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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. "The Atlantic" and "factual" are not usually part of the same sentence. Plus your childish personal attacks on the next President are rather embarrassing. For you.
  2. Yes, and I am sure you can easily provide evidence of all those nonsensical claims, right?
  3. Only if you are lucky. It is a sign that you are important if the Great Orange Leader deigns to put you in one of his camps.
  4. Heart attack due to over exertion. Either chasing after pretty girls, or running away from ladyboys.
  5. Only in your fevered nightmares. But sadly, you are not important enough to bother rouinding up in the Great Pogrom.
  6. Ah, The Atlantic. Paragon of unbiased reporting. Coincidentally, owned by one of Kamala's biggest donors. Article from General Kelly, who was fired by Trump. It seems obvious that the Harris campaign is in free fall. Their closing argument is "Orange Man bad!". Nothing about how they will help Americans. Next.
  7. This is also where lefties can put their money where their collective mouths are. They can support charities that would help women in those situations, they can lobby to change their state laws, etc. But my point was not abortion in particular. It was an example of where the GOP is becoming more of a 'big tent' party, while the Democrats expect lockstep compliance.
  8. These vacuous attempts to "understand" the mind of GOP voters are rather sad. There really is no attempt to do anything other than disparage and sneer. Also note that is is the left that demands absolute loyalty and agreement with their agenda. Example: abortion. The GOP includes pro-life, pro-choice, and many shades in between. All are welcome as long as they are sincere in their beliefs and willing to engage in an honest conversation. The Democrats? Name me a pro-life Democrat. And this is why the left is losing, and will lose in 2 weeks.
  9. Interesting you bring that up. NYC is now contracting an additional 14,000 hotel rooms to house the illegals still coming into the city. That is on top of the 15,000 rooms currently being used. Screw the native homeless or poor veterans, the illegals take priority. The city would rather pay upwards of $400 per family per day on the Biden\Harris administration's folly.
  10. Yes, interesting. Suddenly everyone on the left has a degree in Behavioral Psychology or Geriatric Medicine. Funny how they didnt deploy those credentials in the past 3 years...
  11. That is because minimum wage laws tend to create unemployment. Witness California. The minimum wage went up, thousands of workers lost their jobs. The labour market can determine the appropriate pay far better than the government.
  12. ...and this is why the Democrats will lose the election. Too much of the personal attack and not enough policy. The American people think the country is heading the wrong direction, by a large majority. And hectoring them about one of the presidential candidates won't convince them otherwise. Harris started her campaign with a message of "joy". I can see little joy left on the left. The recriminations and finger pointing have already started. Meanwhile, Trump is having a blast working the fryer at McUgly's and talking with normal Americans.
  13. Fair question. I think a combination of Covid, fear, desire to be comforted by 'normal' as represented by Biden.
  14. Ah yes. The all-important Cheney family endorsement. Dick Cheney emergening as the darling of the Democrats. I think Trump can do well without them.
  15. Enough people considered her a Democrat that she survived longer in the 2020 Primaries than Harris. And people actually VOTED for her, unlike Harris. SO forgive us if we don't consider your opinions too seriously.
  16. The more Kamala is in public, the more people can see that she is a complete phony. Trump is unabashedly rich and is comfortable acting like it. Yet it is also obvious that he appeals to the general public because he is genuine. He is comforable dealing with people in unscripted moments- just look at his McDunny's promotion. Pure genious. Harris is so worried about saying the wrong thing that all she can do is regurgitate her memorized little scripts, whatever the situation. "Hopes, dreams, aspirations..." "I have met more than 150 PResidents, premiers, kings...." With Trump, WYSIWYG. And people appreciate it.
  17. Those grapes do taste pretty sour, don't they? You are just angry that a prominent Woman of Colour is leaving the plantation of the Democratic Party and has started enjoying her freedom.
  18. Tulsi was the one who laid waste to Kamala's disastrous 2020 run for the Democratic nomination. I am sure she can bring a bit of fire to the last two weeks of the campaign. I can see her in a Cabinet post in the next Trump administration.
  19. Quite a lot. It is the difference between a fringe group of idiots and a larger and deeper plot. So please answer if you can- how many sedition charges, and how many who carried guns to the riot?
  20. "A bunch" means how many exactly, out of the thousands that attended that day. Your claim, please provide evidence. How many convicted of sedition or treason, forget the "related crimes">
  21. So, out of the thousands of protesters, one conviction for sedition and a few guns in a hotel across the river. And THIS is the great plot to overthrow the US government? Gimme a break.
  22. Possibly because there WAS no plan. Just a spontaneous riot by a group of sore losers and idiots. Same reason why they left their guns at home. Anyone actually planning an insurrection, first thing to do would be to be armed. No sense storming the Capitol with intent to over throw the government, and leave your weapons back in Podunk Arkansas...
  23. Of course, doctor. Feel free to diagnose a patient you have never met. What is your medical specialty, by the way?
  24. Trump 2.0 is older, wiser, less controversial, and more experienced at being President.
  25. In other words, no. You just followed the media narrative slavishly, scraping your knee as you jumped on the bus.
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