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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. ? I did not say you did. You just need to check a page or 2 back to the poster who did though. Please stop making false claims
  2. Why would I do that, the vid is there to watch I even provided a link then got a response that it was boring and there were better things to do with life...lol consequently I'm not going to comment on the video with somebody who has not watched it. This is also not about the BBC and what I think of them as its the direct words from Andrew that were recorded.
  3. Back to Chinese vaccines....lol, I will leave that one alone. I was not talking about the booster shots, I was clearly saying everyone that wanted to be vaccinated has now had the chance to do so and that there was not a supply problem as you claimed. Those that have chosen not to purely because they are anti vaccine can face any consequences. On boosters and everybody around you who wants one but cannot get one, what area do you live in where this is happening, its not my experience, perhaps they want one before the official time gap? Granted it could be sped up and needs to be. I'm also for protecting everyone that wants to be protected, did I hint that was not the case?
  4. Nothing to do with the flu being a factor, there was little or no flu in every country in the world including Thailand that put in place covid measures. The fact is excess deaths proves that Denmark was able to capture far more covid deaths than Thailand in its official count due to its testing and puts into perspective the true cost in Thailand for mortality.
  5. Nobody said the Chinese vaccines do not "do a job" we know what they do re T and B cells as well as we know what other vaccines do. However Thailand is not actually suffering from a supply issue, its actually donating vaccines to other countries now, its suffering from a small proportion of its population who have decided not to get vaccinated. As with many countries. That however is their own decision and fault if they suffer as a consequence.
  6. However with Denmark's high testing numbers what it does do is give a much more accurate picture of the true covid death toll. In Thailand the actual death toll from COVID-19 is likely to be higher than the number of confirmed deaths – this is due to limited testing. The only way to give a better comparison with Denmark for instance is to look at the excess deaths and there we can see the difference. https://ourworldindata.org/excess-mortality-covid
  7. Good to see that deaths are still lowish though, lets hope it stays that way although they are rising. https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/
  8. You think what you want, you've already made it clear how you feel about other peoples Monarchy. I am proud of it and will continue to be so.
  9. PCR test positive cases, total of 18,885 official new infections. 29 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 13,558 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 32,443 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ Rolling 7 day average chart from 17th Feb https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  10. Perhaps you've not noticed but seeing as you're not from the UK we don't care what you think about our Monarchy, besides its totally off topic. But derogatory language proves just how unadjusted to the modern world you really are.
  11. Not from your obvious speculation no. One bad apple or should I say one major error in judgement and actions does not make a modern world. Nor does using derogatory language
  12. Andy's poor memory did improve somewhat when it was convenient for him. For instance he remembers going to Pizza Express on the 10th March the night in question and it couldn't have been him in the nightclub as claimed as it was impossible for him to sweat...........lol
  13. I found it riveting yet disturbing. Also usefull for info relevant to the OP. Certainly not a boring 1 hour or so for me. However I'll not bore you further with factual comments from it that you reponded to.
  14. Probably because their own brand mnra suits them better, as in the other report published 3 days ago. It obviously cannot be approved until all trials are completed. I cannot access your link as you have to register
  15. Well I know one thing, if one of my daughters was killed that way by this reckless and irresponsible rider we and I mean my whole family would fight tooth and nail to seek damages. I can assure you my mental health would not suffer and the publicity will drive home the need for something to be done about law enforcement or lack of on Thailand’s roads
  16. The study is also from before August 2021 pre Omicron so pretty useless when the world including China is now affected with Omi
  17. Actually China started developing its first mRna vaccine back in March 2020. COVID: China is developing its own mRNA vaccine – and it’s showing early promise February 15, 2022 1.03pm GMT The results of an initial study of the vaccine in humans, where 120 volunteers were vaccinated with varying doses, were published in January 2022 in the Lancet. The mRNA vaccines initially generated high levels of protection against getting COVID. And while the protection offered by two doses wanes over time and offers little protection against infection with omicron, the mRNA vaccines appear to offer the best protection against an omicron infection when used as boosters. They also continue to offer very impressive protection against severe disease. Early results suggest a third dose of Sinovac, in comparison, is unable to stop infection with the new variant (though these results are still in preprint, meaning they’re awaiting review by other scientists). https://theconversation.com/covid-china-is-developing-its-own-mrna-vaccine-and-its-showing-early-promise-176319 In separate news: China to use BioNTech vaccine as booster shot, sources say Joint venture with Fosun Pharma to make 100m to 200m vaccines a month https://asia.nikkei.com/Spotlight/Caixin/China-to-use-BioNTech-vaccine-as-booster-shot-sources-say
  18. You are referring to BA.2. While it seems to be more transmissible, there is no evidence from the UK or Denmark that it is more virulent. 1) Lab studies showed sera from boosted people can neutralise BA.1 and BA.2 equally well 2) Updated vaccine effectiveness analysis showed SAME VE for BA.1 and BA.2
  19. Ignored without comment due to this official policy. https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/searo/thailand/2022_01_26_tha-sitrep-220-covid-19.pdf?sfvrsn=bf4f76d6_5
  20. Yes sure, thats what the enquiry is about, did it come from her
  21. Did you read the BBC article published yesterday and listen to the full interview?
  22. Yea I wonder where he got over 10 million GBP? Apparently a sum which he does not have access to although there is now an enquiry as to where it did come from, so not sure he could afford it but it does save him the same sort of interrogation that he failed at in the BBC interview
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