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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. South Korea has now joined Hong Kong in massive Omicron outbreaks and higher deaths than ever before in the previous 2 years
  2. OHCHR believes that the actual figures are considerably higher, especially in Government-controlled territory and especially in recent days, as the receipt of information from some locations where intense hostilities have been going on has been delayed and many reports are still pending corroboration. This concerns, for example, Izium (Kharkiv region), and Mariupol and Volnovakha (Donetsk region) where there are allegations of hundreds of civilian casualties. These figures are being further corroborated and are not included in the above statistics. OHCHR notes the report of the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine, according to which as of 9 a.m. (local time) 14 March, 90 children had been killed and more than 100 injured. https://reliefweb.int/report/ukraine/ukraine-civilian-casualties-2400-13-march-2022-enruuk
  3. Really? Just another one to add to the list. always nice to share some positive news. Vitaly Gerasimov & Sergey Chipilyov two of Russia's top generals have been killed in Ukraine within days of each other. News.com.au Top Russian general killed by Ukrainian sniper in major blow for Putin One of Vladimir Putin’s most senior paratroopers was gunned down by a “sniper” during a special operation in Ukraine. The Guardian Vitaly Gerasimov: second Russian general killed, Ukraine defence ministry claims Ukrainian intelligence says major general in Russia’s 41st army died outside Kharkiv along with other senior officers
  4. Indeed wrong wording, its quite obvious he has been frustrated at not being able to join NATO previously and there is no sign that in the future this would be possible so why on earth use it as part of the stumbling block to negotiations. Its certainly not backing down, its the truth and being realistic.
  5. Video of it here, please tell me how you see this as backing down? https://www.newsweek.com/zelensky-nato-russia-putin-war-ukraine-1688145
  6. This is not about the humanitarian corridors in during the Yugoslavian war, I told you that you were confused. Read my post again slowly but if you decide to respond then do so with the full quote instead of taking my replies out of context which is against forum rules.
  7. With 2.28 million subscribers to his youtube channel John Campbell is making a tidy sum promoting this false belief that it helps prevent/cure Covid
  8. Weird wording, "Ukrainians President is started to back down" All he's done is hint that the goal of Ukraine joining NATO is not on the cards "we heard we could not join, its the truth and it must be recognized" With that realistic statement it does not in anyway shape or form say he is backing down. It is hinting that this may form part of the peace deal negotiations from the Ukrainian side, there are many others and we still need to see what Russia is also negotiating on from their side.
  9. Well according to this the Russians said it was because if covid measures..................???? No foreign journalists were invited to the press conference by the Russian Ambassador today. Amb Tomikhin said there weren't enough space, especially considering #COVID19 measures. We all know of course that western based media would actually ask questions rather than listen to a tirade of nonsense and propoganda
  10. Exactly, the only measure that is consistent without bumps and dips on the way are the ICU and Ventilated cases: https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/
  11. PCR test positive cases, total of 23,945 official new infections. 70 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 24,059 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 48,004 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ OWD rolling 7 day average, cases and deaths up to 14th March https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  12. You've been misinformed. Fully vaccinated ie with 2 doses are being admitted to ICU, being ventilated and dying. This is happening with increasing numbers here in Thailand. Why? Because Omicron evades the current vaccines. That's why a booster is needed to help combat this. Yes its more so in the very elderly, immune compromised and those with underlying diseases but there are a lot of those about. There is no indication of shutdowns here in Thailand where are you getting this from? It is in fact the opposite.
  13. Maybe looking in the wrong place, try this for starters, plenty more where that came from Ukraine Weapons Tracker
  14. Their offensive is struggling due to the losses Russia has suffered. The latest UK intel: Russia is increasingly seeking to generate additional troops to bolster and replace its personnel losses in Ukraine. As a result of these losses it is likely Russia is struggling to conduct offensive operations in the face of sustained Ukrainian resistance. Continued personnel losses will also make it difficult for Russia to secure occupied territory. Russia is redeploying forces from as far afield as its Eastern Military District, Pacific Fleet and Armenia. It is also increasingly seeking to exploit irregular sources such as Private Military Companies, Syrian and other mercenaries. Russia will likely attempt to use these forces to hold captured territory and free up its combat power to renew stalled offensive operations.
  15. Also from Russian state TV in their surreal bubble.................. Wild Kremlin TV Hosts Threaten the U.S. With Nuclear Strikes Unless Sanctions End and Reparations Are Paid
  16. URGENT. Russian troops have taken the staff and patients of #Mariupol Hospital as hostages. Thread 1/5 Residents of Mariupol have contacted the Media Human Rights Initiative (MHRI) hotline, saying that since yesterday morning (March 14) the Mariupol Regional Intensive Care Hospital (46 Troitska Street) has been occupied by the Russian troops. 2/5 The staff and patients of the hospital are being held as hostages. One of the witnesses claims that Russian soldiers are forcing the other civilians there as well. 3/5 At the same time, Russians are firing at the positions of the Ukrainian army from the windows of the hospital, trying to provoke the fire in response. According to an eyewitness, the Russian soldiers do not let anyone leave the hospital, threatening to shoot. 4/5 And those patients who risked escaping returned with bullet wounds. #MHRI begs the international community to do everything possible to stop the ongoing war crimes by Russia and to release doctors, patients, and civilians held as hostages by the Ru army. 5/5
  17. I hope they are holding their middle fingers straight up to Putin while on the train to Kyiv....???? Three EU leaders to visit Kyiv to show Ukraine support LVIV, Ukraine/KYIV, March 15 (Reuters) - Three European prime ministers rode a train for Kyiv on Tuesday, the first visit by foreign leaders to the Ukrainian capital since Russia launched its invasion, and a striking symbol of Ukraine's success so far in fending off Russia's assault. Reporting by Reuters bureaus; Writing by Peter Graff; Editing by Tomasz Janowski https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/us-warns-china-against-helping-russia-sanctions-mount-2022-03-15/
  18. Well just 5 hours ago ITV and multiple other sources say its 160, and 30 mins ago the BBC also said 160 however 160 - 200 is not the point. The point is that this is the first one that has actually worked, all the others broke down and ended up with civilians getting killed. The poster @Saanim who brought this up seemed to be a little confused in his post: BTW, 2.7 millions have left within 2 weeks via humanitarian corridors? By trains, by buses, by cars. Were they attacked on the way? That's something what the world has not experienced in the former wars, not even in the wars of last 70 years or so. Have we ever heard about such humanitarian corridors?
  19. Can you give some examples where the west have banned Russian journalists at a press breifing?
  20. How many went through humanitarian corridors and how many just left through areas that Russia does not control? Been 3 or 4 cease fire's so far for humanitarian corridors and all broken within an hour. I hear about 160 car loads made it out yesterday.
  21. The alarm seems to be in China, seen no alarm here just reporting what most know anyway. There's no stopping variants entering.
  22. I'm sure the Secretary-General and the international war crimes tribunal which is already collecting evidence have in their possession some of the many documentary proofs of cluster bombs documented in the following reports. There's so much evidence of the use of cluster bombs in these images, videos, geo location tags and direction of fire that its almost overwhelming. These are the Cluster Munitions Documented by Ukrainian Civilians In recent weeks, Bellingcat has documented these weapons landing near schools, hospitals and in residential areas of Ukrainian cities such as Kharkiv, Odesa and Kherson, seemingly often far away from noticeable military targets. Due to concerns around the significant civilian harm cluster munitions can cause, Bellingcat is tracking the use of these weapons inside Ukraine. https://www.bellingcat.com/news/rest-of-world/2022/03/11/these-are-the-cluster-munitions-documented-by-ukrainian-civilians/ And here................ Invasion of Ukraine: Tracking use of Cluster Munitions in Civilian Areas In some instances, the number of casualties appears to have been significant. For example, HRW have investigated and verified use of cluster munitions that landed just outside a Ukrainian hospital, pointing the finger of blame at Russia and calling for Russian forces to “stop using cluster munitions and end unlawful attacks with weapons that indiscriminately kill and maim”. https://www.bellingcat.com/news/2022/02/27/ukraine-conflict-tracking-use-of-cluster-munitions-in-civilian-areas/
  23. Another snippet from his speech.................. "After being hit by Russian forces, roads, airports and schools lie in ruins. According to the World Health Organization, at least 24 health facilities have suffered attacks."
  24. With his answer being........................ Secretary-General: I have seen the news about this incident, and I have to say that our position is very clear. Any attack on civilians or civilian infrastructure is regrettable if accidental and condemnable if done on purpose. But let’s be clear. The overwhelming majority of civilian casualties and the overwhelming majority of civilian infrastructure destruction was done in the context of the war by the Russian forces.
  25. Vile video shown on Russian TV yesterday, just about the lowest of the low. "With discussions about the death penalty, potential hangings & not letting morality stand in the way, Russian state TV is obviously working to desensitize the public for the upcoming atrocities in Ukraine. Case in point, this clip from Sunday's show (warning: sensitive content)." https://twitter.com/JuliaDavisNews/status/1503210849166577667
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