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Everything posted by patman30

  1. This is the problem right here, thinking it is about what we are told it is about for my comments i am specifically referring to burning of plastics and the toxicity to those around you i do not care about "carbon footprint" as i understand how backwards this mentality is CO2 = life i do not live completely off grid and nearly self sufficient for any such reasons. don't be fooled by the nonsense that is put out in order to impose more tax and regulations and as far as EV drivers go.... there are reasons to buy an EV saving the environment is not one of them, and thinking you have the moral high ground because you drive one is just asinine
  2. i was more referring to toxicity to those around you if you can smell it then it is inside you i did forget to mention for you none of this is a worry as you drive an EV so when you are out on the road everybody will know there is a "good person" that is better than everyone else behind the wheel as i said there are other ways, we are right in the sticks and have no need to burn toxic plastics
  3. What i read..... and not all plastic packaging can be sold for recycling, which is the trash you burn. anything that is biodegradable is not trash, really not much else apart from plastic packaging that is not biodegradable
  4. Burning plastics is very toxic, there are other ways we simply bag ours up and simply use a public bin whenever we are out we also visit the FIL once a month who gets our plastic trash if we have any we are totally off grid, and there is no trash collection where we are. we DO NOT burn toxic plastic trash (or anything else for that matter) "Hypocrisy - the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform."
  5. lots of BS around recycling, when you pull up at the gas station, you see the 3 bins for recycle or normal trash if you sit there long enough you will see the guy come and collect the trash from all 3 bins and put it all in the same cart. most recycling is virtue signalling or just another way to fine the public The big problem with recycling is the cost or energy needed to recycle can be more than producing new
  6. Colombo, Sri Lanka. But takes 4 days, so you can take a trip for 3 days somewhere go see Tea Plantations etc then pick up passport and then can take a trip down south to the beaches if you want to stay longer they do now also have an airport down south, so possibly will not need to travel back to Colombo for return flight not been for many years, so cannot comment on current flights, or visa services but previous visits was told "for you (foreigner) can do any visa" for a fee of course.
  7. where did i say this does not happen? As i said most people ignore the fact that Grab drivers get paid very little while the tech company takes a chunk all the customers care about is cheap cheap price Thank you for proving my point.
  8. Grab drivers make so little they cannot afford to sit in traffic burning fuel. Customers always love the cheap cheap prices but most people are unaware or ignore the fact that apps like, Grab, Bolt, Uber, Lineman etc pay the actual person doing the work very little while the tech company takes a big chunk the companies do not care about the workers or the turnover as they know there are plenty more people desperate enough to have a go One thing you can do to try and help avoid drivers wanting to cancel is tell them in advance what their tip will be Many people do this anyway to get the ride accepted quicker where demand is high but personally this should never be needed, as this just allows the greedy tech company to continue being greedy
  9. Get used to it as this is becoming the norm. Not just airlines, but many companies have resorted to bots for customer service, and now chat GPT is available to use it will only become more common and widespread.
  10. Once the new railways are fully operational it will be the end of the line for many Thai Businesses.
  11. ALL Ibis Hotels allow dogs under 15kg iirc you can also try PetFriendlyThailand and BringFido
  12. i have not read the bill, maybe they will take a different route and only allow licensed pharmacies to sell, it sounds like it is all about licensing, basically you need a prescription....cough cough that is same as US but then they made cards instead of repeated prescriptions i doubt they would want to lose the tax they are already receiving and as you say nothing against possession and consumption it is just the trade they are going after so if they continue to let licensed weed sellers sell, they will need a way for that seller to verify it is for buyers health otherwise they make it prescription only....cough cough and it just gets sold at pharmacies other possibility is this is just an extra tax that goes into different pockets just have to see how they apply the fine and whether it is applied the same to all as 60,000 will be affordable by busy shops just like craft beers brewers paying 10,000 Baht fine every month this would also very much favour the bigger operators and make it difficult for smaller competition to get going they could easily corner the weed outlet market like this
  13. Agreed, it will be hard now and they should rightfully see a lot of pushback i expect what this is for is to bring in "medical cards" like they have in the US first you go to the doctor next door and pay 500 baht for a card then you can buy later they can then easily implement limits for card holders etc. i could see them taking it a step further here, like the card is only valid for certain outlets or areas depending where you got the card
  14. for cold storage, you can also skip the fancy hardware and simply keep a list of private keys on an encrypted spreadsheet and copy to a few USB sticks and SD cards (obviously nothing lasts forever, of course USB/SDs will need replacing in 5-10 years)
  15. full size stand up genuine stern pinball, not a digital type, my wifes fave table is theatre of magic but to import a pinball is a headache if you can even find an importer and to import parts and build a replica would cost about 1m baht before any import fees so i just went with a new collecters edition TMNT seemed fun with the spinning pizza you can buy brand new pinballs from thailand pool tables i think current delivery time is 8 months though, it may now be back to 4 months they basically have all sterns new tables for order but do not expect all models/editions to be available and do not expect to buy a collecters edition unless ordering prior to release Premium editions are same as collectors but different artwork and not limited to 500 the pro versions are the basic version but usually miss a few features the home versions are the cheapest and miss a lot but only a few models have home editions Pinballs are not cheap especially here and you will also need to buy additional rubbers from US/EU too plus any mods you may want due to cost if you do think of purchasing a pinball be sure to checkout some pinball forums to get pinballers opinion on the table
  16. Pinball, TMNT collectors edition it was a birthdy present that she had to wait 6 months to arrive due to delays, without knowing what it was when it arrived she did not do anything else for 3 days solid, i mean nothing else luckily the MIL was with us so the dogs and i got some food lol
  17. when i was looking at inverters for my own setup a 15KW inverter (i forget the brand) was 3x the cost of my 5KW growatt inverters
  18. it is not "free" if govs were concerned as much as yourself we would all have cheap nuclear power
  19. if you look into the electrolyte it is very simple to make and not needed often your comment about performance, well i have the same opinion when it comes to lithium not to take manufacturers claims as 100% and performance may decrease for any reason but one thing that is for certain is performance of lithium to point of failure will occur faster than NiFe as for cost, NiFe work out much cheaper in the long run. one issue to think about is yes solar sellers will be negative about NiFe (negatives that i easily addressed above) there are not many businesses today that sell products that guarantee the customer never returns and nobody is really talking about the general domestic house user, the grid is fine for them. Note, i made typo in previous post, NiFe come in 1.2v not 48v hence needing 40 cells for a 48v battery
  20. most of those disadvantages are non issues and that article is from a company selling solar systems with tesla powerwall batteries of course products they do not sell are not as good as ones they do sell in their opinion 1. Cost, yes they cost more upfront but last much longer 2. Efficiency, yes they are not as energy dense, so will be bigger, yes they have self discharge of 1% a day which is not an issue if charging daily, Yes they come in 1.2v meaning you need a lot more cells for your battery again meaning you need more space 3. Ventilation, Yes they release hydrogen, easily resolved with good ventilation, not an issue for a new build that can ensure ventilation is part of the design 4. Compatibility, Of course you need to ensure all working parts are compatible. 5. Size and weight, yes they are big and heavy, again not an issue with new house build if designed to accomodate 6. Maintenance, Yes they require topping up weekly, but this ensures they work for 50 years, there are guides to make auto refillers online and some products coming to market to automate this for you. for cost comparison, you can find 48v 1200ah NiFe batteries for $450/each for 40 cells this would equal $18,000, which is ~652,000 THB (before shipping) i recently purchased a 48v 300ah lithium battery for 81,000 THB so 4 of these today would cost 324,000 THB
  21. for 10KW system you would most likely run 2 x 5KW inverters parralel you can run upto 6 inverters like this so adding another inverter and panels later is not a big issue you can get 10KW and 15KW inverters but if that one inverter has an issue all your power is gone using multiple inverters, if one has a fault you still have the others for some power while the faulty one gets fixed or replaced
  22. i never said the receiver of funds have paid i said "it has been paid for" my ignore list getting full of 🤡
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