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Everything posted by mstevens

  1. You might find it hard to believe....so why not just ask the staff in restaurants what happens to the service charge and they will tell you. When you talk about upmarket restaurants, I take that to include restaurants in 5-star hotels. Many of Bangkok's 5-star hotels produce fancy graphics each month to show the share of the service charge staff get. The hotels compete this way to attract staff. Each staff member's share of the service charge can run to 60,000 or 70,000 baht in a good month, over and above their salary.
  2. I don't know what happens in Fuji per se, but in most restaurants the service charge is divided up equally amongst all the staff from service staff to chefs to kitchen hands to dishwashers to manager etc.
  3. Try protein and fat. Fat is like a slow-burning energy source and it, along with protein, keep your satiated for longer.
  4. Sad if you actually believe that. Hunans lived and thrived for centuries largely eating only meat with none of the metabolic disease that is so common today. Meat is the best thing for your liver and your general health, and so much better than the Frankenfood products you previously mentioned like kale powder.
  5. You call these superfoods? Try eating red meat and eggs. They're the real superfoods.
  6. You mention you have tried supplements. Which have you tried? If you haven't tried them already, vitamin B1 and Magnesium may help. B1 can lower stress and help to "deactivate" an overactive mind. 100 mg of B1 twice daily may help. And Magnesium (Glycinate is the best form) may also help. It has a calming effect. Several hundred mg daily in split doses throughout the day would be worth trying. Both of these supplements are inexpensive and safe to try.
  7. A "10" in Thailand will most likely be a lady from the upper echelons of society, and from a wealthy family. She will be well-educated at the best schools and likely went to one of the better universities, or perhaps even was educated abroad. She will have very fair skin, and soft features. She will be refined, extremely classy and probably have expensive taste as she has likely become accustomed to men fawning over her and putting their very best foot forward. And some of those will be very wealthy men. As a rule, foreigners don't date these Thai women. The best most farangs get is about an 8 - and even that is the really high-achieving foreigners.
  8. Had no problem downloading it and it was perfect. Suggest trying a different version and should be ok.
  9. 100% the best thing to use to kill black mould is tea tree oil. In a 500 ml spray bottle, mix water with two teaspoons of tea tree oil (you can get it on Lazada). This is hands down the very best way to kill mould. Because it's natural, there seems to be a lack of awareness about how bad mould is for your health. It's terrible and ongoing exposure to mould can cause all sorts of health issues. So do everything you possibly can to kill it!
  10. Just watched the Dutch version with English subtitles. It was an ok watch, but we didn't think it was anywhere near as good as the previous Ferry movie or the Undercover series.
  11. Great! Undercover was an awesome series and the first Ferry movie was decent too. Will watching this tonight!
  12. Anyone seen season 6 pop up anywhere?
  13. Many thanks for mentioning this. I really enjoy Strike and will go and hunt for season 6 right now!
  14. EMF sensitivity is an issue for those with underlying, often undiagnosed health issues. Most people have complete tolerance but some can be sensitive and affected in a myriad of ways. This is one of many areas where technology and health intersect where there just hasn't been that much research and the science is far from settled.
  15. Not back then. But then I was not after wham, bam, thank you, mam.
  16. Are you sure about that? This would be a truly terrible thing to say if it was not true...
  17. I always happily paid for coffee, dinner, drinks, outings etc, as I imagine 99% of men would expect to.
  18. Be cynical if it makes you happy. ThaiFriendly and before that ThaiLoveLinks were once very rich pickings. Plenty of us met many lovely ladies on those sites.
  19. From your user name, are you by chance in New Zealand / using a New Zealand bank issued credit card? I ask because New Zealand banks are very good when it comes to their customers making a purchase on a credit card which wasn't what it was described as. If one had an issue with a purchase made using a credit card issued in Thailand, I'm not sure if you'd get quite the same assistance.
  20. Nana Plaza was crazy busy this week. Someone once told me the Nana area was owned by Indians. True or not, I do not know. But what I do know is that there are more Indians than farangs in Nana these days. And more Chinese and Japanese than farangs. The vibe is so different today. Still fun, but different.
  21. It damn well should be ok to say that!
  22. If you watch a lot of YouTube, it's a good deal. 179 baht a month for something I spend a lot of time in is a steal. That's about the cost of one beer in a decent bar.
  23. If it were me, I'd definitely go to the police and report it. Visit the police station dressed nicely, be extremely polite, cross your fingers that you get a sympathetic and helpful officer and it should be resolved in your favour quickly.
  24. Try this one: https://1337x.to/torrent/6260951/The-Day-of-the-Jackal-S01E03-REPACK-1080p-x265-ELiTE/
  25. The Thai police can be very "persuasive" getting information out of suspects, and I don't mean through using charm....
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