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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Read my post again, have you noticed they were not my words, I made a direct quote and here is the deleted tweet for reference: Republican Rep. Jim Jordan deleted a tweet on Wednesday in which he called the story of a 10-year-old Ohio girl receiving an abortion after being raped "another lie" following the arrest of a man in connection with the case. If you are insistent on pedantics take it up with the people who said it.
  2. Did you visit the link in my post? Here's another: Jim Jordan Has No Regrets for Calling 10-Year-Old Rape Victim’s Abortion a ‘Lie’ Now tell me, what does it make me?
  3. I am sure there are medical uses and benefits for some but.................. Elon Musk indulging for decades? He tried it for the first time about 4 years ago. ‘I Have No Idea How To Smoke Pot’ when he did try try for the first time on a live podcast Tesla’s stocks tumbled 6 percent “As anybody who watched that podcast could tell, I have no idea how to smoke pot or anything. I don’t know how to smoke anything, honestly.”
  4. There you go back to killing millions of animals to eat. Like I said humans are not perfect, its the same in every country in the world, there are different levels of acceptance on which animals can or cannot be eaten. This is not about that, its about local Thai's who decided to call the rescue service due to this dog being in excruciating pain. The issue of stray dogs is one Thailand fails miserably in we all know that.
  5. The claim was made by a rescue worker, its his job: "Rerngsak, 52, one of the rescue team said it looked like a snare used to catch dogs and cats. He called on people to stop using these inhumane devices saying:" "All animals deserve to live". The ethics of putting down an animal who is in distress is another matter.
  6. Because the human race is not perfect or all vegan. In some societies its ok to eat horse meat, others not, in some ok to eat dog others not. The distinction here however is that a group of locals saw a dog suffering terribly for no other reason than it being trapped by a snare according to the report and decided to call the rescue services, that's it! Or would you have preferred them to just ignore it?
  7. The UK to expect a few more nuclear strike threats from the idiots on Russian state TV with the RAF chief's statement. RAF chief tells Sky News British fighter pilots ready for Russian threat to UK "We have to be ready for that and that - to my mind - is the most significant lesson for European security that comes out the invasion." "I am in no doubt that that is the clear and present threat we are training to be ready for. Clearly we hope it won't come to that and deterrence will work but come the day Russia takes an aggressive act against a NATO state we would be ready." https://news.sky.com/story/raf-chief-tells-sky-news-british-fighter-pilots-ready-for-russian-threat-to-uk-12652529
  8. Jim Jordan called a 10-year-old rape victim a liar. Why? Because if her story is true (it is) that means the GOP is the party of government-mandated pregnancies for little girls.
  9. Another day another gun death with tragic consequences: Five-year-old boy shoots dead his eight-year-old brother in 'tragic accident' at US home Officers investigating the death said it could have been avoided if the gunowner had "properly secure their firearms". https://news.sky.com/story/five-year-old-boy-shoots-dead-his-eight-year-old-brother-in-tragic-accident-at-us-home-12652744
  10. Murderers AFP: #BREAKING British citizen Paul Urey captured by separatists in Donetsk dies in detention: official Briton detained by Russian-backed separatists dies - TASS July 15 (Reuters) - A British aid worker who was detained by Russian-backed separatists in Ukraine and accused of being a mercenary has died, Russian state news agency TASS reported on Friday. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/briton-detained-by-russian-backed-separatists-dies-tass-2022-07-15/
  11. The terrorism continues....... Live: Russia-Ukraine war: 'Terrorist' Russia strikes Mykolaiv universities with 10 missiles At least 10 Russian missiles have hit two of Mykolaiv’s biggest universities, with video footage capturing smoke billowing from the targeted areas. Vitaliy Kim, the area’s governor, pleaded for Western nations to “claim Russia what it is really is - the Terrorist” following the attack. Mr Kim added that the Kremlin was targeting Ukraine’s education system specifically. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2022/07/15/russia-ukraine-war-live-news-weapons-vinnytsia-attack-updates/
  12. Nope can't say I remember anyone let alone an expert predicting 10,000 deaths a day in the UK from Omicron, do you have a link to that?
  13. No what you're saying is nonsense and includes a complete lack of the facts of the case. She was 9 when raped, a nine year old does not even know what that is! It was 5/6 weeks later when the abortion took place not 13. Only after her mother was made aware of what happened.
  14. Are you for real? She was just 9 when raped, it was not for a few weeks before it was discovered she was pregnant, how would she know until symptoms appeared and was able to tell her mother?
  15. Facts Were Sparse on an Abortion Case. But That Didn’t Stop the Attacks. Others turned the focus on Dr. Bernard. The Indiana attorney general, Todd Rokita, a Republican, said on Fox News on Wednesday night that he would investigate whether the doctor had failed to report the assault and abortion, and suggested that Dr. Bernard had failed to do so in other cases. On Thursday, The Indianapolis Star reported that records obtained through a public record request showed that Dr. Bernard had done the required reports. Kathleen DeLaney, a lawyer for Dr. Bernard, said in a statement that Dr. Bernard was considering legal action against Mr. Rokita and others. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/07/14/business/media/10-year-old-girl-ohio-rape.html No paywall link
  16. I can't really see any panic from the article, it quite clearly says: "Fortunately the majority has been fully vaccinated including getting the booster jab and many have also been previously infected and upon being reinfected with BA.5 their symptoms are usually mild." Its down now to people to make their own choices, for those who are or feel they are at risk, then as with the yearly flu jabs, they can decide on a booster or other precautions. Letting those at risk groups know that a potential large wave is coming is just basic responsible health advice.
  17. What is this if not an act of terrorism? 3 cruise missiles in a busy residential and shopping area nearby the Officers House concert hall where Ukrainian pop singer Roxolana was due to play that night, she posted on Instagram that all of her team were injured and one died. Quite a few details on the BBC Russian that is easy to Google Translate including the map below of the 3 missile strikes. Apparently a large number of dead were taxi drivers who were waiting outside.
  18. The fact you find this amusing says just about all that needs to be said, quite revolting
  19. Had your sons been raped and had their trip forced on them?
  20. UPDATE: Missile attack in Vinnytsia: data from Rescue Services as of 16:45 Kyiv time: - 21 people dead (including three children); - 52 people (including 3 children) hospitalized, of whom 34 in serious condition; - 55 buildings and 40 vehicles damaged - 46 people missing.
  21. From Ohio Columbus to where she had the termination in Indianapolis is around a 3 hour journey one way. Then the time spent there while the procedure was carried out? Probably an overnight stay for monitoring then the return journey back. Not so simple
  22. Kissinger had no idea who Putin was when he was in office back in the 70's at that time Putin was just finishing law school and joining the KGB. This is Putin's war of choice, nobody else
  23. Looking at the timeline its possible you are correct : On May 12, 2022, he allegedly impregnated a girl, then 9. On June 22, 2022, the mother of the girl he allegedly impregnated filed a referral with the Franklin County Children So well over 5 weeks before her mum reported it probably due to the poor girl being too traumatized and scared to say anything but then showing symptoms of being pregnant and either telling her mum or her mum became suspicious.
  24. My suggestion would be to save some of that money and take a visit to one of the 11 Cat Islands in Japan where the strays roam free unbothered and are loved by locals with tourists coming to visit them. She would love it I'm sure The 11 Cat Islands of Japan
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