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Everything posted by patman30

  1. not been there in years so don't know of new place all i know is 2020 i bought 10k books from a guy that cleared out the 3 or 4 solely bookshops in pattaya and jomtien that had closed
  2. So they travel with a GoPro, a DJi Drone an osmo mobile and a camera only the camera is "lost" (cough cough) "what the couple regrets the most is not having any photos to share with their followers." why take so many expensive toys and only play with the one?
  3. "used bookshops" cantebury tales is a guesthouse/restaurant that has book exchange last i recall haven't been there in years, stayed there a few times i was referring to the bookshops that used to be around pattaya
  4. i was a "tourist" for years just stating facts more than 6 months a year in ANY country and you are considered a taxable resident lucky for us Thailand has agreements with many countries so people are not double taxed.
  5. not disagreeing but a 6 months a year tourist is borderline taxable resident
  6. They all closed down, 2020 i bought a lot of used books, about 10k 5 baht a pop, from guy who cleared out the bookshops that closed he had tonnes he had no space for i used them for soundproofing a room but just sold that house, books n all
  7. Try reading the thread chronologically. "Your reply was to Confucius" who was replying to my intial comment which you can see quoted????‍♂️ looks like that round will need to be doubles and triples????
  8. exactly this i know a few people that have been told the same before 2020 some oil workers others just frequent travellers/on the move
  9. sadly it is the same for many businesses as you point out. It is made even worse by businesses founded on credit.
  10. @bignok is correct The OP made an small error in their statement This statement is false. "cost" is the cost to produce. i understand the argument above both right sort of due to OPs little error what the OP should have written is: i generally sell meals at 33.3% cost. So if it costs 50 baht to make, I sell it at 150. or i generally sell meals at triple the cost. So if it costs 50 baht to make, I sell it at 150. or i generally sell meals at 200% profit (gross). So if it costs 50 baht to make, I sell it at 150. you generally use the sale price as 100%, and work out the cost percentage from that not the other way around selling at 200% cost, sounds like making for 2 and selling for 1
  11. lol thanks saves me correcting them but i will give my thoughts on this every resturant i have worked in went on 25% food costs (UK, Fr, Es) obviously here this is a bit different, and (dumb) competition drives the profit margin too low and as you state drives them out of business rent and running costs can be cheaper too so 1/3 would probably be fine here typical biz model for many places in EU is 25% food costs 25% labour costs 25% rent, disposables, whatever else 25% profit That is basically what they aim for obviously you can make more or less on certain dishes but desired average is 25% i used to run kitchens, and have thought about opening something here for nearly 2 decades but the (dumb) competition just puts me off opening anything modest it is why we see so many open then close.
  12. that does not answer the question obviously PEA can connect you, and obviously you pay for new cables and posts if none already you said it is "compulsory" How so?
  13. Correct, for streaming HD that connection is fine and yes for most people gigabit connections are not needed (this goes to question about peoples desire for 5G, as we are already beyond what most need on all fronts) Cheers (i got no mojis)
  14. yet here you are still telling everyone.....
  15. what speeds are you getting on speedtest? i see a lot of these, maybe providers have been told to advertise actual expected speeds....? saying this for streaming you only need the connection to be fast enough for you to watch, that speed would probably be about right, faster speeds dont play the movies any quicker lol this is same for CCTV hard drives, they throttle the speed early as they know max transfer speed is not needed for CCTV Try Brave you are using a lot more than myself i have done about 15GB total since start of month and 3.3GB of that was downloading something just now
  16. AGAIN i never used the word "unlimited" and even then you are wrong the connection is "unlimited", only the speed is throttled after x use please do show me where i stated otherwise in the comment below
  17. as i said the DICTIONARY disagrees with you. regardless what authors opinions may be in the articles you read.
  18. The dictionary disagrees with you. doesn't mention "hate" dislike, disrespect but not "hate"
  19. what do you mean compulsory? have you found someone that gave you these dimensions? as others mentioned this sounds undoable pond will have steps, mine is about 3-4 meters deep and it is about 8m wide total with the water being about 6m wide the pond size/depth will be dependant on the digger being used. the good thing is you can use the soil to raise up other land
  20. although this is my backup connection, i have been on it for 2 months, absolutely fine, and thats using it for my mobile too not sure how you think ads take 5GB in 30 mins sounds off to me, how did you measure this? you can use ad blockers etc like the rest of us the speed will drop after the 70GB is used, which equals unlimited. obviously these are not for heavy surfing or streaming for that you get fiber installed
  21. sarcasm is just not the same when you have to spell it out for people the ones who brag about going big on the absolute dip (months after the fact) are usually full of it been in the space a minute, seen plenty of them.
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