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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. What do you mean by 'gone'? If Harris looks like she will win, I will definitely sell my investments in the US markets. But bail from AN? Come on, man. It's just politics.
  2. Yeah, and he is running against a woman who blew her way into politics and a coward who ditched his fellow soldiers when it was time to lead them in war. See, two can play at this game. Now, would you care to stay at least moderately close to the topic, or just play Duelling Insults about the candidates?
  3. Unproven and irrelevant. They all could have gone but all tried their hardest not to. Biden even took MORE student deferments than Trump. But if you think that something from 55 years ago is still fresh and relevant, go for it.
  4. Draft deferments were common at that time. Lots of young men who later rose to prominence used them- yes Trump, also Biden and Clinton and Cheney and Bush jr. The more that comes out about Walz, the worse it gets. Even his unit's chaplain was aghast at Walz' decision to quit at such a crucial time before his unit deployed overseas.
  5. Let's see what happens when Harris eventually releases her platform, or does a real interview, or holds an open press conference. So far she is running a brilliant campaign and using the MSM's support to full advantage. But hopefully journalists will begin to do their jobs soon.
  6. Her job as a US Senator from California was to bail out rioters in Minnesota? News to me...
  7. Vance got a helluva lot closer to actual combat than Walz ever did.
  8. Absolute BS. Border czar was a term made up by the MSM, and not disputed by the Democrats, to describe Harris' job. For 3 years it was in use, then suddenly....
  9. If you were a Biden supporter, so were you. Or a Clinton supporter back in the day, or Bush Jr. But those guys, for their sins, at least did not put their unit at risk by leaving at a critical time. Replacing a senior NCO like Walz in the weeks/months before an overseas deployment is almost impossible.
  10. The Guardsmen I trained with did one weekend a month, and a two week training course in the summer. Of course, YMMV. That is the minimum. There were also specialist training courses where Guard soldiers would train with regular Army for weeks/months at a time, but those were voluntary and depended on their particular MOS.
  11. Gotta disagree there. The Guard units I trained with were almost always very professional. They tend to be geographically based, so the men know each other in civilian life as well as military. It is hard to compare to regular service to the Guard. The problem is when people talk about Walz' '24 years of military service'. It is easy for folks to confuse that with serving24 years in the regular Army. That is why veterans invariably will be specific and say, "I was in the National Guard for ...years". And when politiical idiots try to compare it with Vance doing 4 years in the Marines? It gets silly.
  12. We can probably leave Trump out of the discussion, if you are capable. If. Suffice to say he took the same path that many did to avoid Vietnam- multiple student deferments, then when those ran out either a medical or National Guard stint or..... As I have endlessly stated, I have nothing but respect for Walz serving in the Guard. However... the timing and manner of his rather sudden departure are worthy of investigation. Especially since he suddenly decided to leave in the middle of his enlistment contract. Also, his conduct afterwards cannot be excused. Referring to himself as a veteran of OIF, as a man who carried weapons into battle, and so on. Also allowing others to use the same lies about him in the press and for political gain. Military veterans are famously very very precise about language when it pertains to their service. Walz knew exactly what he was doing when he chose to embellish (to be polite) his service and use it as a political tool.
  13. All of Iraq was considered a war zone in 2005. Ever hear of something called an insurgency? That is why everyone in the country was awarded combat/danger pay. There were no safe areas. Much like Afghanistan, where I had 2 family members serving. Moot point though, because Walz ensured that HE would never be at risk by quitting before his unit deployed. The level of ignorance of the military in this discussion is truly astonishing...
  14. Vance served in a war zone. Vance completed his full enlistment. Vance was a regular, not a "weekend warrior". As I have said, Walz server in the Guard honourably. But let down his unit in the end. As a senior NCO, he should have shown more responsibility and less selfishness.
  15. Like I said before, if you are ignorant about the military, perhaps you should try to learn a little before offering opinions based on a lack of knowledge.
  16. Ah yes. "B-b-but Trump!" enters the room. Hey, the Democrat nominee until 15 minutes ago did the same. As I said before, Walz served honourably for 24 years. Then it seems things changed.
  17. Walz had signed a contract for 6years of service, to end in 2007. He didn't honour that commitment.
  18. It's always amusing to read the uninformed opinions of people with little experience in military matters trying to sound knowledgable. Retiring in the middle of a contract, with knowledge that an overseas deployment is coming, says a lot about a man's character. As does pretending to have served in a war zone.
  19. Not a metaphor. At best a gross exaggeration. At worst a craven lie to embellish himself. Military people are very precise about language.
  20. Walz' direct supervisor in the Guard disagrees. He was on CNN and said that Walz committed to the deployment, then went behind his (supervisor's) back to file retirement papers with others higher up the chain of command.
  21. Quote from Walz on justifying a ban on assault weapons; “We can make sure that those weapons of war, that I carried in war, is the only place where those weapons are at,” He was never in war. He filed for retirement in May 2005. At that time, rumours swirling about Guard units being mobilized. A better man may have decided to put off retirement and chosen to serve with the men he trained with.
  22. If you have the timeline of Walz' retirement processing, I would love to see it. Even better to compare it to the timing of his unit being both officially and unofficially tasked to go overseas. Not sure about the US, but in Canada it is very rare to retire at the 24 year mark. 25 is much more common as benefits kick in at that point. But I am not sure, as I said. Aside from that, there is no question that Walz lied about his service on multiple occasions, and let others lie about it without correcting them. He wants to gain some cred for having served in combat and use that as a political advantage. He never served in combat, never carried a weapon in a combat zone, never served in Iraq or Afghanistan. Yet claims to all of those have been made.
  23. As did Biden . And Clinton. And Cheney.
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