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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. LOL. Nice cut and paste job, but Americans aren't buying it. You very conveniently left out that the pre-Covid economy in the US was fabulicious. Two buck gas, two buck eggs, sub 2% inflation, record low unemployment for minorities, border under control (to an extent at least). I wasn't a fan of the deficits, but you can't have everything. Now look at post-Covid Biden if you dare. Four dollar gas, three dollar eggs, 4% inflation, 7% mortgages on overpriced homes, people are squeezed.
  2. Back to Biden's fun speech at Morehouse- he claimed "I got more Morehouse men in the WHite House telling me what to do than I know what to do!" Actually, there are NO Morehouse men working for Biden in any capacity, and never have been. Yet more BS and lies from your esteemed President.
  3. Not at all. I wish that Gaza could be free. Truly free. Free to enjoy human rights, free to prosper, free for minorities and women to be the best they can be. And that cannot happen under Hamas rule.
  4. Hamas? Yeah, they are. I agree- murderous scum. Targeting all civilians really- the rockets they fire at Israel have no guidance whatsoever. They even fall on their own hospitals in Gaza, then they try to blame the Israelis. Scum indeed.
  5. Yeah, that damn IDF. They are so stupid that they actually let nearly a million Palestinians GO! Let them leave Rafah before killing them. So not only are they genocidal, they are morons- giving up such easy targets /s It's not a genocide, it's a war. Innocent people get killed in wars, seems a lot of people have forgotten that. Plus, the war would end tomorrow if Hamas surrendered and returned the hostages. So, who is really promoting the genocide?
  6. They support Trump for policy over faith. What, are they gonna vote for Biden, the so-called Catholic who loves abortion and trans women invading women's spaces? Lots of good, religious people in the US who don't advertise their politics. They just do good for their communities.
  7. Yeah, the bill that didnt actually close the border. I remember it well. But it can start simply, without the pork of an omnibus bill. Immediately deport anyone crossing at a location other than a designated crossing. Build camps.
  8. Yeah, like so many Americans die of starvation... in any case when he was campaigning he said that he wouldnt cut Medicare or Social Security. Seems reasonable to make cuts in other areas. No reason for the federal government to consume nearly 25% of the GDP is there? As for being religious, that makes a person thoughtful and moral in many cases. His position on abortion was a ban after the 20 week mark, which is in line with at least a large segment of the population.
  9. You are probably right, neither are in their prime for sure. That is why the VP picks for both are very very important. There is a substantial chance that the VP will be President some time before 2028. At the moment, all we know is that it is Harris for the Dems, and God help the world if she ever gets power. Remains to be seen who Trump picks. I'm hoping for someone reasonably sane, like Doug Burgum or Tim Scott, but you never know.
  10. It might. Now do you want to answer about Biden's deficit or keep dodging and weaving?
  11. Apprehensions, sure. And then....are they kept in detention until the cases are heard? This is where everything breaks down. Letting people go free in the country, providing hotels and food and health care and schooling...this is what draws people in. Detain, evaluate, then enter or deport. But immediately deport any who don't come through a port of entry. Start looking for illegal workers at Mar El Lago? Sure, why not. Then check the rest of the country equally thoroughly. I think each member of Congress should be the ones to voluntarily submit their staff and anyone they hire for inspection. Lead by example and all that.
  12. At this point, who knows? "I was lying then , but not now" is a hard sell at the best of times.
  13. Yeah, he overspent too. A sad habit that most presidents seem to have. But I will say that his worst pre-covid deficit was only about half of Biden's deficit last year. Any reason Biden needed to spend an extra trillion last year instead of trying to be at least a little prudent after the overspending that both he and Trump did during Covid?
  14. Really? Trump's first year in office, 300,000 illegal crossings. Last year in office, 400,000. Biden last year- 2.2 million. If not the military, then the National Guard. Finish the wall. Install minefields and other barriers where needed. Send people back. Discourage crossings and discourage the cartels who are involved in virtually every illegal person getting across. "Encourage" the other countries involved, from Colombia to Mexico, to cooperate. Offer aid if they play ball, sanctions if they don't. Deport when found. Charge employers who hire illegals when found.
  15. Or, how deep has he reached into his OWN pocket to pay for a single fish or loaf of bread for those he feels such compassion for? Easy to tell others how to spend their money, not so easy to spend your own.
  16. More pork than a Jimmy Dean sausage. Plus the big infrastructure bill was only a little over $100 billion a year. Now the remaining 1.9 trillion? Here's a radical idea- spend less, pay down the debt so that future generations aren't burdened.
  17. I could give you 2.2 million reasons why you are wrong. Closing down illegal crossings could be done easily- deploy the military to the border, and immediately return anyone crossing illegally to Mexico. The bill you are fluffing so hard was a piece of crap. Every illegal crossing only strengthens the grip of cartels, mafia, and criminals in central and south America. Nobody crosses without greasing more than a few palms along the way. Even so half of women and girls are violated somewhere on the journey. The US has to remove the lure of the situation. If you are interested, CNA (Channel News Asia) just ran a very well made documentary series following groups of Chinese who wanted to go to America. Followed them from Ecuador to Mexico to their final goal. Worth watching regardless of your political affiliation.It is called "Walking the Line".
  18. No, I am talking about Biden STILL running a 1.7 trillion dollar deficit in 2023. And why was he spending $6.4 TRILLION in 2023 when Trump spent 'only' $4.4 Trillion in 2019. What is the US getting for that extra $2 trillion that it is worth mortgaging the future for?
  19. Oh I know, it's part of the game. An extension of the whole jury selection procedure at the beginning of the trial. Lots of blogs and reports on the topic. Everyone is suddenly psychic...
  20. Didn't say I believed it. I said "the worry is"....
  21. The worry is that the 12 New Yorkers had made up their minds before the trial started. Possibly the defence is doing this purely for the appeal.
  22. There is something about the prosecution star witness admitting UNDER OATH that he is a thief and stole tens of thousands of dollars from his boss that makes this whole thing seem farcical.
  23. Very true. If you listen to his voice, all he has now is "angry Joe" voice. Even a few years ago he could show much more variation in tone and mood. Now all you get is shouty Joe or creepy whispery Joe. I guess his staff's "Operation Bubble Wrap" doesn't work 100% all the time.
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