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Everything posted by patman30

  1. one thing that would be good to know is your budget? i have OFF GRID solar, 3 x Growatt 5KW inverters with 60KW felicity lithium batteries (felicity now have an office in BKK) as you are building new i highly suggest these aircons FTKZ* from daikin (you can find cheaper online) these aircons have the highest seer number i could find (seer = efficiency) if you want off grid, imo more storage is better than more panels and ideally you should aim for 4-5x storage if using lithium go as big as you can afford really as lithium like to stay between 20-80% for longevity as you are concerned about ongoing costs after you are gone (and as you plan to do work yourself) i suggest you look at NiFe batteries, they cost about 2-3x as much as lithium however they will last 50-80 years or more so cheaper in long run i plan to replace my lithium with NiFe batteries, NiFe batts are quite big so you need to think of this in your house design 1200ah are best value, for a 48V system you would need 40 cells for a 48v 1200ah battery as NiFe come in 1.2v 15KW should likely be fine for most people, i run allsorts on mine, washing machine, fridge 2 chest freezers, electric hob and a bunch of computers and multiple aircons 24/7 be sure not to have more panels than the inverter can handle, this is done often here as you usually only get 70-80% on a good day, some people add a few extra panels, but you are risking blowing the inverter on a perfect day. on demand water heaters are the way to go if using off grid solar, and if water is too hot to touch then you are heating it too much also for when you are gone, you could always buy some additional inverters and panels and store them for future use, you shouldn't ever need new NiFe Batteries
  2. he could try Colombo, but it sounds like he may not have funds to waste trying, i got a couple visas at Colombo in past, The locals get refused a lot, which had me concerned first time i went There were no other foreigners there when i applied first time i asked the guy working there if METV was possible (when it had been stopped everywhere else) his reply "for you (foreigner), you can get any visa you want" obviously a fee is expected. As the 400k in bank is a new requirement when getting visa outside of TH it could easily be overlooked for a fee at the right place But Thais can work and earn a salary.🤷‍♂️
  3. Yes, you pay amazon all import fees upfront, and they refund a little usually
  4. Lightning LOL i already addressed LN above which is NOT bitcoin BTC has no use case as a global currency even if LN worked, how many years would it take just to onboard the worlds population? here is a clue, its over 42 years. El Salvador.....again LOL
  5. "ProShares, a premiere provider of ETFs, plans to launch the first bitcoin-linked ETF in the United States (NYSE Ticker: BITO) tomorrow, October 19, 2021."
  6. you are assuming that BTC would continue to rise in price, this is extremely risky. BTC has no use case and is impossible to become a global currency mining reward is to be replaced by fees, however BTC can not have enough use to do this or fees need to be very high without the transaction volume, BTC needs the price to double every 4 years, this is not a given. Then there is tether........🤷‍♂️
  7. before deleting win might be good to first try this debloat script from Chris Titus i use this on all installs to remove bloatware (it includes O&O shutup that others posted) for those not wanting to click the link, just paste the following in powershell iwr -useb https://christitus.com/win | iex
  8. People should read the blackrock ETF filing there are a few details that may make one pause before buying more BTC would never put all eggs in one basket and literally all markets are rigged. as for BTC buying that now means you need to see ridiculous prices for any decent gains the halving does not guarantee 2x price BTC cannot be used as a global currency as it is limited to under 500k transactions per day Lightning flaws have just been expoised qyestioning its security, with devs leaving the project (LN is not bitcoin BTW) if trading crypto for purely speculative fiat gains you would have a lot more poissible upside buying a bunch of 💩coins, rather than BTC
  9. if i didn't do any research i would not have changed from running LAN cables to fibre cables as my original intenmtion was to run LAN cables go troll elsewhere or at least back up your arguments another 🤡 on the ignore list have a nice day.
  10. so you have nothing.????‍♂️ as i said not something i wanted to take a chance on and i certainly wouldn't trust an AN members recolection over like the entire internet....????‍♂️ that said i fully understand consensus means nothing when it comes to truth i politely asked for your truth, but you provided none????‍♂️
  11. just don't use FB????‍♂️
  12. try mims.com
  13. one end used to have a lane for baht buses to drive the other way years ago they also tried to make it 2 ways on 1 or 2 days of the week it didn't last long, maybe a month if that. they also make it 2way when certain events are taking place.
  14. what testing have you seen? as nearly all links online state EM interference if run in the same conduit with recommended minimum distance of 20cm between power and LAN cables i was not running short distances, but about 100m total underground and also under a french drain not something i wanted to take a chance on, switching to fibre made pulling the cables easier too. in the past i have run multiple CAT5e LAN cables together and had cables fail after a few years testing may now show any problems, but how long is testing done for?
  15. on watsadu they advertise yellow and white for electric and blue, white and grey for water with white stated as for waste and grey for agriculture i assume the white pipes are mostly for indoor where they would be seen the differences yellow is expensive white for electrical is expensive and in metric size so cannot mix and match with other pipes/fittings and pipes come in 2m not 4m grey is cheapest but thin and lacks usual fittings blue is cheap lots of fittings available white for water costs a little more than blue but can be mixed and matched but have fewer fittings i recently had to run power, fibre and water run the water in blue, up till where the pipes will be exposed, which i then switch to white pipes so only white iis seen the power and fibre i run in white (water) pipes as they are much cheaper, and then used a few yellow fittings mainly as i could only get the needed fitting in yellow, but it also indicates its power cables in the pipe i do also have power cables running 40m underground through a 2" blue pipe, but then pipes switched to yellow or white once above ground not sure if the sparks would freak out, but i run the power alongside water with a french drain laid on top FYI you should not run LAN cables alongside power cables, i was lucky to find this out before running everything, fibre does not have this issue
  16. this is your problem, skilled/qualified plumbers don't really exist here like in other countries i had same issue in my last house and no way was i going to dig up all my marble floor on a guess in the end i just ran a new pipe around the house in the roof overhang and brought it in where i could as i had spare floor tiles for the bathroom it fed
  17. IGNORE all the ????s saying it's not enough, you are poor(er than them) my wife and i never spend 40k in a month on living expenses last year i sold all my condos, sold my nice big pool villa i purchased 7 Rai of land for 3m baht (you wont need 7 rai, 1 rai should be plenty as you are too old to care for it) i built a house for 1m baht (i dont advise this though lol) i spent 1m baht on getting a well with tower, landscaping and solar (only solar need be) we have no bills, and we grow food and have chooks and only expect to have more and more food and animals as time goes by 9m Baht is a great start, buy a house with a decent size garden, get solar installed even if only for daytime give the 40k/month to the wife and she will make sure all is taken care of and start looking after your health
  18. depends how much you use your PC how patient or impatient you are and how much power it draws and whether you care personally i never turn my PC off, it never goes to sleep purely because i am impatient my display turns off after 5 minutes though
  19. i usually search on my PC for this exact reason to easily translate reviews then once i have decided what item and which seller i grab my phone and order
  20. use bluestacks then install their android app on your windows PC????
  21. i was not referring to diet/zero but yeh agreee just nasty Pepsi max contains the most aspartame mountain dew the most sugar the companies are evil, and they produce tonnes of products between them research coca cola in south america in India some farmers used coca cola as pesticide
  22. coca-cola have also been "reducing sugar" in drinks but then replacing it with nasty sweetners like aspartame so you still get most of the sugar but some aspartame thrown in aswell coca-cola is poison, pepsi also
  23. it is extremely easy to make your own condensed milk (the clue is in the name) i too have searched for unsweetened, carnation stopped selling it years ago Falcon used to do an unsweetened milk, but now its unsweetened filled milk which contains palm oil all you need to do to make condensed milk is condense it put 2 litres of milk in pan on low heat and let it reduce till 1 litre of condensed milk remains, simples????
  24. Guy talks about fructose "table sugar" is SUCROSE (which is 50% fructose, 50% glucose) just to add the guy is also a foodie with a cooking channel (see comment above about crowd/boss/chef) i would advise everyone to watch "that sugar film" at least once there is a great section explaing what happens in the body when consuming sucrose Dr. Eric Berg on YT also got lots and lots of great info
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