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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. Ah, but it IS my business. My country sadly contributes to the problem that the US has along its borders, and my feckless Prime Minister does nothing to stop it.
  2. I assume that you have some statistics or surveys to back up those claims...
  3. Gonna start with the 1.5 million or so who are already under deportation orders. Then those in jail or on charges. Then the recent border crossers who are littering the streets. I am sure there will be some allowance made for those long term and genuinely hard working folks, but that is down the line a ways. First priority is to close the border, second is to get rid of the serious troublemakers as I said above. But there will be no tearing apart families. Families who see a member deported will of course be allowed to accompany that person back to their country of origin.
  4. Jing, you can stop campaigning. Or don't, it really doesn't matter at this point. Trump is your President-elect, he won both Houses of Congress, won the popular vote, won the Electoral College. Polling shows that Americans by a large margin support his cabinet choices and policy direction. Interestingly, by a larger margin than the election victory. Time to BOHICA and relax.
  5. The media reaction to the new reality in the US is hilarious. A panel on CNN went apesh!t when someone dared to say that Twitter/X is now finally a balanced place to have discussions. A hue and cry ensued, but ironically the data came from CNN itself. Twitter users identify as 48% Democrat, 47% Republican, 5% other. Can'T get much more balanced than that. Yet the left is so used to controlling the public narrative that any challenge is seen as tyranny.
  6. To avoid confusion, I find it easy to just think "fake" whenever I hear the prefix "trans". So, a trans man means a fake man ie. a woman. The issue here is womens' privacy and safety. Not just bathrooms, but gyms, changing rooms, and other places that are segregated by sex. It is done for women, not for men. And men with gender dysphoria or auto gynophilia should be prevented from using spaces and area designated for women.
  7. Actually, both are true. The GOP is a Big Tent party. Unlike the Democrats, who have devolved into catering exculsively to the limousine liberal class.
  8. Is it just me, or is the Musk Man giving off Christopher Walken vibes in this picture?
  9. The "ending work from home" is causing big chaos in Canada. Recently, govt workers were told that they have to be present in the office a whopping 3 days a week. You would think someone had sodomized their grannys by the reaction! Poor babies, actually having to go to work. I was honestly surprised that "work from home" was still a thing, since the WuFlu crisis ended a long time ago. DOGE is planning on the same thing. Lots of work from home people voluntarily quitting or taking buyouts. A great strategy.
  10. Absolute fvcking idiocy. There arent enough of the missiles to do anything but be irritating. But...they CAN be used to escalate the war, to be an excuse for ever more bloodshed. Whoever is running the US government is now bordering on criminal by doing this. President Biden forbade it for more than a year, yet suddenly now it is permitted? Utter stupidity, and an obvious attempt to sabotage the incoming Trump administration.
  11. True, but for the House and 1/3 of the Senate it is in 2 years.
  12. AG Bondi is a strong pick. She has the requisite legal background and is a very tough and smart lady. She will do yeoman work as Trump's 'wing-person'.
  13. Maybe she was the infamous 'player to be named later' in the Prince Harry/Megan Markle trade....
  14. Yeah, kinda. Anything I can do to contribute to the demonization. You forgot to call me 'stunning' though, as well as brave. You are slipping, my friend.
  15. Thought someone might bring that up. Harris wanted to be PRESIDENT, not a cabinet member. I will stipulate that Kamala was more than qualified for cabinet.
  16. You can stop campaigning. You lost. Nobody cares.
  17. No, because men in general do not feel threatened by women. Women, however, do often feel threatened and intimidated by men, which is why there are separate private places for women to use. It is a simple matter of biology. Men are bigger and stronger. Sex crimes generally involve men attacking women. If I had a 13 year old daughter, I would be less than pleased to hear that she had to share a bathroom/changing room/locker room with a big hairy tranny.
  18. Each member of Congress has a private bathroom in their office. There are also unisex public bathrooms available throughout the building. It isnt anti-trans, it is pro woman. Women deserve to feel safe in private spaces.
  19. True. Very little in the way of qualifications. Except being a prosecutor. And an assistant state attorney. And the Attorney General of a rather large state. Other than that, nothing.
  20. Smart guy, but always had the whiff of sleaze about him. I thought Gaetz might be used as a sacrifical lamb to placate the Democrats and make the other nominees a little easier to confirm.
  21. Possibly because he had also won once before that?
  22. I worry that the outgoing Biden team is simply doing all they can to throw sand in the works for Trump. Blinken talking about pushing all the supplies they can into Ukraine, this useless provocation that will have little impact... Ukraine cannot win without direct military aid (meaning soldiers in combat) from other countries. Which means at best a European war. Plus American involvement makes a global conflict inevitable. Obviously this is not worth the price. So, Vlad and Vlod need to sit down and hammer out something.
  23. True. And women are about 50% of the population. So it was a tad exclusionary. BUT... proclaiming only a Black Woman? Excludes 93% of the population. Much more problematic IMHO. It is a slippery slope that gets ever more ridiculous.
  24. Yeah, nothing wrong with taking a victory lap. Plus the Trump team is making sure that he stays in the media eye by making cabinet nominations and setting up for a smooth transition of power. Far different than 2016. And the egregious hypocrisy of those on the left is just too delicious to ignore. Chuck Schumer, for example, preaching for bipartisan cooperation. The same guy who said " I want to tell you Gorsich. I want to tell you Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price"> And the idiocy of people who, just one month ago, were claiming Trump was Hitler 2.0, setting up for a Nazi style regime. Suddenly they are lining up to bend the knee and kiss the ring. All ready to make nice and get all cooperative. Guess that means that all the fascist and nazi talk was utter BS, doesn't it?
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