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Everything posted by bkk6060

  1. Only "alleged" drug dealer with 40,000 pills?
  2. Of courses. They love it when you come and spend big money for a few weeks but in reality, they don't want you to stay and especially not own their precious land.
  3. Cambodia is a filthy 3rd world dump and a tremendous downgrade from a Thailand lifestyle. The perfect choice for those who can't afford a decent quality of life and mostly seek cheap rooms and beer.
  4. Why didn't you clean the scuff off the wall? What else is wrong?
  5. Anyone who wants to live like a loser bum can do it here.
  6. 100k a month is about right for a full enjoyable quality lifestyle including hobbies and travel.
  7. Actually, you are. From Kidshealth.org: Most females will start puberty when they’re 8 to 13 years old, and most males will start between 9 and 14. But it can also be normal to start earlier or later.
  8. Yes, all the old poorly kempt Falang walking from Nurin setting up hunched over on the benches for hours inside Big C. I went with a friend who heard about a 800,000 b condo for sale there. I thought it was one of the worst places I have been in Pattaya.
  9. Booze can mess up and play big tricks with your brain. It can take several months for the desire to drink to subside. Most do not have enough will power to go that long.
  10. P Really? Haven't experienced this. If they "all" hate you there must be a reason.
  11. Wow, good for you. You ask them more questions? Depending on the girl and the amount, it could be worth it.
  12. Many of the economic and tax policies are out dated. I will probably buy nothing until the end of next year. Biden has been a big disappointment keeps saying everything is just fine. The U.S. needs a new President with fresh ideas.
  13. There is no rule that I am aware of, but in the past you would be flagged in the system with 6 exempt entries in a year and told to get a Visa for your next entry. You have 3 this year? You will probably be okay. Also, I think they are currently encouraging people to come why harass folks who want to come and spend some money.
  14. If they wanted a major economic boom and greatly increased property appreciation, they would open it to everyone with no restrictions.
  15. Yes, I pay much more then that for my tea bags now.
  16. It has been packed don't blame anyone for using an agent now. When I was there even with a number queue, several Russians looking scared pushing people out of the way trying to get their Putin war extensions. I have learned to be calmer, but I wanted to scream in their face.
  17. No transparency so who knows. As One more Falang said, people make things up. And, just using sq mtr. is not the full picture. What were the terms of the prior sales? Some now carry back part of the sale at low interest. What was the condition of the property? Upgrades with high end granite, flooring, appliances, etc.? Or, was it a S hole? I would speak with a reputable agency that has been in business for several years. Maybe get the best information.
  18. I avoid my neighbors. Good chance they will ask for a favor, try to sell you something, or knock on your door without invitation. Can make friends else where prefer privacy at my home.
  19. Sure seems like some embellish the claims about triple flight (300%) and hotel prices (300%). In checking flights for the next 2 months from and back to London many flights around $1000 USD. So, they were $333 before? Same times LAX to BKK round trip less then $1500 Eva and ANA some others as low as $1000 So, they were $500 or less before? And, triple hotel prices? Have not seen any of that. Maybe triple from the peak of the Pandemic but not 3 times what they were before. In fact, if one knows how to search for hotels there are lots of great hotels offers out there equal or lower then before. Maybe some need to evaulate their false claims I assume just because it gives them another reason to hate Thailand so much or they are so poor they just don´t have a few grand available to travel here.
  20. I have been going to her for the past few years. Very knowledgeable. The only issue is she is not a surgeon so any extractions will be on referral. I 100% recommend her for the inital visit, liquid nitrogen, body inspection and questions.
  21. It is really pathetic if anyone supports a place where patrons are selling, possessing and taking drugs. The place should be shut down permanently!
  22. Any place will do it I bet just ask they would love to walk on your back. But, as mentioned could be dangerous here a cracked vertebrae or cartilage can ruin your life.
  23. Lots of Bangkok Thais the lobby is jammed pulling at the new Space hotel in Naklua paying 5k to 10k a night for hotel rooms. I see the average being around 15 to 18 k. Many however, seem to be around or under that. Most if the Univ. grads will not be able to find a decent job at this time. If I was a female and decent looking, I would seek a job in the entertainment industry.
  24. The big problem with these food festivals outdoors is the heat and uncovered non iced food stalls. All the bacteria and quick spoilage especially with seafood that gets into the food it is one of the easiest ways to get sick. I would never touch the stuff some of it possibly sitting out there for 3 days. There is an extreme ignorance here about proper food preservation.
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