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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. That does not take away the importance of internet access though does it. Propaganda in warfare is unfortunately par for the course normally from both sides. The fact is Ukraine was invaded and they are fighting for their country, simple as that. Volodymyr Zelensky on twitter.....
  2. Singapore may be part of ASEAN but are taking a very different line: “Singapore strongly condemns any unprovoked invasion of a sovereign country under any pretext. We reiterate that the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine must be respected,” the ministry said in a statement.
  3. Who's getting carried away, having internet access is vital and thanks to Elon Musk and Starlink that method of communication will remain despite Putin's cowardly actions.
  4. Nothing official from the authorities here but seeing as WHO Thailand also report the numbers in the same way as I compose the charts then I would assume they also feel the same, that the ATK's are in addition to the PCR's https://www.who.int/thailand/emergencies/novel-coronavirus-2019/situation-reports
  5. Yes Putin is indeed one of those bloodthirsty warriors. However twitter and general internet access is how Ukraine is keeping in contact with the world including Volodymyr Zelensky their president who has been on the frontline alongside his troops and civilians defending their country. https://mobile.twitter.com/zelenskyyua?lang=en Unlike precious Putin barking his orders from afar..................
  6. Latest Excess Deaths. "Cumulative" count and chart. Official Covid Deaths = 22,891 Excess Deaths = 70,000 https://ourworldindata.org/excess-mortality-covid
  7. PCR test positive cases, total of 24,719 official new infections. 42 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 15,708 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 40,427 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ Rolling 7 day average chart from 24th Feb for confirmed cases and deaths https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  8. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb 26 (Reuters) - SpaceX billionaire Elon Musk said on Saturday that the company's Starlink satellite broadband service is available in Ukraine and SpaceX is sending more terminals to the country, whose internet has been disrupted due to the Russian invasion.
  9. Extraction is one of the very reasons they maybe in there, they certainly were there till very recently, Canada sent a small contingent there back in Jan although they have said they've now left but who knows. "The unit has also been tasked with helping to develop evacuation plans for Canadian diplomatic personnel in the event of a full-scale invasion, sources said. Neither the government nor the Canadian Forces would officially confirm the special forces presence in Ukraine when contacted by Global News, other than to say special forces operators have been involved in Canada’s broader assistance to Ukraine." I have no doubt other countries also sent theirs although whether some still remain who knows?
  10. I think you're right, values, culture and outlook is imposed by a few people on the masses. However before internet it was fairly easy to indoctrinate a whole nation starting from education. Now its nots so easy because of access to a wide variety of different sources. The outliner of course being North Korea and to a certain extent China with its great internet firewall. I remember watching the "blue eyes/brown eyes experiment", (its still on youtube), years ago as part of my University course. Powerful stuff on just how easy it is to divide a group of children against each other within an hour based solely on the colour of their eyes. Apparently the same experiment was conducted by Oprah Winfrey on one of her show with the whole audience, providing the same results.
  11. Just noticed this post. You watch R.T. news. Just as I suspected that explains it then. Putin's propoganda mouth piece full of lies and missinformation.
  12. Well I did say you'd have to be pretty naive to believe they would not already be there, seems you are one of those. 25 Jan 2022 Russian special forces and spies are in Ukraine in “significant” numbers - in the starkest warning of oncoming war, Britain has revealed. Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said Moscow’s elite forces have advanced across the border ahead of the main force of combat troops.
  13. There are hundreds of thousands of cases per day and positivity rates are well over 50% in some provinces, infact up to 69% https://ourworldindata.org/covid-models#institute-for-health-metrics-and-evaluation-ihme
  14. One would be pretty naive to think Russian special forces had not already been in Ukraine for some time, plotting their clandestine operations before the the main invasion.
  15. There is mass spread its in every province of Thailand and has been for weeks. If Delta was still around deaths would be far higher.
  16. Never seen a study on that claim, considering school children, young people at College and Uni are know to spread the virus rapidly. I've seen plenty of studies that give the effectiveness of vaccines from infection. If you're not infected you can't pass it on
  17. Its more than likely there are Special Forces from the west already in Ukraine. Its something that would never be revealed at this stage.
  18. I think we're in agreement, my only comment is that i believe any incursion into Ukraine by NATO would quickly escalate outside of its borders due to arial combat and no fly zones imposed.
  19. Please re read my post, I said it would lead to WW3 if NATO got involved, by that I mean if they actaully stepped foot into Ukraine to support its defense. Its a view shared just now by Sir Richard Shirreff, ex-deputy supreme commander of NATO who was just interviewed on the BBC. If you think Putin's ambitions are to stop in Ukraine you are living in cloud cuckoo land. Putin is bent on restoring the USSR
  20. Of course as we all know that this will not happen as it would lead directly to W3 if Nato got involved so they are deliberately avoiding that, Putin knows this and taking advantage of that reality. However while the Russians will overwhelm Ukraine, that does not mean they will win. Urban warfare is ugly and can be prolonged, it favours the defenders but there will be many lives lost. The resistance can go on for many months.
  21. Makes me think that despite the overwhelming might of the Russian invaders the Ukrainians will continue to display bravery and heroism in defending their own land from the dictator Putin.
  22. Yea just read your other post praising Belarus and how its handled covid so well on the other thread, just about says it all from you.........Belarus a country in denial
  23. Belarus, run by “Europe’s last dictator”, a country that stopped reporting daily deaths. Their excess death data also stopped in March last year and was way over that of most countries per capita. Its a country in denial much the same as Russia with its fake death rates. The most unreal death charts for Belarus in the world for covid. Doctors afraid to speak out for fear of finding themselves behind bars. “kill the virus with vodka,” was advised there while hospitals were overwhelmed with shortages of oxygen and medicines. Try again and stay away from whatever sites it is that you get your information. Either that or provide credible links to your claims that they are doing well. https://apnews.com/article/coronavirus-pandemic-europe-health-pandemics-belarus-23001be567f93f12980c60bedd81a77c
  24. While its very positive that this Omicron variant is despite its higher numbers causing far less deaths due to vaccinations and its less virulent nature, comparing it to road deaths is also not a good comparison. Firstly there were not 30,000 road deaths last year or any recent previous years. WHO estimates 22,941 people die each year due to traffic-related incidents in Thailand although the figure was less last year due to the lockdowns which resulted in less travel. Last year, "one year only" covid deaths in Thailand were around 22,000 and thats without the excess deaths calculated in. No doubt covid deaths will be less this year but they are currently not so different from the current road deaths. This chart as from 13th Feb with data taken from https://twitter.com/ThaiNewsReports
  25. PCR test positive cases, total of 25,615 official new infections. 40 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 21,934 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 47,549 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ Rolling 7 day average chart cases and deaths from 24th Feb https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
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