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AgMech Cowboy

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Everything posted by AgMech Cowboy

  1. R.I.P. dear lady. I hope your passing was painless. And may God rest your soul.
  2. Hasn't threatened me. Did he tag you for something? That "everyone" hyperbole is a bit rich.
  3. If true and someone did that to me, I sure hope I could deal a blow back as Khun Sarawut did. It might dawn on the 'kicker' not to try that kick maneuver on anyone in the future.
  4. Nor is Hakeem Jeffries. Schumer is so far left he cannot even be called a liberal, much less a centrist.
  5. Only in your mind. I've never felt an awkward feeling of any kind. If you're a white foreigner, you are a Falang (aka farang to those who can sound out an 'r').
  6. The address is on the back of the Thai DL in both Thai and English.
  7. Nothing but a liar and a fantasy writer.
  8. Yes, I'm going to agree with the folks who gave confused, sad and laughing reactions to your comment. I don't understand what you're saying either. My wife many times only ordered the salad bar and I have also done so. I've seen students come into Sizzler and stack an unbelievable amount of salad on their plates. We were never embarrassed, nor were the students. I still eat at Sizzler about once a month, but only eat steak now. Which Sizzler, you ask? Fashion Island, but we use to go to the one at SCB Park Plaza, which has closed.
  9. I think I'd rather be put to death than to rot in a Thai prison.
  10. I agree 100% with this assessment. Hamas, has FAFO and although there are so many who have eaten the pill that Hamas is being persecuted and that genocide is being put upon them by Israel, they need to remember that there was peace until Hamas attacked. Should the US have just sunk a few Japanese ships after Pearl Harbor was attacked? No, it was war until Japan's complete capitulation. Millions of Japanese were killed, but it was not genocide, nor was the US accused of it. Israeli should not be either. Hamas has not been defeated and they are still parading their hostages making a mockery of the whole thing.
  11. Welcome to a world were there are no bleeding hearts for migrants, immigrants or tourist. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime. To stupid to research the penalties I guess.
  12. Cortisol, the belly, love handle and breast fat medicine.
  13. Good one, Crossy. That's a lot of knowledge.
  14. Check the air rates to Singapore and Malaysia. No entry visa is required to either country, which will save cost, if you're in Bangkok. Personally, I'd fly before hopping in one of those border run vans. Up to you. I'm glad DrJack was helping you, I don't think anyone else would have been able to get the 'whole' story. So you're waiting for your retirement deposit to mature, or that's what I'm understanding.
  15. You can postulate all you want. Kennedy has never said anything about stopping all vaccines. A mandatory COVID19 vaccine (which is not really a vaccine) for children is absolutely ludicrous (unless they are obese or have some other underlying health problem). I guess you haven't read too much about it.
  16. So sad. People can't tell the difference between fog and smog. I'm hopeful the driver and others will recover quickly and that they've got good insurance.
  17. The half time 'show' was unwatchable. (IMO) Although, I must admit 'some' of your assessment I agree with.
  18. Let the private market develop the electric charging infrastructure. This no different than the market that developed for gasoline and diesel. The government does not need to develop a charging system. (besides, look how little Biden's party got done).
  19. Shoot hotchilli! I thought it always was, not turning "into".
  20. If you have certification as a Neuromuscular Therapy, then you can advertise that specialty in Thailand. Yes, it does involve manipulation of muscles and ligaments, but it's not the same as a massage. If I were such a specialist, I'd be checking to see if it's restricted, because I do not believe that it is.
  21. You should look in the mirror of the Democrats. That ship has already sailed in California and it did so under a Democrat Governor and President. However, I'll not just point a finger at California. I think flood insurance supported by the US government in high risk area should be (and is in some places) severely restricted.
  22. I'm one of your agreers, yet this morning I couldn't be bothered to grind and brew. Instant will have to do. I bought a small jar of instant just for this situation.
  23. Ok, I'll bite. Why is this racist and what race is being targeted?
  24. I have not had a WP since 2012 and have never had a problem transferring money out of Thailand from Kasikornbank using a Swift account. Next time I transfer, if that comes from winning the lottery, I plan to try Dee Money. (I don't think WISE has the ability to do a THB to USD transfer).
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