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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Indeed, T and B cell long term responses are the key to lasting protection so much so that they are looking at new vaccines: COVID: why T cell vaccines could be the key to long-term immunity now that we understand more about the role of T cells, the importance of having a broad T cell response, and the issue of antibodies waning, perhaps we should consider refocusing our vaccine strategies on generating T cells and on targeting more than just one protein. Work is moving in this direction. Early trials of vaccines that can trigger much more broadly reactive helper and killer T cell responses have been completed, and several other T cell vaccines are also entering trials. These T cell vaccines may be the key to boosting existing immunity and generating long-lived protection against severe disease from a whole range of COVID variants. If so, they would be a huge part of the world living more safely with COVID. https://www.manchester.ac.uk/discover/news/covid-why-t-cell-vaccines-could-be-the-key-to-long-term-immunity/
  2. Do you need a graph when you already have the official source in the links????
  3. NEW: Ivermectin doesn’t prevent severe disease from Covid-19 any more effectively than a placebo, according to a new study published in JAMA Internal Medicine. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/fullarticle/2789362
  4. Bkk Brian

    Booster shots ?

    Correct, thats the official line https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/searo/thailand/2022_02_15_tha-sitrep-223-covid-19_eng.pdf?sfvrsn=a74a1411_3
  5. Wonderful but that was not my point..............read the rest of my post rather than edit it out of context
  6. The predictable weekend effect PCR test positive cases, total of 18,953 official new infections. 30 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 8,814 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 27,767 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ Rolling 7 day average chart from 18th Feb https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  7. and those accused of rape......................although this is another one who decided suicide was best Jean-Luc Brunel, held on suspicion of supplying girls to Epstein, found hanged The former boss of a French model agency accused of rape and under investigation on suspicion of supplying underage girls to the late American financier Jeffrey Epstein has been found dead in prison. The body of Jean-Luc Brunel, 75, was reportedly found hanging in his cell in the early hours of Saturday. The French prosecutors’ office confirmed the report and said an inquiry had been opened into the exact cause of death, but early indications pointed to suicide. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/feb/19/jean-luc-brunel-held-on-suspicion-of-supplying-girls-to-epstein-found-hanged
  8. You keep missing the boosters which you graph does not show. Like I said, check official sources next time.
  9. Moot point because I had already responded to you with the fact that the flu had diminished in all countries that put Covid measures in place so this would be a factor for all excess deaths in those countries not just Denmark. You were comparing it to Thailand not the UK. You’ll get it eventually.
  10. Check official sources next time, Thailand is way behind the UK https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/ https://media.thaigov.go.th/uploads/public_img/source/170265.pdf
  11. Now you're just being dishonest. You were the one who brought up flu to try and justify why Denmark had lower levels of excess deaths compared to Thailand, let me remind you of the post right here In Denmark an influenza epidemic, like the one in 2017-2018, can kill more people during one season (2,822), than the Covid pandemic did in one year (total deaths in two years are 4,250). As stated in my response its irrelevant comparing Denmark's flu numbers as a justification for low excess deaths compared to Thailand when you do not also have Thailand's flu numbers. So please explain this? Or could it be as I maintain that is due to the effective testing Denmark is doing that captures most deaths compared to Thailand dismal record of testing, rather than bring flu into a covid thread as you stated above?
  12. Thanks made my night. Really I mean it. I haven't laughed so much all day.????
  13. How many tourists have been going to CM lately, any figures? Perhaps Bloomberg went to Bangkok, or Phuket where I live and there are tourist figures available. Unless they go to certain districts in Phuket such as Bangla then yes they will find empty streets and closed bars and shopping malls. Central in Patong is still closed, as is Jungceylon an even larger shopping mall full of dozens of closed restaurants, bars and entertainment venues. Still being used as a vaccination center. Food handouts still happening in Phuket by the way because of the shuttered businesses. My daughter was involved in helping at one with her school last week.
  14. Why? To make a comparison with Denmark and Thailand for flu then you can only do that if you have Thailands numbers as well. Otherwise its pure speculation. Try some facts next time.
  15. Hardly surprising, its been known for years that Prayut wants a Chinese style governance. This from back in 2016 PRAYUTH: READ CHINESE GOVERNANCE BOOK BECAUSE IT SUITS THAILAND BANGKOK — To get a glimpse of the future of governance of Thailand under junta-leader-cum-prime-minister Prayuth Chan-ocha, see what Prayuth recommends his cabinet to read. At yesterday’s cabinet meeting, Prayuth recommended that ministers, who include many generals, read Chinese leader Xi Jinping’s book “The Governance of China”. Prayuth was quoted as saying that the book should be read because it is suited to the governing situation of Thailand as the kingdom is also undergoing reform. https://www.khaosodenglish.com/politics/2016/04/13/1460541191/ There was a thread on it here: https://aseannow.com/topic/910111-prayut-read-chinese-governance-book-because-it-suits-thailand/
  16. Who to believe? I guess one possibility being that the medical expert is referring to beds in covid wards and the Medical Services is referring to all hospital beds?
  17. Agree, its the ICU and ventilated cases that are important as well and they are not anywhere near the levels of the delta wave, although its still a large burden on the health service to have so many normal hospital beds taken up in covid wards. Interesting piece from Bill Gates yesterday: Bill Gates says Covid risks have ‘dramatically reduced’ but another pandemic is coming KEY POINTS Bill Gates told CNBC Friday that the risks of severe disease from Covid-19 have “dramatically reduced” but another pandemic is all but certain. Speaking at Germany’s annual Munich Security Conference, Gates said that a potential new pandemic would likely stem from a different pathogen. Advances in medical technology could cut vaccine production times to six months, Gates added. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/02/18/bill-gates-covid-risks-have-reduced-but-another-pandemic-will-come.html
  18. As a comparison to the height of the delta wave back on the 13th August last year when 23,400 positive cases were recorded the real hospital bed number then was 61,299 and we know that at that time there were many hospitals closed and others with patients waiting outside on beds in Bangkok. Yet now there are as you say 74,676 in real hospitals. I am presuming we are not seeing overflowing hospitals yet because the distribution of cases is now all over the country rather than just Bangkok? https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/
  19. Chart here to visualize just how quickly real hospital beds are rising https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/
  20. Its only 6 months if you've already had 2 shots of Pfizer or 2 shots of a mix of AZ & Pfizer. For 2 shots of Sinovac its just a 4 weeks gap before a booster is due. https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/searo/thailand/2022_01_26_tha-sitrep-220-covid-19.pdf?sfvrsn=bf4f76d6_5
  21. I give up, think whatever you want............I really don't care, on ignore, adios
  22. I think any country that does not impose strict censorship and allows in depth investigative journalism has the basis for a broad range of good and bad media outlets. Many countries fit that description, not Thailand however.
  23. Not sure if this has been posted previously but according to the Daily Telegraph 10 million went to her and just 2 million went to her charity. "The Daily Telegraph newspaper reported that Andrew was to pay £10 million to Giuffre and £2 million to a charity for victims of sex trafficking." https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20220216-prince-andrew-s-settlement-worth-£12-mn-as-anger-mounts-in-uk
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