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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Moderna says pandemic will end in 2022 but annual boosters needed “We should be in a world where between vaccination, boosting and natural infection and potentially a less virulent virus we might move to an endemic setting where it circulates in the community forever,” Bancel said. Covid-19 boosters would likely become an annual event for people over the age of 50 and vulnerable people suffering from underlying conditions, Bancel told the Financial Times in an interview. https://www.ft.com/content/28431085-4ce2-4232-86ec-85f3ae7d30ef
  2. I'll go one step further, thanks to those in the current trials but even more thanks to the 100's of thousands in previous trials around the world that helped the scientists who developed these vaccines, (all brands) to go and prove their safety and efficacy. Without them the world would be in a very dark place.
  3. Interesting, from your link: With around 60% of Americans fully vaccinated during the most recent wave, daily deaths from omicron are still relatively high, which begs the question: Who is dying of COVID-19 when there is such strong vaccination coverage? Infectious disease doctors say it is still mainly unvaccinated people, most of whom are in their 30s and 40s with no underlying health issues, who are dying.
  4. ? They are a pretty direct bunch but on School premises i think even they would not want to create a drama with kids around.
  5. Exactly........all claims or ascertions should be backed up with a credible source, not R.T. News though......
  6. Can only be 2 reasons. 1. To be seen to be doing something which .makes them very proud. 2. Farrang Omicron is different to Thai community Omicron. Both of which are of course ludicrous
  7. I'll take that bet, send me a PM and we can sort out the details ????
  8. ? Perhaps they are but I'm not going to get in a discussion with them about how they really feel while waiting to pick up our kids from a school that has over 40 nationalities in it including Ukraine.
  9. I know a few Russians due to the International School where my daughter goes and they are all feeling a little embarrassed about this and in no way agree with the invasion.
  10. Its not the TV that is a problem, the internet is the source for more fake news than ever before in history
  11. THAI NEWS REPORTS: There were 41 reported Covid-19 deaths yesterday. 73% were people aged 60 years and over. The age range was 3 months-104 years. The baby that died had no medical conditions https://twitter.com/ThaiNewsReports/status/1497078608070082562
  12. Prayut says Covid-19 crisis ‘over soon’ if citizens cooperate He added that 92 per cent of Covid-19 patients in Thailand have recovered, higher than the global average of 83 per cent. "Also, Thailand is among the countries that have successfully reopened under Covid-19 prevention measures in line with the global situation, drawing foreign tourists worldwide," he said. "Also, provincial government agencies have been told to ready expansion of field hospitals, prepare emergency plans and ensure there are no gatherings that violate Covid-19 prevention measures." https://www.nationthailand.com/in-focus/40012751
  13. No they've not done anything wrong but their dictator Putin has and considering the protests against the invasion going on in Moscow there they may be feeling a little embarrassed because of his actions and threats to anyone who tries to intervene?
  14. As reported yesterday this is not due for some time yet...........???? Ministry aims to declare Covid-19 an endemic in four months The Public Health Ministry aims to relegate the Covid-19 from a pandemic to an endemic in four months, it announced Thursday #Thailand https://www.nationthailand.com/in-focus/40012720
  15. PCR test positive cases, total of 24,932 official new infections. 41 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 22,209 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 47,441 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ Rolling 7 day average chart from 23rd Feb https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  16. That was not my point, i was making a clear comparison on SA with low vaccinations and Thailand which are much higher and so deaths far less. As for the UK, I'm all for its total re opening and lifting of restrictions due to its high immunity wall. For Thailand the Test and go is a complete waste of time.
  17. As we can see from South Africa, that unknown threat is actually proving to be nearly as deadly as their original wave. Of course they had very low vaccination rates, fortunately here in Thailand its much better although boosters still have a long way to go. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/south-africa/
  18. Because a post gets 5 votes you then claim its futile to to hold a logical discussion on the forum...........mmmm ????
  19. We can never be sure of anything 100% with figures produced here but this has been explained multiple times here over the months so my simplified version is. There may be some slight overlap but its negligible as by far the majority do not go onto take a PCR test even if placed in quarantine. What is certain is the massive undercount of cases. The way I produce the charts is the same as WHO Thailand although not as professional....lol https://www.who.int/thailand/emergencies/novel-coronavirus-2019/situation-reports
  20. He's not too far off, testing is dismal in Thailand and just lately they've managed to up it to around 60k per day (blue line in chart), still pretty useless. That figure is probably an undercount on actual lab testing as they double up on testing each person sometimes when in hospital. Positivity rate in some individual Provinces in Thailand is indeed way over 50% while in some it is just 6% so the virus still has a long way to go before its finished here in Thailand. The national average Poisitivity rate is around 28% (official) but as you can see in the below chart is more like 36% and rising https://djay.github.io/covidthailand/#testing
  21. 91.4% first dose 85.1% second dose 66.2% booster Considering they are not giving boosters to under 18's thats a very high figure. Only 328 patients in ICU 11k in hospital If The UK can't open now it never can Indeed a precautionary measure is going to be offered for the most vulnerable in society, that makes good sense. However there is very good news on waning or the lack of just released: Latest results from the UK ONS Infection Survey, antibody data, 23 February. This is very encouraging - and somewhat unexpected given the waning seen in eg. Israel (which may reflect the different combinations of vaccine/dosing intervals or higher hybrid immunity) and should mean current positive trends in hospital admissions and deaths should continue. Latest antibody data from ONS shows sustained high levels at older ages, even after 4 months since boosting of the oldest groups started. Note that only the much higher threshold, recently added to the survey, is now used, up from 42 to 179ng/ml. Report: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey, antibody data, UK: 23 February 2022
  22. 91.4% first dose 85.1% second dose 66.2% booster https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/details/vaccinations One of the highest in the world for boosters
  23. Perhaps read the full report then you'll see why,rather than missrepresent statistics without the data input behind it. Pathetic attempts at minimizing the vaccines protective benifits.
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