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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. PCR test positive cases, total of 19,742 official new infections. 70 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 13,008 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 32,750 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ OWD rolling 7 day average, cases and deaths up to 13th March https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  2. Welcome to the forum and your first post.................. Vladimir Putin’s apologists spread dangerous message The standard-bearer of the pro-Putin realists is John Mearsheimer, a professor at the University of Chicago, who has made a career out of reducing the complexity of global politics to the aggression of self-interested powers. In the process, he studiously ignores their internal politics. One obvious advantage of this approach is that it considerably reduces the amount of research and knowledge that is required to dispense authoritative judgments about the conduct of any particular country. https://www.smh.com.au/opinion/vladimir-putins-apologists-spread-dangerous-message-20150129-130snb.html
  3. There's no argument my end, just stating the facts as presented by the direct sources as linked on deaths by accident and covid.
  4. Just to remind you of what you said: "Quite amused when hearing about "sovereign nation". Can a nation be really "sovereign" when some others tell them who should be made a PM and who should get the other functions? Not speaking about other firm requests, e. g., who to fire..." I clearly stated that Ukraine is a Sovereign Nation, which you mocked. Throw as many links as you want on leaked phone calls it does not change that fact, or do you have an actual point that you can make without going down a rabbit hole of deflection?
  5. You were talking about accidents and that's what I responded to not about other causes of death. Yes for monetary gain, of course it is lol, you obviously did not read the link I gave you, if you had the article also links to how they are counted under the 28 day rule by P.H.E. Just to expand that to the US: VERIFY: No, COVID-19 deaths are not being inflated by car crash deaths
  6. You mocked Ukraine being a soverign country. In 2019 over 73% of Ukrainians voted for Zelenskyy. Nuff said
  7. Not sure what you're referring to, Zelenskyy was elected president by a huge majority in free and fair elections
  8. Case numbers all over the place and now decreasing, total shambles when the ICU and Ventilated cases continue the steady rise: https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/
  9. Putin's invasion that he anticipated over in a few days, well that's out of the window and now cap in hand to the Chinese for military equipment and aid...................lol No its not coming, the Chinese are not that stupid.
  10. Can you explain the excess deaths in Sweden which had no lock downs and no restrictions on hospital admissions? Thats just one of a list of many.
  11. PCR test positive cases, total of 22,130 official new infections. 69 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 15,650 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 37,780 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ OWD rolling 7 day average, cases and deaths up to 12th March https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  12. EXCLUSIVE: We met and interviewed US and UK foreign fighters in Yavoriv who gave @BuzzFeedNews the below video of the Russian missile attack on a NATO military training center today that killed 35 people & injured 134 more. Read my story, with @Kiehart “I Thought I Was Going To Die”: US and UK Fighters In Ukraine Described The “Chaos” Of A Russian Missile Attack The foreign fighters in Ukraine gave BuzzFeed News exclusive video of the missile attack on a NATO military training center that officials say killed 35 people and injured 134 more. “All legionnaires are safe. No killed, no injured!” Col. Anton Mironovich, director of public affairs at the National Army Academy in Lviv and a point person for foreign fighters, told BuzzFeed News. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/christopherm51/russia-missile-attack-yavoriv-ukraine-american-fighters
  13. Oliver Stone ???? Oliver Stone Asked Vladimir Putin to Be His Daughter’s Godfather Director Oliver Stone asked Russian president Vladimir Putin to be his daughter's godfather in a recent interview, the transcript of which has been published on the Kremlin's website. 10 Most <deleted> Things We Learned From Oliver Stone What’s the Russian equivalent of Kool-Aid? Whatever it is, it’s definitely red – and Oliver Stone has eagerly drunk it down. Except for a few moments, Stone seems serenely unconcerned with anything beyond flattering his subject – and engaging in some supremely one-sided exchanges about history and policy along the way. Oliver Stone on Vladimir Putin: ‘The Russian people have never been better off’ Of course, then he tries to back peddle ???? Oliver Stone Criticizes “Mr. Putin’s Aggression In Ukraine” After Previously Saying There Was “No Proof” Russia Intended To Invade
  14. Journalists bringing back the news for the world now also in the cross hairs as expected. Photo in Tweet: "A 51-year-old New York Times correspondent Brent Renaud was shot dead in Irpen today. Another journalist was injured. Now they are trying to take the victim out of the combat zone." https://twitter.com/KyivPost/status/1502989878019117058 The other journalist with him referred to above: Video of him in hospital talking: "Two American journalist shot by Russian at Irpin bridge. One is under surgery at the main hospital in Kyiv and the other was shot at the neck." https://twitter.com/annalisacamilli/status/1502978846500573185
  15. 2 days ago, a hospital in Hong Kong. Thankfully Thailand never experienced this bad in the course of the pandemic. I've read a couple of expert views that this is due to poor vaccination coverage and lack of previous infections due to their zero covid policy. Whatever, its ripping through relentlessly. Hong Kong’s Hospital Authority has asked the public to understand its difficulties with saturated mortuaries amid the city’s Covid-19 crisis, as an image of bodies lying next to living patients on a hospital ward surfaced online. https://hongkongfp.com/2022/03/11/covid-19-hong-kong-hospital-authority-urges-understanding-as-shocking-photo-emerges-of-bodies-stored-on-ward/
  16. Just about everyone in Ukraine knows the risks, be that soldiers, volunteers or civilians, does not make it any less tragic or as reported by the Times journalist, "Serious escalation on Russia’s part"
  17. Not when its an accident. Are you really telling me that if there was a train crash with multiple deaths and 50% were found to be positive they would be included,? Its the death certificate that counts.
  18. At least 35 dead now, 157 injured. BBC When Russia bombed the base near Lviv last night, it had to assume Americans were likely to be killed or injured. A coordinator of foreign volunteers in Ukraine told me the base was a hub for 1000s of them, coming from all over to help Ukraine. I met some from US, UK, Australia. This is where American and other NATO instructors do the most training of Ukrainians. I was just there yesterday. It’s also right near the Polish border. Serious escalation on Russia’s part. https://twitter.com/shustry/status/1502940866369015808?t=_slxuyMHxkK1gmfPUirCwQ&s=19
  19. 9 dead and at least 50 injured so far according to reports. Ukraine says International instructors there but not known if any are victims..BBC & AFP
  20. Of course drugs still need to be sent to Russia where they are needed for humanitarian purposes. IMO though, rather than Big Pharma continuing to profit, why not make them send the proceeds from sales directly to Ukraine for their humanitarian needs.
  21. Gotta love the Russian media, in its own complete state controlled bubble, military experts on there now talking about extending the invasion to other countries. With their performance at the UN security council meeting and allegations of birds flying dangerous pathogens into Russia one really has to wonder how some can become so brainwashed. Video: Experts at a Russian state channel are now discussing how to best invade north-eastern Poland, all 3 Baltic states and the Swedish island of Gotland, which is located at a strategic place in the Baltic Sea. Something is seriously wrong with Russia. UN experts: New Russian media law puts Russians in "total information blackout." Experts appointed by the UN Human Rights Council said Russia’s implementation of a “punitive ‘fake war news’ law is an alarming move by the government to gag and blindfold an entire population.” Russia is pushing a story about Ukraine's being "a few months away from acquiring nuclear weapons." The quote is from a TASS story (no link - don't want to send people their way). Don't have time for a long version, so here is a short one - this is pure unadulterated <deleted>
  22. Over 2 years of this and people still believe this myth? Either that or deliberately promote fake news. "If someone dies in circumstances involving an accident, violence or suspicious circumstances, the case is referred to a coroner for investigation. A post-mortem examination is carried out and usually an inquest is held. The Coroner's Court hears all the evidence and follows legal rules of evidence when deciding the causes of death. It is extremely unlikely that a coroner would find that someone was involved in a traffic accident, or was the victim of violence, because of having COVID-19 or a positive COVID-19 test -- so they would not mention COVID-19 on the death certificate. This applies to any death caused by an accident, violence, poisoning, or other external causes." https://www.ons.gov.uk/aboutus/transparencyandgovernance/freedomofinformationfoi/whetherthosewhohavediedfromacaraccidentwithcovid19willbecountedinonsstatistics?:uri=aboutus/transparencyandgovernance/freedomofinformationfoi/whetherthosewhohavediedfromacaraccidentwithcovid19willbecountedinonsstatistics
  23. Now also in the Times Kremlin arrests FSB chiefs in fallout from Ukraine chaos The defenestration of several senior spies is a sign of Putin’s growing fury towards the intelligence services A Russian spy chief is said to have been placed under house arrest in a sign that President Putin is seeking to blame the security services for the stalled invasion of Ukraine. Sergey Beseda, head of the FSB’s foreign intelligence branch, was arrested with Anatoly Bolyukh, his deputy, according to a leading expert on the Russian security services. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/kremlin-arrests-fsb-chiefs-in-fallout-from-ukraine-invasion-chaos-92w0829c5?
  24. The International Criminal Court has created a portal for submitting evidence related to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, details of which can be found here: Statement of ICC Prosecutor, Karim A.A. Khan QC, on the Situation in Ukraine: Additional Referrals from Japan and North Macedonia; Contact portal launched for provision of information My Office has responded immediately to this unprecedented collective call for action by States Parties. The investigative team that I deployed to the region last week has already commenced evidence-collection activities. I am also personally seeking to engage with all relevant stakeholders and parties to the conflict with the aim of strengthening channels for the collection of relevant information and engendering coordinated action towards our common goal of ensuring accountability for crimes falling within ICC jurisdiction. https://www.icc-cpi.int/Pages/item.aspx?name=20220311-prosecutor-statement-ukraine
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