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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. ???????? Russia says China refuses to supply aircraft parts after sanctions March 10 (Reuters) - China has refused to supply Russian airlines with aircraft parts, an official at Russia's aviation authority was quoted by Russian news agencies as saying on Thursday, after Boeing (BA.N) and Airbus (AIR.PA) halted supply of components. https://www.reuters.com/business/aerospace-defense/russia-says-china-refuses-supply-aircraft-parts-after-sanctions-2022-03-10/
  2. #UPDATE Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Thursday said Russian President Vladimir Putin will "lose" the war in Ukraine that he began by invading Ukraine https://twitter.com/AFP/status/1501957594616893444
  3. I agree with you entirely, the convoy is preparing, some say this is to allow the roads to be free for other supplies to get through or maybe just their strategy is to start the final siege of Kiev, it looks like this will the old style siege too, while its circled they will bomb it to dust. Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko: About half of Kyiv residents left capital since Russia’s war began. According to the latest estimates, there are just under 2 million people still in Kyiv. Nato needs to step up. However there is also another possibility, very good article here on another solution with the No fly zone being enforced by the U.N. Francis M. O’Donnell: UN must impose a no-fly zone over Ukraine It should muster a “coalition of the willing” and craft, constitute and deploy a robust and adequately armed peacekeeping operation, using lessons learned and best practice from past operations. This would not necessarily be a NATO operation per se, but NATO members could indeed participate. Whether or not they do or don’t, other European, neutral, countries (Austria, Ireland, Finland, Sweden, Switzerland, for example), and non-European states such as Australia, Brazil, Egypt, India, Israel, Japan, South Africa, or others, could. The operation should include aircover adequate to protect the delivery of humanitarian aid, the protection of civilians, and the peaceful movement, evacuation, and eventual repatriation of those at greatest risk. https://kyivindependent.com/opinion/un-must-impose-a-no-fly-zone-over-ukraine/
  4. Some parts of the convoy have “repositioned” in forests, while others have been seen sitting on roadways in residential areas, Maxar says.
  5. Like this you mean? In a previous post you made..... "As a Thai, I hope they send ALL Russian home immediately. I hope we ban ALL Russian flights, like the US has done. We have to send a message to the Russian people."
  6. To be fair they did vote against the invasion at the UN and released a statement condemning it. However this is Thai doublespeak for the sake of $
  7. Thai humanitarian assistance to is ready. Medical & survival equipment, dried/infant food & care, consumer products worth 600K usd, to be transported from @THEmbWarsaw. Ukraine Red Cross https://twitter.com/NatapanuN/status/1502100524560437253
  8. ICU and Ventilated cases continuing the overall upward trend which only leads to increasing deaths. https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/
  9. A worthy cause for helping out the Ukrainians stranded here.............. "Embassy of Ukraine in Thailand calls for help from locals to provide shelter for Ukranians in need through https://prykhystok.in.ua The same platform can be used by Ukrainians looking for shelter" https://twitter.com/PichayadaCNA/status/1501882047316770821
  10. I couldn't believe it when I read it to be honest, it gives permission for hate speech which will then also be used by Russia as examples of western hypocrisy. Not a good move.
  11. I think you better go back and read some of the previous posts where they have explicitly stated they are neutral and sitting on the fence while this attack carries on. Who is hating to hating?
  12. Sounds ominous................ KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Satellite photos show Russian convoy outside Kyiv appears to have dispersed to surrounding areas.
  13. From AFP Facebook eases rules to allow violent speech against 'Russian invaders' Facebook said Thursday that due to the invasion of Ukraine it has temporarily eased its rules regarding violent speech to allow statements like "death to Russian invaders," but not credible threats against civilians. Moscow's internationally condemned invasion of its neighbor has provoked unprecedented sanctions from Western governments and businesses, but also a surge of online anger. "As a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, we have temporarily made allowances for forms of political expression that would normally violate our rules like violent speech such as 'death to the Russian invaders,'" Facebook's parent company Meta said in a statement. https://sg.news.yahoo.com/facebook-eases-rules-allow-violent-233854788.html
  14. I can't imagine how anyone can still be neutral in this terror instigated by Russia. Can you really still sit on a fence and not know what side you should be on?
  15. PCR test positive cases, total of 24,792 official new infections. 63 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 21,626 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 46,418 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ OWD rolling 7 day average, cases and deaths up to 9th March https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  16. Its not going to plan as its already shot past their worst case scenario, so we now have another plan be concocted. Anything to avoid the admission of failure to vaccinate the elderly more. If you look at Hong Kong, deaths they are massive with Omicron, all due to poor vaccine coverage but also because of very little past infection with their zero covid policy they had.
  17. The propaganda from Russia is also that the labs were being run by the US and in fact all that happened was some donations for construction.
  18. Yea but you're neutral on this "Special Mission" as you and Russia call it when infact its an unproved invasion of a sovereign country so any distraction is one worth throwing out there. Throw enough at the wall and some may just stick somewhere...............maybe............. Of course currently we have daily lies. First Putin denies any conscripts were engaged in Ukraine, then 2 days later his own army chief admitted there was. Lets not forget Sergeĭ Viktorovich Lavrov today in the press briefing today talking about your Special Mission that Russia has "not attacked Ukraine"
  19. Video Interesting, Chinese media embedded with Russian troops.
  20. Back to the topic From the UK Ministry of Defense, that 40 mile convoy is getting shorter.....lol The large Russian column north west of Kyiv has made little progress in over a week and is suffering continued losses at the hands of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. From Bellingcat amazing video of a convoy attacked by Ukraine. Russia's problem is it's so muddy they have to stick to roads, which makes it pretty easy to figure out their possible directions of attack and prepare accordingly. This video of a Russian military column coming under attack and retreating was geolocated to 50.587111, 30.837889 by @MrWolfih and confirmed by Bellingcat. Filmed in Brovary, northeast of Kyiv.
  21. Maybe this gives some perspective on Russia's arms sales and I India in particular
  22. Read my post again slowly..........................and yes when you copy and paste from a website then you need to provide a link even to an Indian website, you know, the country which relies on Russia for nearly all its military equipment
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