Walz didn’t order Minnesota schools to put tampons in boys’ bathrooms or sign a bill requiring tampons to be put in all boys’ bathrooms. That’s not what the bill signed by Walz in 2023 actually says — and it’s not how the 15 Minnesota school districts say they have implemented the law.
The law, intended to make sure students of all income levels and gender identities have ready access to menstrual products, says school districts and charter schools must make menstrual products like tampons and pads available at no cost “to all menstruating students in restrooms regularly used by students in grades 4 to 12 according to a plan developed by the school district.”
The law never specifies that the menstrual products must be put in “boys’ bathrooms,” and it allows school districts to decide what counts as a bathroom “regularly used by students.” Districts are permitted to provide menstrual products in bathrooms for students of any gender, which are often single-stall rooms, rather than in their traditional multi-stall bathrooms for boys.
All 15 of the districts that responded Friday to a survey of 25 districts, including the Minneapolis and St. Paul districts in the state’s two most populous cities, said they comply with the law without providing tampons in traditional boys’ bathrooms.