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The Old Bull

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Everything posted by The Old Bull

  1. I prefer to have a gecko in my house than what he is eating. If he has no food he will go .
  2. I feel sorry for the lawyers, had the trough pulled out from under them.
  3. City slickers won't get it but if you live in a village there is a guy shows up with a large cage on his truck and trades plastic buckets for unwanted dogs. They take them through Laos to Vietnam where they end up on the barbie.
  4. Where is that guy with the plastic buckets when you need him?
  5. Ahh but the GOP has the supreme court ,that will take a while to fix.
  6. In the west If the offender has limited funds the government has first dibbs leaving the victim uncompensated. I've seen it happen many times . A drunk hit my friends car did $2000 worth of damage, had no insurance. He was fined $2000, that's all he had so my friend was stuck with the repair bill. Another time two blokes stole a load of beer. They were caught and one paid a $200 fine and the other $400 but he was not compensated for his beer. So a system that puts the victim first has its merits.
  7. Well done Paul, doing what the government should be doing.
  8. Isn't there anywhere you can deport him to? ASAP
  9. I went through university eating cheese on toast as I couldn't afford meat. That was sixty years ago and it's still my favorite.
  10. Young girls tend to be careful riders but seldom wear helmets.
  11. I find most Thai drives to be OK. No police presence and the rush hour traffic still flows. If this was India it would be gridlocked with everybody leaning on their horn. Just like everywhere there are a few bad apples weaving in and out to gain a few feet, sneaking in on the inside and trying to cut in. Bangkok drivers are a bit more rami but I guess they have to be.
  12. Why do they call them contractors instead of mercenaries?
  13. If that was the case he couldn't get out of his chair to cause any problems.
  14. Putting a bad guy back on the street is good for business, the cops, the lawyers, the court workers , the judge all need bad guys out there so they can make their wages.
  15. For sure, they stand out in bars full of old expats talking about football. Younger,alone and don't drink. I had a hippy type approach me once wanting to buy a bag of weed. When I told him to get lost he accused me of being a nark. So I told him narks look like you not like me. When he heard that he took off like a rabbit. Another time I spotted a well dressed younger fellow sitting in a bar full of old farangs drinking beer.He was sitting in the corner drinking a soda and watching most probably looking for some scally to show up.
  16. Lots of Thais out there would not hesitate to drop a dime for 3.5 million , even an Ausie if the killer didn't keep his mouth shut. Might just work.
  17. Years ago I came over on points then bought a return ticket from here. You could get a business class ticket for almost half the price. I think the airlines caught on and the price is the same where ever you buy it now.
  18. I don't know about large hospitals but the pink card works at village clinics and there is one hospital that does dental work. I get the Thai rate. Stitches and a new sterile dressing everyday for ten days ฿ 4000 , tooth extraction and a bottle of mouthwash to take home $4.
  19. You got to laugh at the Yanks. Both sides are right of Attila the Hun The only difference is that the GOP is further right. Marxism has been abandoned by both China and Russia but they still bring it up to demonize them.
  20. In the fifties when I was a young fellow there used to be a mercenary drank in our local pub. A quiet fellow ,always wore a suit and tie sat at the end of the bar never drank beer only scotch. He never discussed his business but would disappear for a few months and reappear with a sun tan in winter,not from lying on the beach. Everybody knew what he did but it was bever discussed. A genuine SAS member would never talk about his exploits.
  21. Sounds a little harsh for a few days overstay. Maybe the old squeeze has contacts in the BIB and contrived to do him in.
  22. Throw him in with the general population , the boys in the pen will fix him.
  23. I would never ride in a tuk tuk again after because you are looking tight into the exhaust pipe of these green busses that puke out black smoke, when you are stopped along side them at the lights.
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