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Posts posted by williamgeorgeallen

  1. 33 minutes ago, BruceMangosteen said:


    Retirement VISA cost 30-35,000.Baht. That's almost nothing if you have some money. But if you don't, it's three months living expenses. 


    I've not read the entire discussion, but anyone living on Soi Chaiyapoon is certainly someone who should be looked at closely from a legal standpoint. You don't get much closer to the sewer than that Soi. It also has set the record for most resurfaced Soi in Thailand at the Governments expense and is yet again in need of resurfacing again. 

    is that 30k to get it done through an agency? sure a friend of mine paid about 3000thb for the visa and 10 000thb for a letter from the bank.

  2. 57 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

    It's a shame that some reasonable and fairly well known person doesn't make a  serious run at being POTUS. So many people are horrified at what is going to happen in November (either way). That the odds have never been better for an independent.

    cost an incredible amount of money to run so you need some heavy hitting backers. this means  you are no longer really independent as you become a puppet for who ever is funding you. great system for keeping the small man out.

  3. 1 hour ago, Pdaz said:

    The idea that other countries may have been through this. Have gained experience and may possibly be able to assist and provide insight is totally alien to Thainess.

    remember when a group of dutch drainage engineers came over a few years ago to help bankoks flooding issues? they left a report of what needed to be done which was completely ignored and bangkok continues to flood. thais to proud to listen to foreigners. hate to think of the high voltage cables underground during floods. as usual this will be put in the 'too hard basket' and bought back up in a year or 2.

  4. i have a garmin sat nav but have found it really difficult to use, the translation from thai name to english is sometime hard to figure out. example is the 3 different ways i have seen jomtien spelt. luckily pattaya a fairly simple block sub divided by beach second and thrird roads. jomtien even simpler with just beach and second roads.

  5. 13 hours ago, onemorechang said:


    Not so sure about that,   if your pension income alone is good enough to

    obtain a one year extension of stay,  fine.  :thumbsup:

    But there are many that is does not,   so they top it up with cash.  ok for some,   not all.

    If your married its half prize, or near that.

    but more to the point,  there are some that are not married and  don't have the pension yet but are retired,   this requires 700,000 in the Thai bank,    is that cheap,    No.

    the cost of extension of stay is cheap   but the requirements

    are not.


    I don't mind the cheap charlies here in pattaya, some are far better that some of the rich idiots,  i have met here over the last twenty year.


    Btw im not talking about myself here. :wai2:



    i am on a NON O based on my kids as i am a long way off 50 so i am not exactly up to speed on the retirement visa but from what a friend has told me it costs almost nothing

  6. 6 hours ago, Docno said:


    So are you suggesting that there wouldn't be outrage if a Thai had climbed the rock? I suspect you'd be wrong... Maybe it's not about blaming foreigners, but some foreigner visitors come to Thailand without it cross their minds that a rock might have more significance to Thais than it would in their own country.


    of course a thai would probably not climb on this rock. it seems to be that thais are more upset about small things foreigners do than they are about major crimes their own people commit. examples are the unwanted baby that was left on an ant nest to be killed or the baby that was raped and then the mother poured boiling water in its mouth to stop it from crying. these crimes did not seem to get upset the thai public as much as some of the minor crimes of foreigners.

  7. 2 hours ago, tubby johnson said:


    Some people have no intention of ever leaving Thailand. They're either friendless or no longer welcome in their home country, and have nowhere else to go.


    If they keep a low profile, stay out of trouble and avoid places frequented by foreigners, then they can live here quietly until they die.

    retirement visa is so cheap. surely anyone who can afford to live here can afford the visa.

  8. i went through a similar experience when i had been here about 6 years. i was reading alot of negative stuff about thailand on the net and it was really getting to me. the feeling did eventually pass as i got kind of numb to all the negative information. i also went through some issues with my work permit which took 2 years to sort out. 10 years in and i love thailand again especially since i stopped running my business. i am on a 3 month count down to leaving myself. sold all my property and just need to sell my pickup. my son turns 5 next jan and i want him to grow up in nz. will be back for holidays and retirement eventually. you may find that this feeling will pass if you can see past the negativity. great if you can go try another country for a while. i would probably choose philipines if i was going to try some  where else.

  9. 45 minutes ago, Foreign Jim said:

    A 'sacred' rock in the shape of a penis with a crevasse like a vagina that locals worship:  that rock is just begging to be climbed.  Who gives a toss?

    thailand loves to blame foreigners for everything and i guess many other countries around the world do as well. in some ways it is being patriotic believing that ones own people are perfect and foreigners are not, which of course is a little misguided. samui locals might be better off getting upset about the massing of trash that will soon get into their ground water.

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