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Everything posted by Presnock

  1. Well, based on some of the stories, as we know, many locals are from China and still have relatives there or people there wanting o purchase property (including land) . Some farang spouses or co-habiters with a Chinese connection have indicated purhasing many properties for these Chinese folks. I met some of them coming to my new mooban - about 50 Chinese on a bus! I was doing my daily eveining walk and they stopped me to ask all about the mooban but...I passed speaking Spanish to them instead of English or Thai so they walked away. But I have seen several Chinese move into some of the houses - some from HongKong as they grew tired of the rhetoric from Beijing., Fromwhat I read, The northern part of Laos is now an extension totally Chinese! Thailand might become that too.
  2. well one of those fell off a ladder that collapsed (if yu hae ever seen them you could understand why they collapse - anyway he broke his leg right at the socket of his hip plus some other problems so needed emergency response. He got that and at first was worried until he chatted with the doctors after the xrays showed the damage. they explained that at his agfe he might not get 100% total use again, several screws in the socket and within less than 6 months was fully recovered! cost was really cheap and he was super happy that he didn't go to a private hospital. In addition several that have used government care, they indicate that several of the doctors work not only at the government hospital but the private hospitals too. They never complained about any waiting times. I think that may depend on the locations in relation to larger cities or not. But like I said Ionly have 2nd hand knowledge and my insurance covers totally in a private hospital so that is where I go or take members of my family for treatment. Always has been great care and covered by the policy so lucky in that respect.
  3. several friends here have used the goverment hospital for some serious health events/accidents and have praised the service that they receive at a much lower cost than the private hospitals. Just saying as I haven't had that service myself.
  4. that is why I did not link any specific site, there are wat too many to begin with and people who are actually serious should read a lot of them to see the different sides of protein needed. One has to consider one's age and lifestly to begin with, then choosing a particular source not an easy game for sure. Good luck to all and good health.
  5. Yes, correct, I personnaly do 18/19 hours daily, never hungry and weight after 4 kilos lost (3 inches on stomach) has stabilized for 4 months now. But, I also have read that after a certain amount of time fasting, if one chooses a certain time every day, then the body will alter the burning of fat time and one might begin gaining weight so alter not the time of fast but the daily time of the fasting. Can easily do by skipping a meal regularly., Some folks actually fast for 7 days, 3 days instead of just hours. Learn to stay away from extra sugar on anything or any sugar at all. best dieting books available are those of Dr. WIlliam Li - eat to beat disease and eat to beat your diet. Not a straight out diet book but about all healthy foods - luckily all seem to be available here in Thailand.
  6. google "how much protein does one need" there will be numerous sites providing you with the amount of protein based on age, health, lifestyle, diet. There will be sites providing protein amounts in various foods, i.e. fruits (very little) veggies, meats, seeds, etc so you can plan what to eat when necessary to have more or less protein.
  7. yeah every year it only seems to worsen as they claim that they are doing more each year to stop it! Sirta kuje sine if the other promises we fail to see them keep. Oh well, it still is paradise, just not with a capital P anymore
  8. yeah, I view the local tnn thai news weekdays at 6 AM and they show the wind directions so have seen where they come from but with the same old ways of clearing land for planting, searching for mushrooms, industry, etc We are basically surrounded by the pollution producers even if they convinced all the locals to cease the burnings, I flew up from bkk to NKP many time 50+ years ago and can easily recall how it was just about impossible to view any land as the smoke covered the whole north eastern area. Once the burning starts, the NASA satellite picture makes Thailand almost totally red with active fires.
  9. well they sure did a lot of exercise daily in the large lot running and jumping plus playing with our daughter for hours. I learned that have developed quite a bit of vocabulary and can understand when I talk to them knowing what they are familiar with. Anyway not my choice of dogs bu this is my second family and we had our share in the first family so I let these two ladies choose and paid dearly for them. Vet continues to say they are healthy and appear happy,
  10. well, if one reads the informaion that they have on their web page, it talks in several paragraphs about the tax paid document needed to depart the country. They could just say, "hey, it is in all our instructions" so folks cannot really say they don't know what they are talking about. But of course, that same document could be used for extension of stay also.
  11. Ours are long haired Siberians too. The ancestors according to our neighbor who raises them, have been in Thailand for many generations. Our spend really hot weather inside with a/c too but have slept outside in their own very large dog house buildt from some company in bkk. Their dog house coms equipped with fans and they seem to sleep well. Now, even at 11 years old they do not sleep with a/c and during winter time no fan even, they do wear a "shirt" during really cold nights and never seem to have any problems with that.
  12. Yeah the real problem being with the TRD - then the BOI benefit of no tax on foreign income, exempting such income so it actually doesn't become assessable or if they do want to do that way, then they need to amend the instructions on the filing forms and correctly id'g assessable income that is exempt by what means. This of course is logical to us but to the trd officials I think requires too many brain cells to decipher it easily....just wait until new tax forms come out, then immediately followed by the world wide income tax scheme really screwing up all the trd officials around the country.
  13. I do believe that the TRD has to authorize that 13-digit number for actual tax ID but since I will never have one anyway I only know what some folks here say and we know how that goes.
  14. Unless you have humongous lungs and a deep deep sea diver, don't even try to hold your breath until some guidance comes out from Pitai & company. Or, maybe they did plan and have guidance and later forms thinking that the parliament was going to pass the new tax scheme in conjunction with the coprorate tax bill just passed. Seems several other news groups were told that it would pass together at the time that it was being separated and only the corporate tax bill passed.
  15. I have two Siberian Huskies since heir birth 11 + years ago and I can guarantee that none of my neighbors have ever heard them barking, especially late at night when they were housed (doghouse) outdoors even. I also never fear that they would ever bite or attack anyone except to get love and lick one's face especially kids. WE are near a construction area beign prepared and there are at least ten dogs that bark at night and engage in fights every night but I sure tdon't believe anyone here would poison them. I believe they all were former soi dogs and enjoying their current free and safe life.
  16. totally agree! just like fighting some trd local office to get a tax ID when one will LIKE IN MY CASE NEVER repeat NEVER have assessable income - US govt civil service pension (with documents proving same) and LTR unless they at some time in the next 9.5 years decide that foreign income is no longer exempt by royal decree.
  17. Hey someone who understands English too. I am sure that whoever wrote all those instructions sure did not wish to have their agents going through millions of tax forms with no taxes owed whatsoever. Have a great day!
  18. AMEN! exactly! in order to dile you must have a thai tax ID: the first requirement according to the TRD instructions is that one must obtain a tax ID number "within 60 days of having (NOW READ THIS) ASSESSABLE income" I rest my case until they change the rules - and letting us know - so I really don't think I will be still alive whenever they get around to advising us of any changes, especially since the changes are only going to be amendments to the laws and still have to be approved by the parliament - too many are tax payers so who knows if that will ever happen.!
  19. for 4myr: I checked the trd web site in English - the number one requirement to file for taxes in Thail;and is obtaining a tax ID number in order to do that - the number one requirement is "within 60 days of Having ASSESSABLE income" if one does not have assessable income then one cannot get a tax ID number unless one fights the TRD office!
  20. he says exactly what I have been saying - ss civil service pension if DTA specifically exempt it, do not need to file!
  21. Thailand only joined on FACTA recently, although it has been around since 2014 I believe, you can query FACTA and Thailand and it will advise of the exact joining year. That website also says your local bank should advise you of their working with FACTA.
  22. you can contact the "thai Revenue Dept English for the English version of the tax laws and obtaining a tax id, doing the forms etc.
  23. She should understand the legal things to do also - notify local police department of death of foreign national - she may have already done that notify the embassy duty officer of the death of an American Query the navy paying him any retirement annuity Query SS - prob the office in the Philippines Has his stateside family if any been advised of his death? If any then they may have contact of info or know what his status was. best of luck...the embassy has a web site and all the details about reporting of an American overseas I have it here somewher but is much easier to get from the embassy website especially if it has been update lately.
  24. well based on the forms as have been reported, they still say "assessab'e income" and exempted income unless it fits one of the examples given if it includes non-assessable income should not be filed on these tax forms. Why is the phrase "ALL ASSESSABLE INCOME" even used unless it is the very meaning of what the TRD wants from all the expats.
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