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Everything posted by patman30

  1. why not increase storage and be completely off grid? why continue to depend on the grid?
  2. Probably for the best. test is easy AF, and no study required (they show you the video beforehand which has all the answers you will need) i had the same Q reworded 3 times when i done the test
  3. not bad price, what is the quality like? usually i catch up on Rugby next day on rugby24 not many games will be played at reasonable time to watch live here i was planning to watch some on ITV and RTE with VPN but quality looks pooh, but catch up streams are also a little hit and miss
  4. you mean you spin your meter backwards, dangerously exporting to the grid without permission/license but then night time you revert back to depending on that dirty fossil fuel grid power? 8k baht so you got what 15KW PV, but no storage?
  5. Off grid solar? or still dependant on the dirty fossil fueled grid?
  6. and how many of these result in the car being written off? oh you don't have any numbers......????‍♂️ so quite common you don't ever hear about it....????‍♂️ 1. this would likely be discovered easily especially with newer cars, i have had wiring faults 2. ignites dry leaves, that is not the car catching 3. most modern cars have after-run cooling 4. obviously not the car completely irrelevant comment TBH, no stats and just drivel for you to reinforce your belief
  7. but but but last month AN members said this never happens anymore everyone comparing stats, what are the numbers for ICE cars Combusting when parked with the engine turned off, writing the car off? not just "a fire" which could be small or easily fixed, but where the car is written off while parked.
  8. do not let the girls know this pretend you are on holiday and dont let them know you speak a word of Thai expect dissapointment compared to 20 years ago expect everything and everyone to be expensive might aswell stay the Queen Victoria on Soi 6
  9. patman30

    Head or Heart.

    imagine thinking all she was doing was sleeping with the guy The man is 88 years old, as you state past expectancy in many places i am pretty sure she would be doing a lot more to care for him chances are more likely she was basically his 24/7 nurse/cook/cleaner
  10. not your business, so why care if your own place you can run it how you please same for said coffee shop, the owner runs it how they please as i mentioned already, times are hard, owner may be grateful for the few coffees sold the shop might have been empty except for a grumpy old ferang in the corner so the owner might not have worried so much..... if the place was upscale or thriving with customers it would be different
  11. Seems you are mistaken. as i said, times are hard, if the place was thriving or upscale i am pretty sure they would be asked to leave and this convo wouldn't be happening
  12. it is not his business as in it is not his coffee shop people should focus more on themselves if the OP does not like the atmoshpere in that coffee shop there are plenty of others nobody is "attacking" the OP what is it with the "i am so offended" crowd these days.... you hounding me now ?
  13. i don't eat such poor choices of food anymore the biz owner could just be happy to get a few more coffee sales, times are hard
  14. patman30

    Head or Heart.

    maybe you dont read my words correct i said, without details one could easily assume...... i am making a point, just like you assume there must be some other option and to me you injected your negativity into others comments you see one guy commented implying she would not have to be alone and sad another meaning, live for today and enjoy the now while you can and last and this one is obviously referring to the fact the guy has just gone home and left her to fend for herself, long distance relationships are possible even at 88 and clearly the guy is not in a position to continue to support her financially so the poor lady may be better off finacially with someone else. you are assuming the guy is a saint, i dont see any toxicity in those comments
  15. i should include /s in my posts so you know its sarcasm my point was more, just mind your own business and enjoy your own coffee its not your business and its not something to cry about online if they spoilt your atmosphere, then just go elsewhere
  16. no i wouldn't, as i wouldn't care, its not my business, but i also wouldn't go online crying about it just to bash others in an attempt to make myself feel better fish & chips up the road?????
  17. patman30

    Head or Heart.

    why are they toxic? without any details, one could easily assume a poor woman who has been in a faithful relationship for who knows how long will now be facing life alone, as he decided to go home and not come back now things could be very different but lack of details leads one to assume personal i hate the common farang attitude of making sure she cannot get my money so i have the option to jet off whenever i want and leave her stuck, penniless or holding debts attitude many have here, but thats just me.
  18. Maybe if the sign said "不允许携带外食或饮料" they would understand. Did you not translate for them?
  19. you don't need an air fryer or any machine to make yoghurt room temperature here is fine enough (as others have also stated) bacteria thrives at 37C i usually make mine at night and just cover the pot with a few tea towels then it goes in the fridge in the morning
  20. There is only one place local to mine they make ok noodles DM for details, i can hook you up or you can just log into your other accounts and self promote
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