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Everything posted by mstevens

  1. It's not a myth. When Paweena Hongsakul, who has long campaigned for children's and women's rights, was in government, she led a delegation of local government figures on a walk through Walking Street and declared on camera that there was no prostitution in Pattaya. It was widely reported at the time and became a laughing stock amongst foreigners.
  2. Some short-time hotels won't allow non-Thai women on the premises.
  3. There are so many ailments which mimic the symptoms of SIBO. The best thing to do is to find a practitioner who can conduct a SIBO breath test, an OAT test and maybe even a comprehensive stool test. Yes, it's a lot of testing but the only way to really know what is going on is to test, otherwise you end up going around in circles and feel like you're throwing darts at a darts board!
  4. If you have not yet started the course, remember that Rifaximin for SIBO works best when taken with Nystatin or Metronidazole at the same time. Also, do everything you can to identify the root cause. SIBO doesn't just "happen". It takes a failure of some sort for it to occur, such as low stomach acid, poor gallbladder function, low motility etc.
  5. His wife might not work and they have 3 children to raise. 20K baht is a LOT of money to many Thais.
  6. I know it's not ideal and doesn't answer your question about availability, but Rifaxmin is available over the counter at the bigger pharmacies in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Any reason you specifically want to use this particular antibiotic? SIBO, perhaps? If that's the case, you might want to look at Metronidazole AKA Flagyll. Augmentin may also work. Or consider herbal anti-microbials like Oregano oil / Neem / Allicin. (Oregano oil is far and away the strongest of these, assuming you get one of the better brands like Gaia Herbs or my favourite, North American Herb & Spice.)
  7. That's because they are typically the count at the time the file was first listed on X1337, and don't tend to be updated after that.
  8. Thanks for the heads up. Just watched the trailer and looks good, so will grab it!
  9. The whole series is available now. Watched the first two episodes and so far so good! It's not quite your usual British crime drama and just like the town where it's set, Bradford, this series is gritty. Enjoying it so far!
  10. Very, very strongly agree with this excellent advice. I should note that I am not diabetic but that aside, my breakfast usually includes a couple of the following: Greek yoghurt, eggs, macadamia nuts and avocado. The idea of prioritising protein and fat for breakfast sets you up well for the day. As far as fruit at breakfast time goes, limit it to one piece. And if at all possible, keep the quantity small and choose something low-sugar like berries or Kiwi fruit.
  11. Diabetics need to be conscious of their total sugar / carb intake. Bread, pasta, rice, fruit, sugar etc - they all increase your blood sugar. Some fruits like mangoes, ripe bananas, watermelon can be quite high in sugar and depending on the amount consumed, can spike your blood sugar. A small piece of mango should be fine, whereas a whole, large ripe mango could increase blood sugar. Other fruits like berries and pears are much lower in sugar. Generally, you want to avoid the high-sugar fruit while also being aware of your total sugar / carb intake. Best way to do this is to monitor your blood sugar levels at home, and get Hb1ac tested every 3 to 6 months. If your blood sugar levels are stable, then some fruit and carbs is fine. If your blood sugar levels are unstable, you might need to cut back on fruit and other carbs, and possibly adjust your diabetes meds (with medical professional help).
  12. I used Bangkok Buddy a few times in the past for a border run, to Cambodia and back. Everything worked well. I have never used the other firms so cannot comment on them. Bangkok Buddy also offer a service to get retirement visas where you lodge your passport with them, pay around 30,000 baht and a month or so later you get your passport back. Read reviews about Bangkok Buddy online and some people learned the hard way that this is a seriously bad idea.
  13. Unfortunately, some long-term Thailand expats develop some quite harsh attitudes totally lack in empathy, particularly when the victim is a white woman.
  14. I have a MacBook Pro and my Mrs has a MacBook Air. The Pro feels a bit faster although for everyday stuff, the speed essentially makes no difference. The big difference for me is that the screen on the Pro is a good deal brighter and that makes it a lot nicer to use. That wasn't the reason I went for the Pro, but it is one area where the Pro really is significantly better. If you spend a lot of time in front of your computer, a fantastic screen makes a difference and this is a decent reason to go for the Pro.
  15. I thought series 1 was weak and the two main characters were very wooden.
  16. Prostate issues. Bladder issues. Salicylate sensitivity, Many possible reasons for peeing regularly at night which are not diabetes.
  17. Yep, that's the first thing that came in to my mind too. Looks like we're not getting the full story here.
  18. I know it might sound like an "out there" idea, but have you considered trying an alternative medicine practitioner for this if your latest round of treatment doesn't work? You might find some of the natural anti-microbials that herbalists use like oregano oil, clove oil etc might work. A quick Google search shows that some of these are listed as effective against E coli. I had a gastro issue that mainstream medicine couldn't fix and I eventually ended up with an alternative medical practitioner in Australia. It took 3 months treatment with a personalised liquid herb concoction to fix the problem which 3 years of doctor and hospital visits couldn't resolve. You might also consider a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner, of which there are many in Bangkok. They use similar herbs with anti-microbial properties. Best of luck with the current treatment protocol.
  19. Avocados are a very healthy food and a great source of potassium. Most green veges are high in potassium. Most dried fruits are very high in potassium and dried apricots are particularly good. Just be careful because they are also high in sugar. You might like to consider supplementing with potassium. Potassium citrate powder is good and this supplement would be ideal. You can get it from iHerb. https://www.nowfoods.com/products/supplements/potassium-citrate-powder
  20. EGFR is the primary kidney function test but there are many other tests which can test different aspects of kidney function and condition. Tell your budy to make an appointment with a nephrologist (a kidney specialist) and they will know all the tests to run and, based on the results of those tests, the best way to proceed.
  21. It might not be the case in this instance with the items you were looking at, but often an item is listed as out of stock because if the vendor removes the article from Lazada, then all of the (hopefully positive) reviews are lost. Vendors will often keep products listed, even if not presently available / out of stock, while they are waiting for new stock from their supplier. That way they retain the positive reviews.
  22. This is an awkward situation. It sounds like there is a discrepancy between what is in the contract and what was explained to you when you first signed the contract. That makes it a bit of a "cluster". He said, she said! I can't see them pursuing you in court for breach of contract of the written contract and seeking rental money through until the end of the contract in May. Similarly, it sounds like you're going to have a fight on your hands to get the deposit back for - in their minds - breaching the contract by leaving early. Presumably the amount of the deposit is not of a sufficient amount to make it worthwhile to retain a layer. As such, it's all rather awkward.
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