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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. The 911 dispatcher is a true hero here, had it not been for here listening on on speaker phone the police would not have arrived within 2 minutes and managed to intervene just in time.
  2. First Elon #Musk revolutionized the automobile industry, then he took on space travel. By taking control of Twitter, the eccentric billionaire now wields a nearly untold level of influence. With Twitter, Musk's influence enters uncharted territory According to the professor, Musk represents a typical oligarch -- a person whose fortune lends them social and political power not available to an average citizen -- though Musk does not have any governments or militaries under his control. In buying Twitter -- largely with his own money, but also with significant backing from investors who expect a return on their own risk -- Musk has taken on a huge potential liability. https://www.yahoo.com/now/twitter-musks-influence-enters-uncharted-022620907.html
  3. "Disappointing behavior of someone who was the former President." An understatement, people of good faith and are so closely connected through years of knowing each other should not remain silent about such a high profile and violent political act of attempted murder, using an influential voice matters in times like this even if that voice is only influential to the MAGA crowd. I noted on Fox news that the only word so far is from Trump Junior via a post on truth social which also misses any form of acknowledgment on this individual case and deflects the attention. "Imagine how safe the country would be if democrats took all violent crime as seriously as they’re taking the Paul Pelosi situation," Trump Jr. wrote to his 2.6 million followers on the platform. "They simply don’t care about you," he added in the post.
  4. Well basically yes that's exactly what he's done. In addition whats notable in his influence in those countries is the generally sketchy access to free media including internet so Putin's words are final without being challenged with any other source (at least to the population). The propaganda and lies can disseminate freely. His message to Gorilla-de-Cocos and the like was let us stop being enemies, let us live together as friends, let us engage in dialogue, let us build trust while at the same time Putin in the real world is doing the opposite and invading another sovereign country with blatant lies and war crimes.
  5. Who'd have guessed that................ Russia offers to replace Ukrainian grain with its own after withdrawing from the grain agreement Russian Ministry of Agriculture has announced that Russia is ready to completely replace Ukrainian grain on the world market. Source: Dmitry Patrushev, Head of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, according to information from Kremlin-aligned news agency RIA Novosti and Latvia-based Russian media outlet Meduza. Quote from Patrushev: "Taking into account the current year's harvest, the Russian Federation is ready to completely replace Ukrainian grain and to make deliveries at acceptable prices to all interested countries." https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/10/29/7374113/
  6. Full transcript on Western Media https://www.miragenews.com/full-text-of-putin-speech-and-answers-at-valdai-884161/ Also available on English Russian media which is fully accessible in the west
  7. Its a home in a high density residential location by the looks of it, not so easy provide cast iron guarantee's although I take your point and would guess extra layers of security will be implemented after the act. Lets face it, if we take it to the extreme if someone is determined as this nutter was they will get in somehow as evidenced from the late Queen when she had an intruder in her bedroom.
  8. Feel free to dig in: SPECIAL REPORT: GLOBAL WARMING OF 1.5 ºC CH00 Summary for Policymakers https://www.ipcc.ch/sr15/
  9. They were not his houses but a community of druggie's. He made his thoughts very clear on his online blog: "Where he vented rage over Covid-19 precautions and espoused beliefs shared by the conspiracist QAnon movement. The page also includes dedicated sections for Holocaust denial, climate change denial, transphobia, racism, misogyny, voter fraud conspiracy theories, Second Amendment absolutism, screeds against groomers and “pedos,” and trashing actress Amber Heard, the ex-wife of Johnny Depp. DePape posted similar hard-right and conspiratorial content on his Facebook page, which the platform deleted on Friday."
  10. Predictable, it was due for renewal on the 19th Nov and Russia had already expressed their feelings not to continue it.
  11. That effort is a long process of changing cultural attitudes to having 4 or sometimes many more children each. Its not like you can force them to stop in rural Africa. It will take time through education, human resources, physical infrastructure, family planning clinics etc. Of course also a lot of money. There is one very well respected foundation working on this that spends $2 billion a year on Africa alone. Yes Bill Gates. What does he get in return from the extreme right wing loons? Accusations like this: Bill Gates never said ‘3 billion people need to die’ CLAIM: Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates wants to eliminate at least 3 billion people in the world, starting in Africa, in a plot involving vaccines. AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. Gates never said this. The billionaire philanthropist has spoken about the benefits of slowing the rate of population growth, but he has not advocated killing people.
  12. When facts come your way that refute your previous post you then go onto another narrative. I agree with you though, you should not "post further on this thread until it becomes clearer." as its pretty clear you have no idea.
  13. You can't sprint into the living area but you can smash your way into it: smashed his way through a rear door into the Pelosi residence in San Francisco shortly before 2:30 a.m. Friday.
  14. He was not attacked before the phone call, you are wrong, you should get your facts correct on this. Paul Pelosi called the cops before he was attacked and left it on speaker phone, that's what saved his life. The cops arrived 2 mins later while the attack was still happening.
  15. I read much worse than that, posts too disgusting to put here that had Biden as the target in your "Pedophiles should face the death penalty in court." As for your "People who want porn in school libraries are groomers." That's where sexual education should happen, there would then be no need for adults tweeting out biology lessons on twitter. "Men are born with a penis and Women are born with vaginas." I 100% agree with your last sentence: "In any case, if you don't like Twitter, you are more than welcome to start your own social media platform." Billionaire Trump did exactly that.
  16. Paul is 82 years old. Had to recieve emergency surgery to repair his fractured skull. Aquired serious injuries to his hand and arm and the attacker has been charged with attempted murder. It could well have been a full murder charge.
  17. Yea the Russian army made the accusations with no evidence and here we go yet again, back to the UN Security council Russia goes...................updates from AFP news agency tweets #BREAKING The Russian army on Saturday accused the UK of being "involved" in explosions on the Nord Stream gas pipelines, saying the same British military specialists had helped Ukraine plan a drone attack on Moscow's Black Sea Fleet. #UPDATE Russia said on Saturday that it would raise the Nord Stream pipeline blasts and an alleged drone attack in Crimea, both incidents in which Moscow has alleged British involvement, at the UN Security Council. #UPDATE Russia said on Saturday it was suspending its participation in the agreement that allowed grain exports from Ukraine, blaming alleged drone attacks on Russian ships in Crimea.
  18. The footage of the Russian helicopters firing at the drone is amazing Also tweeted by BBC journalist James Waterhouse.
  19. Milk it! Her husband received a fractured skull, very fortunate to be alive now
  20. Also on the BBC now and Russia is accusing UK specialists of being involved lol Massive' drone attack on Black Sea Fleet - Russia Russia has accused Ukraine of carrying out a "massive" drone attack on the Black Sea Fleet in the Crimean port city of Sevastopol. At least one warship was damaged in the strikes, involving nine drones. Ukraine has not commented on the attack. Russian officials also accused British specialists of being involved, without providing any evidence https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-63437212
  21. Back on topic..............fortunately the new right wing Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni agree's with the majority of Europe. ROME (Reuters) -The only way to facilitate a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine is helping Kyiv to defend itself militarily, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni told parliament on Wednesday. https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2022-10-26/only-way-to-peace-is-helping-ukraine-fight-italys-pm-says
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