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Everything posted by patman30

  1. the suggestion of a can with marbles or whatever is a great suggestion but this is essentially you training the dog one thing you must first come to grips with is if you want your own way it will likely cost you one way or another once you get past that there are a few things you could do firstly i would go ask the neighbour if you can inspect where the dog sleeps etc going by the dog being quiet a night or two after talks suggests the dog is kept inside for a night or two now many would disagree with this but if the dog does not have a secure kennel outside (i assume it doesnt as Thais want dog for security and its barking at night) offer to get the dog a kennel so the owner can keep him in the kennel at night this is also a simple way for the owner to train the dog, if he barks for nowt, he goes in the kennel doesnt need to be flash but decent size for the breed obviously or buy them gates or something to keep dogs inside the house in a corner by the door etc most dogs will sleep during night if inside or in a kennel (8 of mine stay in their own room and are quiet all night) another option is to speak with the owner and offer to subsidise dog training at a local training kennel the owner may be very welcome to such a solution if those fail, get a lawyer to contact them in writing, police can do nothing.
  2. Exactly tech is here, i could possibly seek to make it on online thing as i have access to developers i think it could be like a new branch of gaming using RC cars for real physics
  3. yeh would have been 2017-2018 when i last went by there as i moved near there looking at the FB page it reopened in June 2017 i would expect it would take a lot of time and money to get something like that going again as a business i will probably make a track on my land first but will consider buying a plot to make a decent track etc what i would like to do would be have cars with 360 cams and drive by view (headset)
  4. no idea, not in pattaya anymore but it was still operating last time i was by there (i think was also closed before and then reopened) sadly any such biz now is hit or miss since the nonsense restrictions of past 3 years occured thanks for the info i wouldn't mind building something similar for my son but that would be a few years away
  5. Pitstop on darkside for RC cars and also as bbka stated there is a rc plane club right near the elephant village
  6. how many small bikes on the road compared to big bikes?????‍♂️ enough now, you clearly have some big bike superioroity complex goodbye
  7. i did not cherry pick anything i quoted you on the following which was an isolated sentance. "Smaller bikers rely more on others do look out for them and respect them while big bikers rely more on their own skills. " a bikers skill is not dependant on the size of bike they are riding, maybe what you meant to say was bigger bikers are more easily seen by other drivers a riders skill level does not improve simply because they ride a bigger bike which is what your statement implies.
  8. the riders skills are not dependant on the size of the bike.????‍♂️
  9. your metaphors still don't apply if you are TTP out of someone use that as your first response instead of insisting you are using metaphors to describe something i don't know who EH is, don't care to search either and i am an expert on nothing i am however a part of something quite significant in this area that will launch soon which is beyond anything available to the public today. maybe we should both not assume so much.
  10. i was only asking about this special skill that magically dissapears if one rides a small bike......
  11. sell it all, transfer the money to here, and buy land, gold, silver for the wife. (too much uncertainty atm with economies and currencies) avoid her having headaches and expense when you are gone. allows you both to enjoy it while you are still here. you could most likely setup a small resort for her with the funds
  12. really confused by this comment, do you think riders of small bikes rely on drivers to see them but you have some special skill alerting other drivers of your presence? or when you say skills you mean loud engine? each to their own and different bikes for different scenarios in traffic a small bike is much better long distance on open road a big bike sure a long time ago i had a nouvo modified with 250 parts 2 NOS tanks, it used to blow seriously (sorry no pics) acceleration was nuts and could easily do 140km, but was still a nouvo so i could get through traffic no problem would i ride it long distance, hell no not that kind of bike, but when i was riding nobody was passing me by that was for sure
  13. Exactly. If most of the inputs come from "moderated" sources the output will be no different. The sad part is so many peoiple are using chatGPT thinking it is some miraculous intelligence that can give them all the answers and then they get a warm fuzzy feeling inside when chatGPT reinforces their conformity ????‍♂️
  14. "AI" is not what you think it is what we all think of as "AI" is actually "AGI" current "AI" does not mature, learn and become wise, it does not have general intelligence it is just a boat load of inputs to get an output whoever controls the inputs essentially controls the output.
  15. fix a bluetooth speaker with small solar panel to a lampost play the spanish national anthem on loop (daytime only) watch the rest of the village sort it out????‍♂️
  16. Here in Thailand you need to water down/thin the paint yes manufacturers usually state CAN water down 5-10% the issue in here is evaporation, the problem with painters is they may water the paint down a lot just once before they begin and many just assume 2 coats is enough without standing back to check ideally the paint should have a touch of water/thinner as paint is being used when its exposed to the warm air when painting you can literally feel the paint has thickened over 10-20 mins or so even when using small amounts taken from the tub/tin
  17. mosts houses do need repainting every 3-5 years, especially when not done great to start also stuff like house design, location comes into play with how much is exposed etc you should be good to budget for every 5 years imo and if you use the same colours, it is not so expensive, as less coats will likely be required
  18. expensive primer and cheap top coat is better than cheap primer with expensive top coat thing is the walls have already been painted so the paint you apply now is only as good as the coats underneath one thing you should do if concerned about what is already up is jetwash the walls not saying get everything back to bare but get rid of any paint that may peel later or is already peeling of course you could get back to bare and make sure all is done properly but this would likely mean doing it yourself preparation is key, but i am yet to see a decent local painter that preps everything most do as little as possible to get paid (like everywhere) and once a fresh coat of paint is up, the house will look lovely for a while
  19. so they have a problem with Chinese organized crime gangs entering Thailand on tourist visas and to solve this problem they make it easier and quicker for Chinese people to obtain a tourist visa
  20. whatever the percentage it is a thin line between that number and zero first few years here in Pattaya i quickly got tired of talking to ferangs as 99% would not want a conversation all they would be interested in was finding out how i made money and if they could do the same and beer and bar girls obviously as it is everywhere, those who are actually worth conversing with, usually don't have the time.
  21. he was referring to the actual meaning of the word pedophile the teacher is guilty of underage sex with a minor "Pedophilia, in conventional usage, a psychosexual disorder characterized by sexual interest in prepubescent children"
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