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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. It is very few compared to the peak of the delta wave last year or was the delta wave due to alpha?
  2. Omicron ripping through Thailand for the last 7 weeks, what do you think? https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/
  3. Thanks, its because of posters such as you putting out charts taken from the statistics without the necessary context and basic maths that it has resulted in this: Anti-vax 'misinformation' forces official block on Scots Covid deaths data PHS has stated that the data in the report was never to be used as a measure of vaccine effectiveness but it is now aware of "inappropriate use and misinterpretation of the data when taken in isolation without fully understanding the limitations..." https://www.heraldscotland.com/news/homenews/19932203.anti-vax-misinformation-forces-official-block-scots-covid-deaths-data/
  4. However in most countries in the world they must wear a seat belt or wear helmets, have insurance, road traffic rules and regulations, plenty of mandates for them. How many more would die without those?
  5. Yes, its been talked about alot, fantastic news for the UK after all that joint effort from the majority of the population to get vaccinated and get their freedom back. Responsibility is now back with the people................
  6. According to CCSA’s data, 1,032 people have died of Covid from 547,358 confirmed cases in 2022, representing a mortality rate of 0.19 per cent. https://www.thaienquirer.com/37827/covid-deaths-among-unvaccinated-rises-but-thailand-still-doing-better-than-region/
  7. You forget.............. Dr Opas Karnkawinpong, Chief of the Department of Disease Control, said on January 14 said that the country is a step ahead of the WHO when comes to the management of Covid. They just don't know which direction they're stepping....lol
  8. They are still alive, great, those vaccines are working and I wish them a speedy recovery. Unlike the unvaccinated who are not as fortunate.
  9. I accept that's your opinion however a couple of points that I'd like to make. 1. If a vaccine can stop you being infected which it does to varying degree's then its impossible to pass that infection on. This is proven in multiple studies that are followed up with testing individuals over regular periods. 2. Omicron is new so studies are limited although there are a few pre-print ones including one from Denmark which demonstrates the above very clearly in household settings. Brief summary from UKHSA Effectiveness against infection Although individuals may not develop symptoms of COVID-19 after vaccination, it is possible that they could still be infected with the virus and could transmit to others. Understanding how effective vaccines are at preventing infection is therefore important to predict the likely impact of the vaccination programme on the wider population. In order to estimate vaccine effectiveness against infection, repeat asymptomatic testing of a defined cohort of individuals is required. Studies have now reported on vaccine effectiveness against infection in healthcare workers, care home residents and the general population with the Alpha and Delta variants (12, 13, 14, 15). Generally estimates are similar to or slightly lower than vaccine effectiveness estimates against symptomatic disease and there is evidence of significant waning in protection against infection over time. Estimates for vaccine effectiveness against infection with the Omicron variant are not yet available. Effectiveness against transmission As described above, several studies have provided evidence that vaccines are effective at preventing infection. Uninfected individuals cannot transmit; therefore, the vaccines are also provide some protection against transmission. There may be additional benefit, beyond that due to prevention of infection, if some of those individuals who become infected despite vaccination are also at a reduced risk of transmitting (for example, because of reduced duration or level of viral shedding). Several studies have provided evidence of reduced risk of household transmission from vaccinated cases compared to unvaccinated cases (16, 17, 18, 19). PDF download page 11
  10. Typical totally ignore the burden on the hospitals and the consequences of it and focus on the already known fact that Omicron has high vaccine evasion capabilities. Even though being fully vaxxed helps stop you getting infected it is not 100% but it is better than not being vaxxed.
  11. The hospitals care, the doctors and nurses care but unlike the anti vaxxers that end up in hospital they have no choice but to treat them to the best of the abilities even though they have been stretched to the max and many end up getting infected by them. While those hospitals are busy caring for the unvaxxed they have to put on hold normal routine operations for those that have been vaxxed.
  12. There is wide variation in test positivity across Thailand’s provinces ranging from a low of 6% and lower to a high of 69%. This increases from the high of 62% test positivity in the previous week. • Loei, Mukdahan, Saraburi and Chantaburi continue to report the highest test positivity rates of 45% to 69%, the same provinces reporting the highest TPR in the previous week. New, Who Thailand situation report https://www.who.int/thailand/emergencies/novel-coronavirus-2019/situation-reports
  13. Actually thats up from yesterday which was 71,414 although I guess the ICU and Ventilated cases are the more important stats: https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/
  14. Have to say that looks more like the anti vaxxers running back to their bunkers now that they see its them who have been dying in droves and clogging up the hospitals more so than the fully vaxxed
  15. PCR test positive cases, total of 23,557 official new infections. 38 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 22,240 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 45,797 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ Rolling 7 day average chart from 22nd Feb https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  16. Some useful statistics that everyone wanted and shows the need for continued vaccinations in those who had none and for boosters. I note in the linked report that they claim 27.7% of over 60's have received a booster shot. That conflicts with the other reports they issued yesterday which clearly state that the figure of 27.7% is for everybody thats been boosted. Yesterdays WHO Thailand update broke it down and for the over 60's its actually only 22.1% Thailand needs to be quicker in its booster roll out for this age group and in general.
  17. Personally I see a lot of scare mongering posts, not necessarily on this thread but certainly dotted around others by vaccine skeptics or outright anti vaxxers making unsubstantiated claims that boosters will need needed every month, the dangers of anti body resistance, long term side effects etc etc................ This OP is based on one study from Israel that actually cited the benefits for the older/vulnerable to get a 4th shot but not for the wider population. Surely this is good news, that further boosters for the young/healthy are not needed presently warranted. A yearly booster offered to the elderly or at high risk is simply the same as an annual flu shot. Its a precaution that people can take if they feel they need to, its not forced on them. In the absence of a perfect vaccine to cover all variants and there will of course be more to come then we have to work with what is available. Latest results from the UK ONS Infection Survey, antibody data, 23 February which is a far larger ongoing survey than the Israel study paint a very different picture. This is very encouraging - and somewhat unexpected given the waning seen in eg. Israel (which may reflect the different combinations of vaccine/dosing intervals or higher hybrid immunity) and should mean current positive trends in hospital admissions and deaths should continue. Latest antibody data from ONS shows sustained high levels at older ages, even after 4 months since boosting of the oldest groups started. Note that only the much higher threshold, recently added to the survey, is now used, up from 42 to 179ng/ml. Report: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey, antibody data, UK: 23 February 2022
  18. As in the UK, they will be offered in spring to the most vulnerable, over 75's and high risk. The correct decision for a Public Health dept as a "precautionary" move.
  19. Agreed, no need for hospital treatment for mild symptoms which the majority of people get due to vaccinations with Omicron, however sheer numbers also mean the moderate (needing monitoring for oxygen etc) and severe numbers also increase. Take a look at Denmark for instance. Although as we know Denmark is treating this as endemic as they can handle this number plus ICU and deaths remain relatively low. https://ourworldindata.org/covid-hospitalizations
  20. Sure i understand that and why i mentioned best to stick to offially daily numbers for this year to make comparisons
  21. Because of the belief the medication may help them avoid significant symptoms. Plus its free for them rather than going to a pharmacy? Perhaps a wise decision.
  22. Actually no you quoted road deaths for 2021, 1 year. I also quoted covid deaths for 2021 only
  23. Yes they have taken away the legal requirement to self isolate but still advice people to do so if testing positive. Basically handing over responsibilty to the people rather than state imposed.
  24. Lies, there are 71,414 in real hospitals getting treatment with another 882 in ICU and a further 229 on ventilators. Thats not even counting the 102,191 in Field hospitals, Community care centers, hospitels or home isolation. I also notice a post by @anchadian in another thread this morning: Relief foundation pleads with government to open more Covid facilities A relief foundation is urging the government to open more community isolation (CI) facilities as beds for mild and moderate Covid cases are filling up in Bangkok as the Omicron outbreak sweeps. https://www.thaienquirer.com/37756/relief-foundation-pleads-with-government-to-open-more-covid-facilities/
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