I recently ceased being friends with someone I've known for around 25-30 years.
Late 50's, similar upper middle class upbringing to me, public school education, very intelligent... now retired in Sri Lanka having married a French woman in HK, had two kids, moved to France, bought and renovated a few properties in a French Ski village. Got divorced, kids seems to hate him. Physically he's never been a very good looking bloke, always overweight, way too much dark body hair etc so I doubt he's had many sexual partners in his life. His wife was fugly to put it politely. He's not poor, and is building two villas on some beachfront land he bought in Sri Lanka....
Was an atheist, but a few years ago he started reading the bible and has now decided it's all true.
Now claims that the moon is just a projection or a hologram, thinks the Earth is flat with a dome over it, thinks the sun and stars are just light bulbs in the dome. Doesn't believe humans built the Pyramids. Claims there was a huge mud flood which is why there are buildings with windows seemingly below street level. And of course uses the term "they" all the time to imply there is a secret Govt cabal that is constantly planning ways to make life hard for normal people.
He believes so much utter nonsense that I told him we can no longer be friends and I've blocked him so he can't contact me.