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Everything posted by bkk6060

  1. Looks like a massage parlor I have visited.
  2. Will never return to Philippines. A filthy hole with lousy attitude girls. AC is all Korean run and they have ruined the place. Big waste of time, Pattaya is much much better.
  3. Yeah, those idiots who own at Hiso Northshore must be having a blast. As mentioned, it is the land of noise in a party town. They could careless about what people think. Don't worry, it should only go on for another week.
  4. Seemed like a nice man, but really an unpopular President he left with a 34% approval and the worst inflation over the past 50 years. The psyche of the country was down, until Reagan came in, turned things around and was one of the most popular ever.
  5. Are you? It's ok.
  6. It is all about speed and phones here. Surprised he did not use the biggest lie of brake failure
  7. I have been told 1/2 of a Cannibis gummie works great.
  8. ? Not have.
  9. Thais have some strange thinking that they can park anywhere or pull out in front of anyone and the other driver should stop.
  10. Stay in good health and remain sexually active.
  11. cigarettes, booze and coffee may have killed it.
  12. Yes, I agree. Also, there is historical negative connotation about people being at the back of anything. You know, things like black people use to be placed at the back of the bus during Jim Crow. A liitle discriminatory in a way I guess. Business class, then premium economy, then the poor people in economy at the back.
  13. Because it is more important for them to get off the plane first.
  14. Why not use air bnb hotels now are kind of stupid and overpriced. Abnb has daily or monthly options.
  15. I am sure it is big money, but all over the world there is a big increase of arguments and violence by passengers on planes. How many of these are alcohol related? I am not against people drinking, but I think an airport is a very poor choice to open up more drinking let alone having alcohol available at all.
  16. Pattaya is crowded, but still some empty bars and restaurants and massage shops also. Too many think they can open and run a business not considering the over saturation.
  17. Don't think that is way too soon 70 is still good. Maybe make a new plan for the next 10 years. Things you want to do or places you want to go I am sure there is something.
  18. Dry cough I had it for 4 weeks trouble sleeping felt generally lousy so annoying. Soup yes. Finally went to the Doctor 3 days ago diagnosed with a sinus infection. He put me on antibiotics and just today I starting to feel better.
  19. I am not against some physical restraint with combative subjects, but that looks terrible. They will be fired and lose their pensions and probably go to jail. Sad and stupid.
  20. Have you had any claims? I pay 20k a year for Class 1 with all the idiot drivers it is the only way to go in my opinion.
  21. How many of you men ejaculated today? It is good for you cleans out the Prostate and studies show it can help prevent cancer. If you don't have a female partner masturbation is encouraged. Don't worry, God will not think you are bad. My moto is an ejaculation a day keeps the Doctor away. How bout you?
  22. Try going a little lower.
  23. I bet it will be record accidents and deaths. And sorry, it is not the police fault they are not driving the cars. It is poor decisions(phones), speed, following too closely. All made by people because they are uneducated, selfish, and simply don't care.
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