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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Yet 74% of Ukrainians voted for President Volodymyr Zelensky in free and democratic elections. President Volodymyr Zelensky is Jewish with family who were killed in the holocaust, as is the Prime Minister of Ukraine. Its pure propaganda from Russia media and Putin
  2. The ultimate, you're on the ignore list...................... Dozens of diplomats walked out of a speech by the Russian foreign minister to the UN human rights forum on Tuesday.
  3. There are some hotels in Phuket doing the right thing and offering free accommodation to Ukrainians who are stranded here. Respect.
  4. Good for them, anyone willing to go and help defend Ukraine and the war crimes going on there is on the right side of humanity
  5. Bulgaria denied it according to one report. Thats why I mentioned in another post it needs to be confirmed. The Russian news Agency TASS is confirming it but who knows?
  6. Dread in Kyiv as huge Russian convoy advances The first day of March swept in with an icy blast of wind and snow; the sixth day of Russia's invasion unfolds with a gnawing sense of foreboding. Satellite images convey, with searing clarity, the pace of Russia's progress towards Kyiv. A serpentine armoured convoy, some 65km (40 miles) long, bristling with tanks and troops, slowly snakes forward. It's only 27km away. It gives an entirely new, and terrifying, meaning to the expression "the world is watching". Everyone can see these satellite images in shades of black and grey, which have a meaning that's all too black and white. But it's only Ukrainian forces, soldiers and civilians who can stop its lumbering advance. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-60571884
  7. Not sure, it needs to be confirmed but it was reported by Ukraine however Bulgaria denies it Ukraine has said that three NATO nations – Bulgaria, Poland and Slovakia – will transfer 70 combat aircraft to join their forces against Russia. https://www.defenseworld.net/news/31470#.Yh4luDhByUm I did a search and the only other report I can see is the TASS news agency saying the same thing
  8. They also fail to mention that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is Jewish as is the Prime Minister
  9. He never expected this level of unity throughout the world. To say he was prepared for it is naive at best. Its the very reason he resorted to his nuclear ready level statement because of all the unexpected sanctions that have and continue to drive Russia in a very dark corner which it may never get out of again.
  10. I just read that fighter jet donations to Ukraine will be stationed in Poland and be able to fly missions from there, hope that is the case!
  11. Wrong but you could always provide a list and link if you want to research that better?
  12. Thats also my worry, the fierce fighting in urban warfare is deadly and long lasting. The BBC reporter insitu said that civilians are anxious/scared and the next 72 hours are crucial
  13. They do give separate Province stats along with other relevant info, from the link just use the drop down menu https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/index.php?dashboard=province Here is Phuket and as you can see it has a 69.25% positivity rate.
  14. I've just watched the latest update on BBC news, that convoy is 40 miles long not 40 km and it is now just 30 km from Kyiv. Its early morning there currently. Lets hope something can be done before it reaches there!
  15. Offical PCR Positive cases 20,420 ATK Positive cases 25,339 Total cases 45,759 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/
  16. Excuse my delay, while you've been busy trying to defend the indefensible, I was just watching Russian forces carrying out war crimes dropping cluster bombs in residential areas of Kharkiv. Of course, you wont see that on R.T or Sputnik. ICC prosecutor to proceed with investigation into alleged war crimes in Ukraine Russia is using controversial 'cluster munitions' in Ukraine, humanitarian groups say
  17. A worthy fight for freedom that lead directly to free elections, 103 protesters killed, 184 sustained gunshot wounds and over 750 suffered bodily injuries. Now they are fighting for freedom from Russia yet again.
  18. 74% of the Ukraine population voted in a free democratic election for Volodymyr Zelenskiy who just happens to be Jewish & who lost relatives in the Holocaust.
  19. Yes but you would think he would trust his right hand man Sergey Lavrov (from same source)
  20. Nothing weird about Putin at all, or? there's social distancing and there's complete paranoia source
  21. Thanks, I already gave him some other links on that too but he then focused on why women were not coming back to fight, he obviously did not read the links if he did he would have seen Ukrainian men and women are returning home from across Europe to help defend their homeland in the face of Russia’s invasion. Still he's deleted both his posts on that now.
  22. They are fleeing with their children who they are attempting to keep safe rather than bombed............................of course maybe you'd like to keep the children there too?
  23. Below is what you asked, I gave you the links to your question............... If I was you I'd focus on the hundreds of thousands of women, children and elderly fleeing their own country because of the invasion which has now entered a new stage of indiscriminate shelling of residential areas killing civilians
  24. Its not in Singapore's back yard either, or Australia, South Korea, Japan, New Zealand who have all instigated sanctions against Russia
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