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Everything posted by FruitPudding

  1. Like your buzzwords, don't you? Typical of so-called "liberal" lefties, who don't really believe in free speech, just trying to silence people with opposing ideas on supposed hatespeech. You don't think people are making big bucks over this new trans industry?
  2. Even if that's true, it doesn't make it any better. Lopping off teenagers' breasts for the Liberal vote. And votes do equal money. Seen how much Biden's net worth has risen in recent years?
  3. Follow the money, man. This is an industry. You have to be naive not to see that. What's the stock exchange got to do with it?
  4. My friend did that once. He got stabbed in his own kitchen after taking care of her for quite a long time, shelling out for rehab etc. etc.
  5. Cos that would be very unThai. What you need to see is how Thai schools do a fire drill. Run! Quick! Even teachers are running (and they knew it was a drill, lol). Crush onto the stairs. Pushing. Shoving. Stampede. Panic. Foreign teachers standing there talking about how bad it is Successful fire drill to the Thais. Got everyone out quickly. What more is there to consider?
  6. You're cracking me up so much right now. Lol. Please stop. My face hurts from laughing.
  7. What a way to spend your life. I'm just jizzing with excitement to use these skills.
  8. Seems to be a 14 year old rich kid, judging by all the details on Twitter. People are sharing his ID card and his Dad's employment details
  9. What about..... - destroying priceless art - white shaming - man/boy shaming - canceling people - making human road blocks - making porn comic books for kids - trying to take away gun rights - trying to defund the police - burning the American flag/bibles - rioting/looting/destroying property - making laws to criminalize offensive speech - taking away female only safe spaces - taking kids to shemale strip shows - celebrating debauchery - trying to find more things to be offended by
  10. Nope, not international. Just one of the most sought after Thai schools in the country.
  11. Totally sick and demented. But "The medical professionals know best," they say. I wonder if extreme left wokies will be saying the same thing if/when the medical community stops "affirming" their gender ideology and instead start treating it as a mental illness. Will they be like, "The doctors are right, trans is a mental health issue," I wonder? ????
  12. Gotta be careful with this kind of talk around here. You'll be getting accused of "hate speech" and called "transphobic", or "homophobic."
  13. Say what you want about this guy, his country does not have same problems as Sweden.
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