies is not raising them, and your biggotry just can't stand the fact that two men kiss in front of a baby or raise him because he may be "touched by the Devil" or some stupid thing like this...

  7. What is the world coming to? Next single men will be able to have babies!

    What is the problem?

    Do you know Penguins has homosexual behaviors, even necrophilia? The puritanism hid this for nearly one century because of the "bad influence" they could have on human beings...

    Probably God made a mistake, oh no it is not possible, so penguins are sinners and the Hell is full of sinners and Penguins...

    There is no rational arguments against gays people having babies.

    Gay penguins can't have babies.

    My dog eats cow poo, does that mean it's ok for me to do it?

    You probably never saw DIvine I presume about the poo...

    Your dog or at least some of them raise cats, and rabbits... and they are not seen as deviant by the others

  8. What is the world coming to? Next single men will be able to have babies!

    What is the problem?

    Do you know Penguins has homosexual behaviors, even necrophilia? The puritanism hid this for nearly one century because of the "bad influence" they could have on human beings...

    Probably God made a mistake, oh no it is not possible, so penguins are sinners and the Hell is full of sinners and Penguins...

    There is no rational arguments against gays people having babies.

    the gay penguin route is probably not a good idea for your argument. There was 1 pair of homosexual penguins known to man, Roy and Sol in a NYC zoo. Zookeepers gave this pair an egg which they raised to be also homosexual before Roy decided he wasn't gay anymore, dumped poor Sol and the adopted kid and ran off with a female penguin. Can't see anything wrong there?

    wrong, just read please


  9. What is the world coming to? Next single men will be able to have babies!

    What is the problem?

    Do you know Penguins has homosexual behaviors, even necrophilia? The puritanism hid this for nearly one century because of the "bad influence" they could have on human beings...

    Probably God made a mistake, oh no it is not possible, so penguins are sinners and the Hell is full of sinners and Penguins...

    There is no rational arguments against gays people having babies.

  10. I wonder if some opinions here would be different if these three were young, hard bodied French 'glamours' innocently travelling the world on their 'gap year'.

    Meanwhile, on the other side of the world a dead drug addicted pop star is being venerated by everyone from the POTUS down.

    But then he got his 'legal' opioid drugs from a man in a white coat and not from a hill tribe in northern thailand,

    The world will be a much safe place with these three banged up for the next 30 years. Another decisive victory in the long running Drug War.

    It is a sad, strange world.

    Yeah of course! it is not like Pai is a notorious place full of drugs, where even the menus at the bar offer them with the price.

    It is not like Thailand do everything to tackle the drug rings and money from it...

    I just hope you don't drink coffee, use narcoleptics to sleep, drink alcohol, or smoke a cigarette. Those are drugs too, those are dangerous too, those fill the pockets of crooks too, and yet I am quite sure you enjoy some of them.

    So learn what is an addiction, why most of the users are victims and not gangsters.

    Decisive Victory, my arse!

    The only last three busts which could have lead to less Ice in Thailand resulted in three escapes from the main suspects...strange no?

  11. "The charges against Mr Janepob Veeraporn, a luxurious car dealer, included reckless driving, speeding , driving while not physically capable of driving, drink driving, driving without any concern for the safety of the other people, driving under the influence of narcotic drug and defying police request for alcoholic test."


    500.000thb for the family, 2000thb fine for the police, then go home and sleep tight

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