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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. One of the most powerful interviews I seen for a very long time, great work by her and the team behind her
  2. Possibly but likelihood to me would be Omicron as its so dominant now, considering they were both triple vaxxed, a delta breakthrough was a much rarer occurrence. Back pain is a top 5 symptom of Omicron and loss of taste is less but still present for one in 5 cases
  3. When was the last time there were 80 road deaths in a day? There were over 300 covid deaths one day last year to. I get the sentiment but better to keep to official figures same as you are with covid deaths. Today there were 21 road deaths, yesterday there were 20.
  4. Yes the day before it was 20 road deaths and 29 covid deaths another off day. As for how Thailand classifies covid deaths I wouldn't be too concerned on over reporting....lol
  5. They are not suggesting no reporting of all cases, just those that are asymptomatic or with very mild symptoms, the yellow, red, and black cases, depending on the severity will still be reported. Personally I think its a good proposal as it keeps the situation transparent without causing undue public concern of numbers of people found positive when most are mild or asymptomatic. Road deaths are reported daily in the news media in Phuket, nationally there were 21 road deaths yesterday and 30 covid reported deaths.
  6. You can take precautions for sunburn as you can with mosquito repellent. Same for Omicron, vaccines and previous infections can indeed make symptoms more like the flu or bad cold, but not always.
  7. Yes absolutely, that's a huge one that all needs to be addressed but at least Phuket is putting itself out there and sending a positive message to the government that it wants to live with this thing. Phuket is highly vaccinated and boosted up so there is no reason at all why that should not be the case.
  8. Chart for the ICU and ventilated cases both going up as expected with so many cases being found officially and even more, probably triple that number going undetected. As a comparison in the delta wave on the 17th August 2021 there were 5,536 in ICU and 1,169 ventilated cases so we are obviously nowhere near that level, thanks to vaccinations and the less virulent Omicron. However normal hospital admissions are higher now for covid wards than in the Delta wave so the burden on the health system is enormous. As I mentioned in another post Omicron is 25% less virulent than the Delta strain so it still has teeth for the vulnerable and unvaccinated so get vaxxed and keep yourself aware if you are vulnerable, other than that lets get to live with this. https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/
  9. Yet you posted a worldwide list of constitutional monarch's in a previous post, with the claim "the PM is whoever the current Monarch says" lol No I don't want to say "that Prayut has received two such Monarchial appointments" thats just boring being double rubber stamped
  10. Posts are removed for a reason as was yours where you made unsubstantiated claims about hospital admissions for the under 50's. So just a reminder, if you want to do that again get some official statistics. Everybody knows Omicron is less virulent. 25% less in both vaccinated and unvaccinated compared to Delta. So it still has teeth for the vulnerable and unvaccinated as hospital figures and deaths demonstrate in places like the US
  11. Re, a monarch in the UK: "effectively rubber stamps the outcome of the electoral process by asking a new prime minister to form a government." https://www.thenationalnews.com/britain-s-monarch-is-a-guiding-star-in-the-storm-of-politics-1.595865
  12. Agree. Its the exact same procedure in the UK, a rubber stamp by the queen. Difference? The PM there is elected by a democratic voting system and not a whitewash
  13. PCR test positive cases, total of 18,883 official new infections. 32 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 15,010 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 33,893 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ Rolling 7 day average chart from 19th Feb https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  14. He is correct regards Omicron too. The vaccines are still doing a great job in protecting you from severe disease and death especially if you are boosted. Plenty of evidence for that. Along with Omicron being less virulent by around 25% then this is whats making it a disease that many countries are now classifying as endemic. Personally I don't think/hope Omicron will mutate into a deadlier form. Perhaps an off shoot may become more transmissible similar to BA.2.
  15. Already, but don't worry, you'll never see it officially as Thailand limits its testing to around 70k max but currently around 40k https://ourworldindata.org/covid-models#institute-for-health-metrics-and-evaluation-ihme
  16. The correct message to portray. Ensure the health system monitors the virus and is transparent with information however. For those needing to protect themselves, they need to know the risk.
  17. No surprise because it’s not true. Covid stats on hospitalization and deaths with vaccination stats are published, you’ve obviously been spending your time looking in the wrong places. here’s a starter for you, plenty of other states publish the same. https://www.dshs.texas.gov/immunize/covid19/data/vaccination-status.aspx
  18. My words were backed up in my original post to you along with direct evidence and link, you fail to quote it or even acknowledge it. Next time you and your internet friends dig up some data and post it without context, misrepresenting the facts behind it, I suggest you be ready to be challenged on it again. ????
  19. How predictable, yet the evidence of your misleading post is highlighted in my original reply to you, try again by actually reading it, when you’ve managed that initial step, quote it in full to me and I’ll be happy to get back to you again. Until then adios and please refrain from further misleading posts.
  20. That’s one way to deflect, the other is to respond to my original post but this time quoting it in full…..quick quick, I’m waiting for you. no shutting up from me, sorry….lol
  21. In my post, quote it all, it’s there………quick enough for you? ????
  22. Basic maths, I'm surprised you present data without the context and interpretation of the vaccination status, from the UKHSA report and the direct advice of the report itself. Its clearly there in black and white. You are correct, Public Health Scotland is withdrawing the weekly publication of the number of Covid deaths by vaccination status. However its because of people like you taking it out of context, and misrepresenting it. Anti-vax 'misinformation' forces official block on Scots Covid deaths data PHS has stated that the data in the report was never to be used as a measure of vaccine effectiveness but it is now aware of "inappropriate use and misinterpretation of the data when taken in isolation without fully understanding the limitations..." https://www.heraldscotland.com/news/homenews/19932203.anti-vax-misinformation-forces-official-block-scots-covid-deaths-data/
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