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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Here we go again...............more nonsense US and allies condemn Russia for wasting UN security council time on bioweapons claims – video "The United States and its allies slammed Russia for wasting the time of the UN Security Council and spreading conspiracies by again raising its accusation that the US has ‘military biological programs’ in Ukraine. ‘How much more of this nonsense do we have to endure?’ UK’s ambassador to the UN, Barbara Woodward, asked the council. Russia has previously raised at least twice at the Security Council the issue of biological weapons programs in Ukraine – both Washington and Kyiv say they do not exist. Russia is now pushing for a formal inquiry" https://www.theguardian.com/world/video/2022/oct/28/us-allies-condemn-russia-wasting-un-security-council-time-bioweapons-video
  2. The war criminal has spoken, the one that started the largest war in Europe for 80 odd years, says Ukraine has lost its sovereignty and continues to bomb power plants and water pipes.
  3. Apparently some care a lot otherwise they wouldn't be attacking her background or intellect without even checking it first..........oh wait........... In what part of her speech was she so hot to force Putin to drop a nuke?
  4. Because Ukraine invited them to, its even in your link Safeguards Inspectors to Visit Two Nuclear Locations in Ukraine, IAEA’s Grossi Says After Receiving Request from Ukraine
  5. Nah, it was just the wee man and his small dick syndrome nothing to do with the fake dirty bomb hoax, these drills are an annual event. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-63397927
  6. Yes mighty impressive before the age of 17. That alone proves she's able to do whatever is available aside from what you missed, I guess bashing a "country girl" is an easy pick though Waraha has studied at Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University in Pathum Thani. She has signed a record deal to earn money for her father’s medical treatments. At the age of 17, due to her father's terminal cancer, she signed a 12-year contract with the Bangkok-based artist management organ "Sangravee Entertainment" to earn some money for the treatment,[12][13][14] under such a contract the record label released her four singles; two in 2015 and the rest in 2016.[12] Later in 2013, a year after her father's death, she had the opportunity to meet with a master of the Thai blessing ceremony "Phonraphee Maneethai"
  7. *Deleted post edited out* Don't pop the champagne just yet, hate to see you disappointed after claiming it looks so sweet. Poll Oct 20-24 One in four potential voters have already cast their ballots in this election. These voters back Warnock (61%) over Walker (34%) by a large margin. Among other voters who intend to vote during Georgia’s early voting period, more are aligned with Warnock (37% definite and 15% probable) than Walker (28% definite and 14% probable). The Republican, however, has a large advantage among those who plan to vote on Election Day – 39% definite and 15% probable for Walker compared with just 24% definite and 10% probable for Warnock. “It’s pretty reasonable to come up with turnout scenarios where either candidate is slightly ahead. The unknown question is to what extent Republican enthusiasm on Election Day is able to overcome the Democratic advantage in early voting,” said Murray. https://www.monmouth.edu/polling-institute/reports/monmouthpoll_ga_102622/
  8. You should probably check in a previous post what this country girl has achieved in her short life so far before making that accusation
  9. Old news, they used that one back in July ???? Russia Says It’s Losing Because Ukraine Has Experimental Mutant Troops Created in Secret Biolabs https://www.thedailybeast.com/russia-says-its-losing-because-ukraine-has-experimental-mutant-troops-created-in-secret-biolabss
  10. Doesn't it make the news because he himself puts it in the news with his constant interviews, self promotion and affiliated promotions? Looks like its all back fired on him eh. A Timeline of the Consequences Kanye West Has Faced for His ‘WLM’ Shirts & Antisemitic Hate Speech https://www.billboard.com/lists/kanye-west-hate-speech-consequences-timeline/celebrities-react-to-death-con-tweet/ No wonder he went begging for more promotion to sketchers but oops that's also back fired.
  11. So according to you "conservative' thinking folks" equates to hate speech and anti-semitism. Strange conclusion
  12. Perhaps she gets her information from a variety of sources including the UN where it lists official civilian deaths and casualties since Putin's illegal invasion of Ukraine, which MSM also happen use as source.
  13. Of course some poster here know more than the experts apparently No, Ye's mental health does not excuse antisemitism, experts say In some cases, it's true that suffering from a manic episode can influence "aberrant behavior" that isn't indicative of one's general moral values. On the flip side, it can also expose suppressed personal beliefs. While knowing about Ye's bipolar diagnosis may help explain impulsive behavior or grandiose gestures, antisemitism is a reflection of toxic societal beliefs – one espoused by bigoted people without diagnosable mental illness. Assuming that bigotry, misogyny or antisemitism are symptoms of a mental health problem is a dangerous and ableist misconception https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/health-wellness/2022/10/11/kanye-west-antisemitism-bipolar-disorder-mental-health/8235254001/
  14. Interesting, the Russian's apparently have form on undersea cable cutting. Mysterious Atlantic cable cuts linked to Russian fishing vessels https://euobserver.com/nordics/156342
  15. Cutting the partnership means Adidas will make a net loss of £217m in 2022 As for Ye, he's lost his position in Forbes magazine's list of billionaires. It estimates that the loss of the Adidas partnership cuts Ye's net worth from $1.5bn to $400m (£1.3bn to £349m). https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-63402562
  16. Its not just those directing the cruise missiles and carrying out war crimes on vital civilian infrastructure. Its been openly carried out by artillery from tanks to: Here a BBC investigation finds evidence including satellite of tanks destroying water pipes: Russia accused of sabotaging Ukraine water pipe to Mykolaiv Military and UN experts have told a BBC investigation they believe Russian forces deliberately cut off the water supply last April. Satellite imagery and data suggest the pipeline to the city was deliberately destroyed while under Russian control. Destroying resources vital for civilian life is widely regarded as a violation of international humanitarian law. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-63383605
  17. She's doing fine so far, I'd certainly be very proud of her if she was family Waraha has studied at Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University in Pathum Thani. She has signed a record deal to earn money for her father’s medical treatments. At the age of 17, due to her father's terminal cancer, she signed a 12-year contract with the Bangkok-based artist management organ "Sangravee Entertainment" to earn some money for the treatment,[12][13][14] under such a contract the record label released her four singles; two in 2015 and the rest in 2016.[12] Later in 2013, a year after her father's death, she had the opportunity to meet with a master of the Thai blessing ceremony "Phonraphee Maneethai"
  18. She can certainly enlighten you on the B.S. about 14,000 Ukrainians killed at the hands of their own government since 2014. I can enlighten on the Minsk.
  19. No if your marrying a US citizen then you can apply for a green card, buy property + get citizenship
  20. I didn't actually claim he was antisemitic. In the past week, several antisemitic comments from public figures, including former President Trump and Ye, have sparked concern about the real-world implications of the statements. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/antisemitic-comments-from-public-figures-spark-concern-over-real-world-implications
  21. You know full well West is MAGA. Trump and him two peas in a pod with their Anti-Semitism rhetoric.
  22. You've also been prolific in US political threads so lets not try to play that card. Good to see your back on topic though
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