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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. WHO says 64 hospitals attacked since Russian invasion of Ukraine UN agency condemns attacks in ‘strongest possible terms’ and notes attacks on health facilities are a breach of international law. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/3/24/who-says-64-hospitals-attacked-since-russia-invasion-of-ukraine?
  2. Not sure where you've done your research on Pfizer but you're very wrong on all counts, in addition its far more effective than the Chinese vaccines.
  3. The Russian army uses almost all suitable airfields in Belarus, Russia and the occupied Crimea for the war against Ukraine. From there, Russian aviation bombs military and civilian targets, fires missiles at Ukraine, makes landings, uses helicopters, Radio Svoboda reports, citing military experts who, along with journalists, analyzed satellite images and assessed the presence of various types of aircraft at airfields in Belarus, western Russia and the Russian-aoccupied Crimean peninsula. The most used are two military airfields in the occupied Crimea: in Saky and Belbek. The less used ones are near Dzhankoi, Gvardiiske and Kacha. More than 40 bombers were spotted at Morozovsk airfield in Rostov region
  4. Lots of rhetoric coming out of Russia state TV on using tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine promoting their use. This sort of provocative language would only be used if things are not going their way so imo its a very clear indication of just how badly their so called Special Operation invasion has gone Its failed in its original objectives and they are now bogged down defending their positions, losing ground in some area's and continuing their only course of action which is bombing indiscriminately residential areas often from missile strikes from within Russia itself. Ukraine's forces are "increasing pressure" on Russian troops occupying the region north-east of Kyiv, according to the latest intelligence assessment from the UK Ministry of Defence. Ukraine is continuing to carry out "successful counter attacks" on Russians outside the capital, the report says, and the Ukrainians have probably retaken the towns of Makariv and Moschun. "There is a realistic possibility that Ukrainian forces are now able to encircle Russian units in Bucha and Irpin," assesses the MoD. British military officials note that Russian troops along the axis north-east of Kyiv are facing "considerable supply and morale issues". Ukrainian forces have pushed Russian forces back on the frontlines east of Kyiv, a senior US defense official told reporters. Russian forces are now about 55 km from Kyiv’s city center, meaning Ukrainian forces pushed Russian forces back by about 25-35 km in one day. Video: The Times’s Visual Investigations team analyzed dozens of battlefield radio transmissions between Russian forces during an initial invasion of the town of Makariv, outside Kyiv. They reveal an army struggling with logistical problems and communication failures. The Ukrainian Armed Forces surround Russian troops in the Kyiv Oblast near Irpin, Bucha and Hostomel. Makariv, Bucha, Irpin, Dmitrov communities remain under constant enemy fire Ukraine air defense forces claim excellent day: 11 shoot-downs in 24 hours. Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) air defense units had one of their most successful days yet in Kyiv’s almost month-long defense against Russian Federation invasion, an air defense command spokesman said in a Wednesday, March 23, statement. Ukrainian air defense units, jet interceptor pilots and even infantry armed with short-range missiles teamed up on Tuesday to knock down RF air force aircraft including five combat jets, one helicopter, four unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and one ballistic missile, said air force spokesman Yury Ihnat.
  5. PCR test positive cases, total of 27,024 official new infections. 82 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 26,768 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 53,792 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ OWD rolling 7 day average, cases and deaths up to 21st March https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  6. Possibly however according to the Zoe app which tracks the symptoms of millions of people in the UK 1 in 5 are still experiencing loss of taste and smell. "Interestingly, we've seen loss of smell and taste become much less common. It was in the top 10 symptoms earlier in 2021, and now it's ranking at 17, with only 1 in 5 people experiencing it." https://joinzoe.com/learn/omicron-symptoms
  7. ‘Winging It’: Russia Is Getting Its Generals Killed on the Front Lines Russian generals have had to lead from the front because its amateur army can’t move otherwise. The tally of Russian generals killed in the nearly monthlong conflict—most of them one- and two-star commanders, including at least one lieutenant general—is likely the highest casualty rate among general officers in the Russian military since World War II. https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/03/21/russia-generals-dead-ukraine/ Hopefully Wali can pick off a few more, wonder how many kills he's had so far, he must have been there a couple of weeks already. "Former Canadian Army sniper from the Royal Canadian 22nd Regiment Wali with his SAKO TRG 42 sniper rifle somewhere in Ukraine."
  8. PCR test positive cases, total of 25,164 official new infections. 80 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 26,812 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 51,976 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ OWD rolling 7 day average, cases and deaths up to 20th March https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  9. Nazi's are at the heart of Putin's war machine however. The Wagner group with its own Nazi infiltrators. "More than 400 Russian mercenaries are operating in Kyiv with orders from the Kremlin to assassinate President Zelensky and his government and prepare the ground for Moscow to take control, The Times has learnt. The Wagner Group, a private militia run by one of President Putin’s closest allies and operating as an arm-length branch of the state, flew in mercenaries from Africa five weeks ago on a mission to decapitate Zelensky’s government in return for a handsome financial bonus." Putin's private army is led by Dmitry Utkin, who uses the cover name "Wagner". He was inspired by the German composer Richard Wagner, whose oeuvre was also admired by Adolf Hitler. The Russian investigative news server Fontanka calls Utkin an adherent of the Nazis. On social media, photographs of Utkin are frequently shared showing his neck tattoo reading "SS" and an Imperial eagle on his chest. Putin destroyed Chechnya and is hellbent on destroying Ukraine. He’s ordered the assassinations of a score of political opponents and is snuffing out any wisps of protest against the war. He promotes a supremacist Russian ideology. And he’s demonstrated his imperial ambitions in Georgia, Belarus and Ukraine. Indeed, Putin’s trajectory increasingly resembles that of Hitler. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/03/14/lets-call-putin-fascist-autocrat-00016982 Russian mercenaries in Ukraine linked to far-right extremists Russian mercenaries fighting in Ukraine, including the Kremlin-backed Wagner Group, have been linked to far-right extremism including an organisation designated by the US as terrorist, analysis reveals. Although Vladimir Putin says his “special military operation” is aimed at the “denazification” of Ukraine, an investigation has found links between pro-Russian forces and violent rightwing extremism, including those directly affiliated with Wagner. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/mar/20/russian-mercenaries-in-ukraine-linked-to-far-right-extremists
  10. My sympathies lie with the Ukrainian's stranded here first. They are having their homes flattened and may not have anything to go back to.
  11. Yep, that's exactly what he is, a war criminal and fascist. Mussolini’s Italy and Hitler’s Germany fit the bill, but so does Stalin’s Soviet Union and Kim’s North Korea. Fascism, in other words, can be found on the political right or the political left. And, as most Ukrainians and many Russians agree, it’s now the best word to describe Putin’s Russia. We can see these same elements in Putin’s regime. Putin destroyed Chechnya and is hellbent on destroying Ukraine. He’s ordered the assassinations of a score of political opponents and is snuffing out any wisps of protest against the war. He promotes a supremacist Russian ideology. And he’s demonstrated his imperial ambitions in Georgia, Belarus and Ukraine. Indeed, Putin’s trajectory increasingly resembles that of Hitler. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/03/14/lets-call-putin-fascist-autocrat-00016982
  12. PCR test positive cases, total of 21,382 official new infections. 83 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 13,220 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 34,602 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ OWD rolling 7 day average, cases and deaths up to 20th March https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  13. "We were the last journalists in Mariupol. Now there are none." The remarkable story of how an @AP team hid from Russian troops in a hospital, wearing surgical scrubs, to continue telling the world of the city's destruction. https://twitter.com/AP/status/1505850401765179394 MARIUPOL, Ukraine (AP) — The Russians were hunting us down. They had a list of names, including ours, and they were closing in. We had been documenting the siege of the Ukrainian city by Russian troops for more than two weeks and were the only international journalists left in the city. We were reporting inside the hospital when gunmen began stalking the corridors. Surgeons gave us white scrubs to wear as camouflage. Suddenly at dawn, a dozen soldiers burst in: “Where are the journalists, for <deleted>’s sake?” I looked at their armbands, blue for Ukraine, and tried to calculate the odds that they were Russians in disguise. I stepped forward to identify myself. “We’re here to get you out,” they said. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-europe-edf7240a9d990e7e3e32f82ca351dede?
  14. Are they in Ukraine now delibertly bombing the living daylights out of women, children and elderly men. Along with flattening entire cities
  15. #UPDATE European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell has decried Russia's attack on the Ukrainian port city Mariupol as "a massive war crime", as the bloc discussed imposing more sanctions on Moscow
  16. From all over I gather: Anonymous declared a ‘cyber war’ against Russia. Here are the results More than three weeks ago, a popular Twitter account named “Anonymous” declared that the shadowy activist group was waging a “cyber war” against Russia. Since then, the account — which has more than 7.9 million followers, with some 500,000 gained since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine — has claimed responsibility for disabling prominent Russian government, news and corporate websites and leaking data from entities such as Roskomnadzor, the federal agency responsible for censoring Russian media. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/03/16/what-has-anonymous-done-to-russia-here-are-the-results-.html
  17. Would be good if this was carried out, get some idea of exactly how many people have caught it before. Use Covid blood tests to calculate percentage of Thai population infected: virologist Yong said blood tests to detect natural immunity to the spike protein could be used in parallel with people’s vaccination history. He added that Thailand should use blood tests to calculate what percentage of the population have been infected. https://www.nationthailand.com/life/40013617
  18. This sounds interesting Poland will formally propose a plan to organize an international peacekeeping mission in Ukraine at an emergency NATO summit in Brussels on Thursday, an idea that is at odds with the alliance’s official stance and one the United States rejected on Sunday. Poland’s deputy prime minister, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, first proposed the idea when the leaders of Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovenia traveled to Kyiv last week to meet with Ukraine’s leaders. “I think that it is necessary to have a peace mission — NATO, possibly some wider international structure — but a mission that will be able to defend itself, which will operate on Ukrainian territory,” Mr. Kaczynski said at a news conference in Kyiv. https://www.nytimes.com/live/2022/03/20/world/ukraine-russia-war?smtyp=cur&smid=tw-nytimesworld#poland-will-propose-a-nato-peacekeeping-mission-for-ukraine-at-the-alliances-meeting-this-week
  19. Ah India, Russia's ally in the UN now buying steeply discounted oil, along with Russia's largest buyer of military equipment
  20. Russia were in Afghanistan around 9 years and had around 14.5k combat troop deaths as a result. They've been in Ukraine just over 3 weeks and already had around that amount. Kind of puts Russia's losses in perspective
  21. Nah, there's a better way to do it. Much of Russia’s $630bn of foreign exchange reserves are thought to be held outside the country, and effectively frozen by sanctions in the US, the EU and other places. That would make billions available for reconstruction – if Ukraine is able to access it once the war is over. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-60684660
  22. Wait you were talking about Hollywood a minute ago, the professional analysts who have actually studied the situation presently seem to have a different opinion to your crystal ball
  23. Hollywood does not come into it.............. @TheStudyofWar now assesses that Ukraine has “defeated the initial Russian campaign in this war” and that Russia no longer has the forces to take Kyiv and other major cities to force a change of gov’t. ISW believes war will likely descend into “a bloody stalemate.” -@Reevellp https://understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-march-19
  24. Ukraine has already won the first stage of this invasion, you may have missed that........
  25. So's a host of other countries including Finland which is not even in Nato
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