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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. The we could never discuss Trump topics....lol. Have you not noticed what he says daily....
  2. This whole topic is speculation. Its what the OP is about, or is it only Trump who's allowed to do that? The right wing?
  3. Its possible that could have happened. More than happy to express my views on that while the investigation is ongoing, all our views are currently speculative and none of us has evidence just as Trump has none, although one poster here is already wanting to see both Joe and Hunter body searched including cavities....lol
  4. omg trump started it. good grief. Yes that's why we are here in a discussion about it....lol Its a pity he starts all these conspiracy theories that are then repeated by his millions of devout followers.
  5. Trump started it in the OP. That's what this topic is about. He's got a lot of MAGA followers who believe every word he says. The poster you are referring to said its his view based on previous professional experience only but you missed that out, you could debate that or dismiss it. Trump did not qualify his statement.
  6. Not as speculative as Trump in the OP “Does anybody really believe that the COCAINE found in the West Wing of the White House, very close to the Oval Office, is for the use of anyone other than Hunter & Joe Biden,”
  7. Is this the one you were referring to, she was 9 when raped but 10 when she finally managed to have the abortion. He's just been jailed for life but the poor girls emotional stress will be with her for life. Man jailed for life for raping girl, 9, who had to travel to neighbouring US state for abortion Gerson Fuentes impregnated the girl during the attack, and she had to travel to Indiana to terminate the pregnancy after Ohio banned abortions at the first detectable "foetal heartbeat" in the wake of the Roe v Wade ruling. A man has been jailed for life for raping a nine-year-old - who then had to travel to another US state for an abortion. Gerson Fuentes admitted attacking the girl in Columbus, Ohio. The 28-year-old, the live-in boyfriend of the child's mother at the time, impregnated the girl. She then had to travel from Ohio to the neighbouring state of Indiana to terminate the pregnancy, according to her physician, Dr. Caitlin Bernard. https://news.sky.com/story/man-jailed-for-life-for-raping-girl-9-who-had-to-travel-to-neighbouring-us-state-for-abortion-12915697
  8. Agreed. Finding a small bag of cocaine needs to be investigated to find the owner and see if there is anything that can be done to avoid it happening again.
  9. Ok stoner, lets rule out the president, the 6,000 visitors includes staff, heads of state, overseas diplomatic visitors. The actual tourist visitors only go to the White House Visitor Center and sure, they already have a strict clearance system.
  10. Ok you'll need a lot with over 6,000 visitors daily to the White house. I would suggest no, its not ok for the president and other officials/staffers to have long queues to enter their own workplace or for official visitors.
  11. Great, install cocaine detectors and address all the other risks you highlighted, then with all the new measures in place prepare for very long queues for all officials and staffers to get into work and for visitors to face even longer queues. This was a small bag of cocaine, they have security footage, its likely they should find the culprit.
  12. Yes of course. Its up to you if you want to click on the links to the facts contained in the source
  13. Pretty sure a bomb no matter how small has metal elements that the detectors would pick up. So what do you suggest to avoid small bags of coke which is what this topic is about?
  14. Unless you do a full body and cavity search of all visitors including staffers and guests then I'm not sure this can be avoided. A small white bag can be very easily concealed.
  15. That comes with direct source links as to how that opinion was formed.
  16. That's where we differ, my opinion is based on having lived in Phuket for 17 or 18 years and confirmed by the topic we are debating in. In Total, 64 Deaths in 4 Months From Phuket Road Accidents So I will leave it there
  17. That's good, I never claimed Phuket was the worst in Thailand. I was responding to your claims and links.
  18. Next time you provide links to back up your opinions try to match them up. Goodbye
  19. These are specific claims Your new link and new claim that I am wrong also fails to address the statistics to prove those claims, did you even read it. Its regarding tourists only, this topic is about all road deaths in Phuket. "The sample size of this study comprised of 400 foreign tourists from Chiang Mai, Thailand with accidentally sampling. It was conducted through face to face interview survey of foreign tourists with a total population of 2,902,139 persons in 2016"
  20. Petty.....lol. You made specific claims then tried to back them up with links that failed to do so. Try again.
  21. Your first link shows deaths over Songkran with Bangkok, Nakhon Sawan and Phitsanuloke have the highest death toll, at three each. Your second link to a topic is not cited and an opinion piece with no supporting links. So again what statistics are you claiming for this post?
  22. Ridden motorbikes in Phuket. Didn't find it that bad. The roads are ok. I disagree as does the topic of this thread
  23. Did your friend die in Phuket? Do you have much experience of driving in Phuket? Here's another great friend I had in Phuket, who I worked with and who died and yes he had a helmet on, my family was at his house the day before. Scots DJ Paul Norris killed in Thailand crash https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-tayside-central-25712331
  24. You do know that they are also reported in local news and through personal friends. I have also attended 4 funerals for those who died by the way.
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