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Everything posted by brewsterbudgen

  1. Give the man a chance! He only took on the role on Tuesday!!
  2. Why don't the African hookers use the same short-time rooms as everyone else?
  3. They are indeed. But that's not a reason why they should be exempt from paying VAT!
  4. Hopefully his days as DG are numbered. Appointing a Tory to run a national treasure was always going to be a disaster.
  5. Bump. Does 'long term' parking have to be booked in advance, or do you just turn up? Which long term car park do you use (there appear to be three)? How frequent/easy is the shuttle/bus to the terminal once you've parked?
  6. Last weekend was the Kite Festival. Very popular.
  7. Any update on this? Is the Long-term parking still 140 baht a day? How does one find it and how reliable and easy is the shuttle from the car park to the terminal?
  8. And continued by the likes of Mark Levin today. 👺
  9. I guess they do. https://19thnews.org/2025/03/democrats-trans-rights-test-senate/
  10. A national treasure, much like Corbyn is (and Tony Benn/Denis Skinner were) in the UK.
  11. Bless him 🙏
  12. I guess they were copying how some Republicans behaved during Biden's SOTU. Both sides are as bad as each other.
  13. I just completed this quiz. My Score 0/100 My Time 53 seconds  
  14. Definitely interested. My boy has seen the London Eye on TV and he knows I took his mother on it on our honeymoon in London (2016), so we may still have to do it for sentimental reasons!
  15. Our landlord did one TM30 report for me and my family. Our individual details are listed on the schedule. 90-day reports are done individually, although I've never needed one for my son.
  16. Everyone has different tastes. I found it very funny and at the end, extremely moving.
  17. Seems strange. I'm 64 and my wife is 34, but she's had an Extension as my dependant for 8 years now. I'm on a Work extension, so maybe that makes a difference? However, I'm can't believe what you were told is 'official'!
  18. Not sure. Deputy Interior Minister Songsak Thongsri was there, plus Bueng Kan Governor Jumpot Wanchatsiri.
  19. He may be VP, but even Trump can see his limitations and isn't willing to endorse him as his successor.
  20. Awkward to watch and all rather unpleasant, but against expectations our PM played a blinder. Hopefully Zelensky will be as successful.
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