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Everything posted by patman30

  1. i never said it was but your statement said "those that NEVER pay" you were not specific to a single tax. i was also not referring to "benefits" i said "anything" another 🤡 on the ignore list
  2. As i said "it has been paid for" we all pay at some point or another.......VAT
  3. if coming for 3 months to see how you would like retirement here Then bring nothing as if you retire here you will likely not be flying home every 3 months to restock come here and actually see what it is like here without the little luxuries from home That said, if you are a tea drinker, a few boxes of your favourite tea in your case wouldn't go amiss i had a friend years ago bring me literally 10 years supply of tea bags, this was before they were easily available here.
  4. compare current bill to old bills for rate and usage knock off the main breaker and check the meter has stopped spinning if that is fine knock off all breakers and bring them back on 1 at a time, checking the meter after each one. my previous house used to be 5-8000/month so its not completely unusual is the house owned by an individual or company?
  5. many people from many countries do not get the fact that anything the government "gives for free" is not free it has been paid for, as governments do not have their own money.
  6. 10KW would likely be fine for most people providing you have efficient aircons what is more important imo is battery capacity for bad days and if using lithium ideally you don't want batteries fully charged to help longevity, this is not an issue with NiFe and NiFe can also be fully discharged, whereas Lithium you should shutdown when at 20% as for panels over your septic tank and soakaway yes you can but you would likely need more panels than that space provides i have 30 panels for my 15KW system, panels are roughly 1m x 2m when planning for your house, design it to have a large flatish roof you can find the optimal angles online, but most normal tiled house roofs are not ideal
  7. funny you mention 1 million baht house as i recently built a house for 1m, but then spent another 1m on solar, well, landscaping etc. lol although this was not by choice due to the restricted movement nonsense of past few years i had to buy my land and build blind so built a cheap house with intention of building new after a few years as you have the budget, you could have a very very decent solar system that will last many years (NiFe batteries being the expensive part) i too have concerns about solar being fixed in future which is why i plan to buy many replacement parts and store them and why i will upgrade to NiFe batteries knowing they will never need replacing for the same reason i want to build next house with shipping containers or box culverts to reduce maintenance costs in future and so i can do all the interior work myself, including electrics.
  8. They will own nothing, and they will be happy.
  9. rods are cheap, if you cannot find from the water heater just grab one and some cable and make your own earthed power strip PITA i know but solves your problem
  10. imo don't buy batteries or inverters that are not branded, you at least want a company to put their name on it 300k can get you a decent system, depending on how much you use yes inverters are sized, check the specs for how many panels you can use with inverter, volts and amps (don't assume based on watts)
  11. there is no guarantee of this and with inflation it will be the opposite imo hence, why i always advise NiFe batteries they may be more upfront now, but you are covered for 50 years at least i do also plan to buy and store panels and inverters for inverters my concern is needing to replace only 1 and company has moved on to newer incompatible models
  12. one other thing i have mentioned in another thread depending on your daytime usage, it maybe beneficial to have a few panels angled west this would be for off grid mostly but what this will do is give you more sun at the end of the day so you start discharging your battery later meaning the battery is needed for less time you cannot really know this beforehand though, but as you are doing work yourself it may be wise to plan for this so you could adjust a few panels if desired
  13. some of us need more than just a fan and a light i have off grid solar as i need power 24/7 and i do not want a smart meter near me. i can not depend on an unreliable power supply from the grid. for a fan and light you do not even need a solar panel, just the battery or a UPS which you could keep charged from grid
  14. one thing that would be good to know is your budget? i have OFF GRID solar, 3 x Growatt 5KW inverters with 60KW felicity lithium batteries (felicity now have an office in BKK) as you are building new i highly suggest these aircons FTKZ* from daikin (you can find cheaper online) these aircons have the highest seer number i could find (seer = efficiency) if you want off grid, imo more storage is better than more panels and ideally you should aim for 4-5x storage if using lithium go as big as you can afford really as lithium like to stay between 20-80% for longevity as you are concerned about ongoing costs after you are gone (and as you plan to do work yourself) i suggest you look at NiFe batteries, they cost about 2-3x as much as lithium however they will last 50-80 years or more so cheaper in long run i plan to replace my lithium with NiFe batteries, NiFe batts are quite big so you need to think of this in your house design 1200ah are best value, for a 48V system you would need 40 cells for a 48v 1200ah battery as NiFe come in 1.2v 15KW should likely be fine for most people, i run allsorts on mine, washing machine, fridge 2 chest freezers, electric hob and a bunch of computers and multiple aircons 24/7 be sure not to have more panels than the inverter can handle, this is done often here as you usually only get 70-80% on a good day, some people add a few extra panels, but you are risking blowing the inverter on a perfect day. on demand water heaters are the way to go if using off grid solar, and if water is too hot to touch then you are heating it too much also for when you are gone, you could always buy some additional inverters and panels and store them for future use, you shouldn't ever need new NiFe Batteries
  15. he could try Colombo, but it sounds like he may not have funds to waste trying, i got a couple visas at Colombo in past, The locals get refused a lot, which had me concerned first time i went There were no other foreigners there when i applied first time i asked the guy working there if METV was possible (when it had been stopped everywhere else) his reply "for you (foreigner), you can get any visa you want" obviously a fee is expected. As the 400k in bank is a new requirement when getting visa outside of TH it could easily be overlooked for a fee at the right place But Thais can work and earn a salary.🤷‍♂️
  16. Yes, you pay amazon all import fees upfront, and they refund a little usually
  17. Lightning LOL i already addressed LN above which is NOT bitcoin BTC has no use case as a global currency even if LN worked, how many years would it take just to onboard the worlds population? here is a clue, its over 42 years. El Salvador.....again LOL
  18. "ProShares, a premiere provider of ETFs, plans to launch the first bitcoin-linked ETF in the United States (NYSE Ticker: BITO) tomorrow, October 19, 2021."
  19. you are assuming that BTC would continue to rise in price, this is extremely risky. BTC has no use case and is impossible to become a global currency mining reward is to be replaced by fees, however BTC can not have enough use to do this or fees need to be very high without the transaction volume, BTC needs the price to double every 4 years, this is not a given. Then there is tether........🤷‍♂️
  20. before deleting win might be good to first try this debloat script from Chris Titus i use this on all installs to remove bloatware (it includes O&O shutup that others posted) for those not wanting to click the link, just paste the following in powershell iwr -useb https://christitus.com/win | iex
  21. People should read the blackrock ETF filing there are a few details that may make one pause before buying more BTC would never put all eggs in one basket and literally all markets are rigged. as for BTC buying that now means you need to see ridiculous prices for any decent gains the halving does not guarantee 2x price BTC cannot be used as a global currency as it is limited to under 500k transactions per day Lightning flaws have just been expoised qyestioning its security, with devs leaving the project (LN is not bitcoin BTW) if trading crypto for purely speculative fiat gains you would have a lot more poissible upside buying a bunch of 💩coins, rather than BTC
  22. if i didn't do any research i would not have changed from running LAN cables to fibre cables as my original intenmtion was to run LAN cables go troll elsewhere or at least back up your arguments another 🤡 on the ignore list have a nice day.
  23. so you have nothing.????‍♂️ as i said not something i wanted to take a chance on and i certainly wouldn't trust an AN members recolection over like the entire internet....????‍♂️ that said i fully understand consensus means nothing when it comes to truth i politely asked for your truth, but you provided none????‍♂️
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