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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. 14 years later, so pretty obvious it was not going to happen in the future, even Zelensky said "we could not join, its the truth and it must be recognized" By the way, no need to go to the wayback machine, its live on the NATO website, its no secret: https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natolive/official_texts_8443.htm
  2. Not only would it be nice it is also required by Ukraine and the international community
  3. I can only assume you made a mistake there, it should have read: "Russia lay down the weapons after a deal on Ukraine terms."
  4. Same here in Phuket, virtually all government schools are still closed but the International ones including the one my daughter goes to have remained open despite weekly cases in students and teachers. The Thai kids in the government schools are the ones still suffering and have been for over a year.
  5. Russia was always been good at selling fear. In reality there was no conceivable possibility of Ukraine joining Nato and Putin knew that but used it as just one of his many reasons for attacking. https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/ukrainealert/why-is-ukraine-still-not-in-nato/
  6. Absolutely and this reporter has done plenty of research on what these so called Military Tribunals are last time they were held in Ukraine: "I have done a ton of reporting on "military tribunals" conducted by Russia and its separatist proxies in eastern Ukraine since the war began in 2014. Here's a disturbing look at what they are:" https://www.rferl.org/a/the-executioners-of-slovyansk/30743132.html
  7. PCR test positive cases, total of 23,441 official new infections. 88 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 15,177 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 38,618 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ OWD rolling 7 day average, cases and deaths up to 19th March https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  8. A chilling new threat. Russia's Defense Ministry says Ukraine has until 5am on March 21 to surrender the besieged city of Mariupol, adding it'll let residents and troops who lay down arms leave. Anyone left behind "with the bandits" will "face a military tribunal." via RIA
  9. Interesting article published in the Times The Times Bellingcat founder: Don’t let Putin’s disinformation distract from his war crimes Plentiful evidence of Russian violations — now available publicly — is only valuable if perpetrators are held to account For those of us who investigated war crimes and human rights abuses in Syria, the real fear is that despite the widespread documentation of alarmingly similar acts in Ukraine, there will be no accountability for the new crimes being committed. After countless UN reports and investigations, Russia’s complicity in Syria has in effect gone unpunished. This includes the systematic attacks on medical facilities and civilians that we now see repeated in Ukraine, excused once more by the same lies. We need support to pursue accountability not only in this moment, but in the years to come. If Vladimir Putin’s Russia is rehabilitated into the global community when its crimes have gone unanswered — and with such a wealth of evidence around them — this will only embolden the next autocrat who decides to devastate other nations for their own gain. https://www.ft.com/content/12865cb3-5a7f-480c-bbaa-eaa285f97b43
  10. The eye's to see it with are with the legal definitions of war crimes, simple as that.
  11. Interesting thread here (with studies) on Omicron's virulence compared to previous strains, basically its around the same as the original strain, its just the vaccines and previous infections that render it less deadly. So yes it can indeed still be a threat. "A lot has been written about Omicron being 'mild' (or not). Alpha was ~50% more virulent, Delta again ~50% more than Alpha, Omicron ~70% less than Delta. Thus, Omicron is about as mild/severe as early 2020 SARSCoV2. BA.2 is not more virulent than BA.1. 5/"
  12. That was not a war crime. Big difference between one drone attack that made a fatal mistake and the continued shelling of civilians in Ukraine with thousands killed and cities flattened. It is only a war crime if it is "intentionally killing civilians"
  13. @TheStudyofWar now assesses that Ukraine has “defeated the initial Russian campaign in this war” and that Russia no longer has the forces to take Kyiv and other major cities to force a change of gov’t. ISW believes war will likely descend into “a bloody stalemate.” -@Reevellp https://understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-march-19
  14. It is plainly obvious that the OSCE evacuated because of safety reasons. All their reports are here: https://www.osce.org/ukraine-smm/reports Including the the 3rd March when one of their members was killed: Based on information from the Monitoring Teams as of 17:00 2 March 2022. All times are in Eastern European Time. Summary One national Mission member was reported killed by shelling in Kharkiv. During the evening of 1 March and morning of 2 March, the SMM continued to hear multiple explosions and heavy machine-gun fire in and around Kherson city. It also observed the movement of Russian Federation Armed Forces equipment and troops in the city. Following the 24 February decision to temporarily evacuate all SMM international mission members, the Kharkiv Monitoring Team continued its evacuation westwards through Ukraine, while the Kherson Monitoring Team remained sheltered in place awaiting a window to evacuate safely. The Chief Monitor and senior management will remain in Ukraine until the evacuation process is complete. https://www.osce.org/special-monitoring-mission-to-ukraine/513289
  15. Questions questions....................................try to answer some yourself then get back to me.
  16. Exactly what is different in that account? The reports it carries are exactly what the west will be missing.
  17. Russians bombard art school in Mariupol, civilians trapped under rubble. The attack on March 19 hit an art school in Mariupol’s Levoberezhny District, where nearly 400 women, children and elderly were sheltering, Mariupol city council reports. The building is destroyed. The number of casualties is yet unknown. https://kyivindependent.com/
  18. Latest UK Defence Intelligence update on the situation in Ukraine - 20 March 2022 Russian forces are continuing to encircle a number of cities across eastern Ukraine. Over the past week Russian forces have made limited progress in capturing these cities; instead, Russia has increased its indiscriminate shelling of urban areas resulting in widespread destruction and large numbers of civilian casualties. It is likely Russia will continue to use its heavy firepower to support assaults on urban areas as it looks to limit its own already considerable losses, at the cost of further civilian casualties.
  19. Mariupol City Council: A part of the residents of the city is being forcibly moved to Russia. They have their Ukrainian passports taken away and are given a piece of paper that has no legal weight and is not recognized in the entire civilized world.
  20. Not sure the Russians wanted them about with their factual reports: "Russia and OSCE have had disagreements in the past over eastern Ukraine. Moscow refused to allow another OSCE mission to keep monitoring the border between the rebel-controlled area in east Ukraine and Russia in September. Pro-Russian separatists blocked its monitors in their hotel in Donetsk for a week in October. Its a blow for the west however: "Ukrainian diplomats and Western leaders lose an important resource to counter the false narratives that the Kremlin uses to justify Russia’s aggressive campaign against Ukraine and mischaracterize the activities of its forces." But like I said earlier, the International War Crimes Tribunal are in Ukraine now doing their investigations thankfully and gathering the multitude of evidence
  21. Strange, there must be an alternate version of the BBC world news. I've just got back from a car journey and the BBC world news came on the radio, it was saying that 1000's had been forced. Its also on the BBC website updates. Of course there's no confirmation of this from Russia, its hardly likely to own up to another war crime.
  22. so go start a thread on them. This is about the war crimes and deaths of civilians happening now in Ukraine
  23. To corroborate their boasting about Russia's "great successes" in Ukraine, shortly after Korotchenko's performance, state TV show '60 Minutes' aired another translated clip of Fox News' Tucker Carlson and his frequent pro-Kremlin guest Doug Macgregor.
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