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Everything posted by brewsterbudgen

  1. As has already been mentioned, some land border crossings still require them. My wife had to complete one at Chom Mek a month ago.
  2. What do you mean by a "vote for the shooting grounds"?
  3. This might be "Bangkok news", but it affects all areas of Thailand except the deep south. I doubt much will change as most locals don't give a monkeys, still burn their rubbish and drive diesel pick-ups that belch out black smoke.
  4. All words are originally made up! https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Islamophobia
  5. You'd be Islamophobes not racists.
  6. I think it's common knowledge that out of all the Thai teams, Pattaya is one of the few clubs with crowd issues. Maybe because of all the "retired" hooligans living in Pattaya?
  7. Correct. Not sure why this thread needed to be reactivated!
  8. https://medium.com/writ-150-at-usc-fall-2020/blackpink-in-the-american-market-7711a43f00ee
  9. Trump landslide. Hope I'm wrong, but it's looking that way.
  10. Shocking. And many really do seem to believe it's the greatest country in the world!
  11. Because this time Trump doesn't have to worry about getting re-elected and is already showing worrying signs of despotism and derangement.
  12. Unfortunately it's looking like a Trump landslide, with worrying repercussions not just for the US but all of us. I blame Dr Jill Biden. She should have stopped her husband even contemplating a 2nd term, so that the Democrats could have properly voted for a candidate who could, and most probably would, win.
  13. That was yesterday.
  14. The self-destruction of the Tory party continues to delight!
  15. Who? Shriver?
  16. Indeed; there's little point in going over it all again. At least not until the first big 'claim denied' thread, or when/if WRLife crash and burn!
  17. Maybe they're just blocking out spots for Work extensions then. Very frustrating.
  18. Thanks. Unfortunately no dates available for Work Extensions up to 22 November.
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