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Everything posted by Freddy42OZ

  1. Hahahahahahaha That is the funniest thing I've read in ages.
  2. I recently ceased being friends with someone I've known for around 25-30 years. Late 50's, similar upper middle class upbringing to me, public school education, very intelligent... now retired in Sri Lanka having married a French woman in HK, had two kids, moved to France, bought and renovated a few properties in a French Ski village. Got divorced, kids seems to hate him. Physically he's never been a very good looking bloke, always overweight, way too much dark body hair etc so I doubt he's had many sexual partners in his life. His wife was fugly to put it politely. He's not poor, and is building two villas on some beachfront land he bought in Sri Lanka.... Was an atheist, but a few years ago he started reading the bible and has now decided it's all true. Now claims that the moon is just a projection or a hologram, thinks the Earth is flat with a dome over it, thinks the sun and stars are just light bulbs in the dome. Doesn't believe humans built the Pyramids. Claims there was a huge mud flood which is why there are buildings with windows seemingly below street level. And of course uses the term "they" all the time to imply there is a secret Govt cabal that is constantly planning ways to make life hard for normal people. He believes so much utter nonsense that I told him we can no longer be friends and I've blocked him so he can't contact me.
  3. When I lived there is had no Indians or Pakistanis, only Thai girls and a few western farangs.
  4. I do a lot of complex spreadsheets in Google Sheets and if I need to do any documents then Google Docs is more than capable.
  5. I ditched Windows for Linux back in 1990 or thereabouts. Linux is way better IMHO
  6. I lived there when I first came to Bangkok. Horrible place. Only redeeming feature was the price and location.
  7. Stem Cells are the new thing Jing.
  8. I have done it at Lotus's in On Nut. I cannot speak Thai and their customer service was excellent, plus I had already thrown the receipt away. But your experience will vary depending where you go. Just try, all the big ones have a dedicated customer service counter.
  9. I'm in around 20 different chat groups on Telegram, mostly people discussing crypto trading Around 100 of my friends use Telegram
  10. What did you pay for the bone graft?
  11. Cities all the way. I can't stand being out in the boonies.
  12. Do think a jet engine can survive having something like that sucked into its engines?
  13. Until Chiang Mai is as developed as Bangkok, it will, like most places in Thailand, be a 3rd rate backwater. At least some of the islands have nice high end resorts that attract wealthier (better) people.
  14. Quite a few of these comments provide a great argument for only living in high end Bangkok condos. Unlikely to see a rat on the 24th floor of a top condo. I've don't even get mosquitos or roaches in my place.
  15. Because the Thai Government doesn't have the willpower to crush the problem and so the lowlife scum preying on tourists and foreigners get to continue their scams. There should be undercover farangs and other foreign nationals, backed up by undercover Thai police, used to catch these scum and once caught they should be removed from society, preferably permanently.
  16. Can you see your abs? If not then you are too fat.
  17. You can't murder something that hasn't been born.
  18. Also the cyclist really didn't look like he was very agile, or confident on the bike. It looked very much like he was wobbling a bit before he came in contact with the bus.
  19. Take the train from Pattaya to Bangkok and back
  20. Take the train from Pattaya to Bangkok and back https://x.com/ThaiTrainGuide/status/1788725211631960327
  21. Get a car. If you are too old to drive get a car and hire a driver.
  22. I'm facing a minimum 500K bill for bone grafts, implants and replacement of already missing teeth plus some that will need to be removed. That is only for the bottom row. Top row will be a bit less depending when I do it and what is required at the time. I don't mind dentists at all and I can handle just about any amount of pain, I've just prioritised doing things I want to do over the inconvenience of giving up an hour of my time for dental appointments.
  23. I wouldn't want you teaching my kids.
  24. Yes, like over 1 claim every 2 month. Sure dude! 33 years is 396 month, so it's less than one claim per month. He said it's for his entire family, you have no idea how many people that is and little kids often need checkups multiple times a month when babies. Either way, I'm glad you're not my accountant!
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