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Everything posted by brewsterbudgen

  1. A huge success, perhaps for the first time since Covid. Bigger and better next year I would think!
  2. Why would he expect any of his money back? It's hardly surprising the relationship didn't work out but he got what he wanted (the old pervert). I suspect if he continues to hang around the village causing problems he will get what's coming to him - and it won't be his money back!
  3. Good grief. Surely more important things to worry about! The UK's gone crazy.
  4. It's certainly the way things are going here. Fantastic if you can pay that way, but frustrating if you're still a 'cash only' person.
  5. Indeed it is profoundly depressing that Biden hasn't been replaced by Gavin Newsom or Michelle Obama. There is, however, still time.
  6. Yes, there are always going to be accidents over long holiday periods that involve a lot of drinking.
  7. And what does this possibly have to do with the topic of this thread? Keep your Islamophobia to yourself; you've already made a fool of yourself on the Sydney stabbings thread!
  8. Some posters have (thankfully) gone very quiet. It really is quite disgusting how some try to make political/racist/Islamophobic points from tragedies.
  9. My (British) son was born here and has only lived in Thailand. As my wife is also not Thai, he stays here as my dependant. Once he's 18, although maybe before, he will get his own Extension based on studying here.
  10. Give them a few weeks back home and they'll be back!
  11. The current A1 English test for a UK Settlement visa is also very basic.
  12. If you want Thai citizenship/Permanent Residence you have to pass a Thai language test. Most expats are on 'Non-immigrant' extensions which are only issued for a year at a time. It's very easy to live in most areas with only a very rudimentary ability to speak, read or write Thai. Thankfully!
  13. Yes, Thailand can be an extremely frustrating country to live in. Not really breaking news though!
  14. A good solution for all. Nice to see that the myth about always blaming the foreigner is indeed a myth.
  15. I'd say there are more disgusting examples of Thai food, mostly involving chicken feet, duck lips and varieties of offal and entrails. Not to mention the ubiquitous 'pla-rah' and other horrors. Probably one of the most over-rated cuisines in the world, unless you stick to the delicious touristy stuff.
  16. People all over the world unfortunately have to. London in the 1950s was a killer! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Smog_of_London
  17. And he'll get the uplift for his State pension.
  18. Maybe the students just want to use English like native speakers, so probably not worth confusing them.
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