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Everything posted by patman30

  1. patman30

    Cheap gym

    if you can get to a gym you can get to a park free beats cheap, enjoy the view
  2. not confirmed, but there are reports that 1 BRIC will be equal to $55
  3. i bought 2 APC UPS as read i needed them for 80+ PSUs they were absolute pooh, they made my office like an oven as they get very hot hence why they have fans to exhaust their heat and still when i had a power blip my rigs still turned off but still had power to them seems there is an issue with UPS or APC UPS when using 80+ platinum PSUs
  4. usually the laptop battery helps for this Plug your router into the UPS
  5. yeh this bit got me thinking....... surely there must be a bit more to this...🤔
  6. your pic is missing the odd green one there is always the odd green one lol
  7. This is likely in preparation for BRICS/CBDCs
  8. They mean Yaba (meth and caffiene) they recently advertised announced on the local news that the price has dropped 90% and is back to 20 baht a pop
  9. This change pretty much means nothing has changed, it is more like a Yaba promotion it will not make anyone buy a small amount of powder or crystal, especially when the seller deals in grams anyway to suggest it will limit usage is hilarious
  10. have they done any maintenance on the machine? if so what, and what was the cost? i could be tempted by such, but personally i would just learn what to do myself, unless it is already paid for
  11. i will type it again more slowly for you the internet requirement is what you bypass to install with just a local account and not a MS account i care about privacy i do not want to use an MS account for login or even just install, i do not want to have to unlock my MS account whenever they choose to lock it, which i have had a gazillion times over many years when they deem my activity as suspicious if i do not want to use a MS account, i should not have too (and i don't) there are also many people that do use computers offline for whatever reasons again and thankfully we are not the same.
  12. That is exactly the point, they will not be able to just send money home or bring back lumps without the possibility of being audited they will not waste their time on small fry but some farm girl who just bought her mum a 10m baht house may raise some eyebrows they can no longer just say the money came from elsewhere
  13. pretty sure not everyone is the same Many Thais who work abroad do so illegally, so YES they are not tax residents in the country they are working so no tax is paid on their earnings Thai gov wants a slice of that action.
  14. My drives are not old, we are not the same. no theory about it, windows does do this, the internet connection requirement is what you disable to install without a MS account and use just a local account this used to be as simple as clicking, "i don't have internet" but they removed that making it more difficult in recent updates luckily it is simple to bypass, OOBE\\BYPASSNRO via CMD during install you would be surprised how many do this, again, we are not the same.
  15. Let them take the meter learn to get by using less power at times buy a generator for emergency backup
  16. there was a lot of issues but this is expected with any new software, and windows have a habit of just releasing and let the public do the debugging, and this is where many will jump in and give it a try then decide they don't like it i don't find much wrong with win11 but on the surface there is not much difference from win10 but i only installed after issues were fixed but unlike yourself i had no joy with win11 on some low end or older machines, which i ended up running windows 8.1 as 10&11 were too laggy what i do not like is MS always trying to make it more difficult to install windows offline or without MS account
  17. first thing i had to do with win11 is bring back classic right click menu, new one is horrid and you just need click show more every time making it pointless. one issue to be aware of though is copilot and what they plan for future so far only limited to machines with certain chips but having the OS screenshot every single thing you do including screenshotting passwords, is way too intrusive when copilot is unavoidable, i will have no choice but switch to Linux
  18. Thanks for the link, Although they look very similar price does not seem too great compared to harvestright, i would just need deal with the import $2300 for 6-10lbs (84k THB upto 4.5kg) $3800 for 18-27lbs (140k THB upto 12.2kg) $5000 for 40-50lbs (183k THB upto 22.6KG) when i checked that website i really get put off by companies that do not like to display the price.
  19. yes i am aware of their use, as i said i have been looking at harvestright i am asking what model do you have? where did you purchase? cost etc?
  20. in a suitcase with a friend when they visit. otherwise expect to be taxed on the items NEW value $600 is 22,000 baht not 2,200 the stuff you mention it simply does not seem worth the hassle or expense any data on hard drives can be downloaded directly if you get someone to connect the drives try https://toffeeshare.com/ what are the items you cannot find here? as mic, monitor and HDDs are available everywhere and those are all you specifically mentioned and those are what do not seem worth the hassle if you do ship, be sure to include an invoice for every item
  21. many will pay the fee just for the convenience to not travel others will not pay the fee and take the opportunity to travel others will do whatever is cheapest like a border run
  22. are you certain it is once per visa or once per entry which is the norm
  23. i know this thread now a bit old, but i am interested what freeze dryers do you have, and cost etc? i have been looking at harvestright FD's
  24. we got pomegranate in a pot on the ground so roots can still go down lemon and tangerine we got in the ground but we dig big holes and fill with decent soil you can get the big woven baskets so if you transfer to ground you just dump it all in and the pot will just decompose over time all 3 are exposed in the sun
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