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Everything posted by FruitPudding

  1. You like throwing money out the window? You like paying 10ร— a Thai person?
  2. Surprise surprise. It fascinates me how they become hookers so readily. Is it no sense of shame? No social judgement?
  3. They don't want to spend their money. They want yours. And they can't handle the thought of giving away free sex.
  4. Interesting, they told me they'd post mines on the 26th
  5. You mean democracy? ๐Ÿ˜† ๐Ÿคฃ ๐Ÿ˜‚ Honestly, it's the liberals who have turned totalitarian
  6. So, you're telling me Thailand can get its grubby, little paws on your tax sheltered investment accounts abroad??
  7. They are just taking maximum advantage..............a national practice.
  8. Damn right, most of these women are on 50k or more a month. That's what they would earn with a master's degree in business or banking.
  9. Imagine how poor rural Thailand would be without farang money coming in from Pattaya, Phuket, Bangkok etc. etc. We should be given medals for our valiant efforts.
  10. Interesting. So, basically "genuine" gifts (i.e. you didn't work for the money) between family members okay, so long as it is less than 20 million baht a year? So under the current tax laws, for example, I could send money from overseas to my daughter's bank account in Thailand as a gift and it would be tax free?
  11. How so? Isn't a gift a gift? Why would you have to pay tax on a gift someone gave you? It isn't income right?
  12. I am assuming gifts don't count, right? Like if someone else sends you money from abroad to Thailand, they don't expect you to pay tax, right?
  13. 185 baht a pint of Heineken now in Bangkok after 7-8pm, ๐Ÿ˜† ๐Ÿคฃ Or 165 baht for local pish. Like, why wouldn't you just go on holiday to Europe?
  14. The Japanese cucumbers they have here are great, but 100 baht for 2. They actually have flavor.
  15. Sorry, if I offended the tomatoes. ๐Ÿ˜† ๐Ÿคฃ ๐Ÿ˜‚
  16. Now you're complaining ๐Ÿ™„
  17. Yeah, their cucumbers are crap too
  18. I was in a similar situation actually, except it was my EX with the gambling problem. - We moved back to civilization (Bangkok). - Broke up. She moved out. - She got a job. - Kid stays with me 6 days a week due to mother's working hours (and she's totally feckless anyway; didn't raise her first child either) - She found a new rich stupid falang boyfriend to scam. Everyone is happy. Couldn't have worked out better. I suggest to the OP: take your family away. Get out of the village. Nothing good happens when you take your woman back to her village. Either she becomes a problem or the family does. I've seen it many times.
  19. How could you leave your kid with people like that?
  20. It wouldn't surprise me at all if your wife is totally okay with this. Most village mothers are fine with someone else raising their kid for them. Happens all the time.
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