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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. Another champagne socialist. Pretends to understand the working class and want to save the environnment while tooling around in a $150,000 Maserati SUV. Non hybrid or electric, of course.
  2. What is offensive is the embarrassment caused by having Trudeau as Prime Minister, and his lackeys in the New Democratic Party who prop up his government to save him from the righteous wrath of the voters.
  3. Trump returning to the US after 'liberating' all the maple syrup...
  4. The Musk-man is not wrong. The saving grace is that Trudeau will be chucked out on his ass after the next election, hopefully by spring. And a decent man (Pierre Polievre) can take over and begin the difficult task of restoring Canada to decency and relevance.
  5. Untrue. They find jobs that Americans won't do for the SALARY that the illegals are willing to take. A majority of ag and construction workers are actually American citizens and legal residents.
  6. I asked another poster this question, and they did not answer. Who did Brian Thompson kill? This whole bogus "the system" argument is idiotic frankly. Thompson had a fiduciary responsibility to his company owners and shareholders. Is there any evidence of him being convicted of any crime? If not, then pipe down.
  7. His company? He owns it? Love to see the evidence of your claim of thousands of needless deaths too.
  8. So why did you quote me when you said it? Just say it on your own, without the implication.
  9. Please tell me where I said that he was. I said that he grew up very blue collar and became successful through his own efforts and intelligence. Do you deny that?
  10. The big irony here is that the 'alleged' killer Mangione is the scion of a very rich family. They own numerous businesses, country clubs, could pay the $40,000 a year to send him to a swish private school. And he is crying about health insurance? Meanwhile, Brian Thompson, the victim. Born in Iowa, father was a worker in a grain mill. Worked his way through Iowa University. Small town guy who made good due to his own efforts and intelligence. Father of two sons who now have to grow up without him. Tell me who should be the symathetic character in this story again?
  11. No kidding. Who wants the hassle? IMHO he was trying to be rather gentle with Neely. A more natural and aggressive response would have been simply to knock im TF out. But a restraint hold is a less overtly violent way, especially with so many other innocent bystanders around.
  12. So, he is even more of a selfless hero then. He rushed to defend women and children from a drugged up and dangerous abuser. Others also helped him restrain Neely. If anything, the failure is on the part of New York City. They could not or would not provide the help that Neely needed for the demons that were afflicting him. Also on his family, who had abandoned him years before and are now cravenly trying to milk the situation for money.
  13. Yeah, a guy who had a college scholarship to play football, and messed it up. Big strong guy. No there for the grace of God don't go I. I don't father children off numerous women, nor do I take illegal drugs, nor do I sell them, nor do I assault pregnant women, nor do I attempt to use fake money.
  14. b-b-b-b-but IDGAF. Big strong guy like George Floyd could easily make money by actually working if he wanted. He had enough energy to father 5 children from a variety of women, none of whom he married. He did not deserve to die, but he was not Saint George the Innocent either. Long criminal history, plus substantial stretches in prison do not generally make a sympathetic figure.
  15. No, Floyd's crime was passing counterfeit money. Also multiple counts of drug possession, aggravated robbery with a weapon, etc.
  16. I saw similar in the military. It is kind of an "adrenaline dump", where in the aftermath of a hugely stressful event people almost go catatonic. Takes time for the system to "reset" into normal mode and allow for a return to normalcy.
  17. Gotta remember also, Floyd was one big strong SOB. He dwarfed all the cops on scene. That, plus his obvious intoxication, made them excessively paranoid. To me, it looked almost like Chauvin blanked out, like he didn't know what to do after they finally got Floyd in handcuffs and on the ground. They had tried to load him into a police SUV, but Floyd claimed to be claustrophobic and resisted- strange since Floyd had arrived on the scene in a car. Obviously a BS excuse to avoid being booked or searched. I always thought a negligent death charge or the like would have been justified, but not murder.
  18. If you had taken the time, you would have seen some numbers. Latest I have seen is at least 80,000 people. If the choice is wait 6 months for an MRI, or drive 2 hours and pay a thousand bucks to get it done on Saturday, a lot of people choose the latter option.
  19. The words "responsible fiscal policy" have no place in discussing the current Canadian government. And if supply met demand, there would be no cross border travel for MRIs or any other procedure. Waiting months for a procedure is simply not acceptable. I am glad the equipment in the US returns a healthy profit. It means that it will be available for people unwilling to tolerate the dystopian morass that is health care in Canada. Why do you write with such contempt? Nothing wrong with a business making a profit, is there?
  20. According to this poll by Global News, 42% are willing to go to the USA for routine care if necessary, and 38% for emergency care. These numbers are climbing over time. https://globalnews.ca/news/10322678/health-care-canada-us-ipsos-poll/ Raw numbers? Estimates are from 50,000 per year and up. It is a simple numbers game. The USA has, for example, nearly 4 times as many MRI scanners as Canada per capita. And so on....
  21. You forgot the toques and hockey sticks!! Gonna be a long, cold winter...
  22. I take it you have never had the "pleasure" of living with Canada's health care system. A lot of people think that Canada does not have private health care, but that is untrue. We DO have private health care. It's called "the United States". Given the wait times for even the most basic diagnostic procedures in Canada, it is often a better option to scoot across the border, pay the cost, and get things done. Wait times, lack of primary care physicians....... no thank you. As for the overall cost of living, the US is higher, that is true. According to Numbeo, the US cost is 70, and Canada 64. So we can modify the GDP figures to reflect this- add 10% to Canada. It would push Canada all the way up to 44th, somewhere around the Kentucky or Oklahoma level.
  23. Touche!
  24. Replacing Wheezy Joe and his 5 student deferments.
  25. As a "born in Ontariariarioooo" guy, I have to say that I am petrified. Petrified that Trudeau will stuff things up with his empty leftist rhetoric and knee-jerk platitudes. He has had 9 years in power and managed to nearly impoverish the country. IF Canada were the 51st state, it would rank 50th in per capita GDP, just edging out Mississippi in the race to the bottom. So I actually think Trump woudn't want us.
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