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Everything posted by brewsterbudgen

  1. I haven't taught Thai kids for years, and have no knowledge or experience of the Thai educational system (except for my own son who goes to a Thai-bilingual school).
  2. They might have been dressed as schoolgirls, but it would take a big leap of imagination to think they were actually underage or even 18! 🤣
  3. In Pattaya it's not uncommon for bargirls to dress as schoolgirls! In fact, Classroom used to be a popular gogo (not sure if it's still there).
  4. The qualifications for TEFL teaching are exactly the same in the UK as in Thailand. TEFL jobs in the UK though are mainly seasonal and very badly paid. Starter TEFL jobs here in Thailand are equally badly paid, but having been doing it for 20 years, I now make around 1,000 baht an hour, plus have a lot examining work, all of which doesn't require a lot of effort, which is good as I'm 64.
  5. Been working as an English teacher since 2005. Couldn't get the same level of remuneration back home (UK), so here for good now. Plus I now have a family here (although not Thai).
  6. As I said, be patient. The investigation is ongoing and all will (or should) come out in court. Making political capital (or trying to) out of the tragedy is disrespectful to the victims and their families.
  7. About what? The rioters were far right. The motives for the attack have still not been officially confirmed as 'terrorism', although the attacker's Jihadist sympathies have. Be patient. All will be establish in time and in court.
  8. Where has the green button to get back to the top of the page gone?
  9. To add to @Tony M's advice, she will also need to pass the Life Skills English test at A1 or B1 level, before the visa is granted. She can take the test in Bangkok and also in Pattaya.
  10. I just completed this quiz. My Score 70/100 My Time 49 seconds  
  11. Never assume anything! Stay away from places with young looking girls/boys.
  12. I agree it was a horrific crime. Everything else you write is inflammatory political point scoring.
  13. Good grief, Labour have only been in power for 4 months! It's sickening how people are trying to make party political capital out the murder of 3 young girls. Just let the police/justice system proceed.
  14. Why only until March 2025? Doesn't show as much confidence in the route as the hyperbolic article suggests!
  15. Of course my comment wasn't parody. There is no evidence whatsoever of anything in your post. Time for you to jump off the conspiracy train and wait for the facts.
  16. Shameful of Jenrick to play party politics with a tragedy.
  17. I just completed this quiz. My Score 90/100 My Time 51 seconds  
  18. I just completed this quiz. My Score 50/100 My Time 71 seconds  
  19. As usual, it's all political posturing and point scoring, and the victims and their families are ignored. Sad.
  20. He was born in Wales, so he's Welsh. His family are Christian, so why would it be "bull<deleted>" to assume he was at least brought up to be a Christian. It will be interesting to find out when he converted and whether his family knew. It's very sad that people still want to make political capital out of the tragedy, but I guess that's how it is these days. Tommy is where he belongs!
  21. I don't think @Chomper Higgot was jailed. Some were, and rightly so, for blaming asylum seekers and trying to burn down the hotels where they were being accommodated.
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