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Golden Triangle

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Everything posted by Golden Triangle

  1. I think I read recently ( maybe 2 weeks ago ) that the average time from infection to death with the Delta variant was about 6 days, there doesn't seem to be much information available on that aspect.
  2. Not sure if this has been asked before & I hadn't really even thought about it before now, I was going to post it in the general forum for a wider audience but figured it would get moved to here anyway. So why is it that in the English speaking press & in any forum or site that reports news they report the full Thai name first off but any subsequent mention of that same person they only use the 1st or forename ? It doesn't matter what the person has done, be it a charitable act, won the lottery, killed someone or whatever, it seems like a very strange convention to me, I'm pretty sure that back home in the west the press would use the surname as a general rule of thumb, if it was reporting good news then they would then continue the report with the forename, if it was reporting on a criminal it would use only the surname, just seems strange to me that's all. And does this convention include the spoken word ie TV news reports etc, not speaking, reading or writing Thai I thought I'd ask the experts ???? thanks.
  3. Anyway, I sent an email to my POC ( point of contact) at Bremont, I told them that I have heard horror stories about DHL, they confirmed today that they use FedEx and as they have a few shops in Thailand selling their products & have also sent special editions to a few people in Thailand without any problems, customs or otherwise, so I think I can worry slightly less for now.
  4. Yep she's right, the briefing today was late, after 4 PM for the English version, current rules re lockdown in place until September 30th. ????
  5. It's not so much the cooking of the eggs it's the peeling that is a pain, we use size 0 eggs, they are easy enough to make them hard boiled, when we peel them a lot of white comes away with the shell, not always but too bloomin often. ????
  6. @Crossyif you Google Sarsons they have a recipe section for all sorts of stuff, I don't bother with heating the vinegar or adding sugar or the pickling spices, just prep whatever you're pickling bung it in the jar top up with vinegar, add whatever extras ie peppercorns etc, seal, flip upside down to mix the aforementioned bits n pieces, store in a cool dark place and voila, done ???????? ????
  7. I use Sarsons brown malt vinegar, we buy it from Siamburi's in a large 5 litre container, only about 600 Baht, l to use whole black & white peppercorns, some dried red & green chillies and that's it. We also use kilner jars, available at Makro, quite cheap. We have also done red cabbage & pickled onions & pickled beetroot.
  8. I don't understand the confused emoji Johnny mac, but never mind, I also don't understand the mindset of those that don't understand that some of us are probably much older than some on here & have underlying problems that to a certain extent mean that we don't have the luxury of playing Russian Roulette with this disease, we have the jabs and hope all is well, we are no longer young and fit, so sorry if we p!ss you off but we probably go by the adage" better safe than sorry ".
  9. Well I just hope that none of you brave souls want go to decent restaurants, want to travel, particularly from Thailand to other countries, go to places other than your front room & IF you really are in Thailand then you're gonna be cattle trucked when it comes to immigration issues, maybe not right now, but I think it is coming our way 5555
  10. Not to worry, I feel sure it was designed to do that, just like Pattaya beach ????????????
  11. When having stuff sent from the UK I would normally ask the sender whether it be family or friend to use the Post Office Track & Trace, on this occasion it's the actual manufacturer - Bremont, they ship world wide, so I have to go with the flow with this one I think.
  12. I read his profile on Wikipedia a little earlier, I've been living here since 2010 & have history here back to 2004/5, not sure ????, anyway, reading his profile really is a wake up call for non Thai speakers such as myself, I have taken an active interest in his ranting & raving, but when you see some of the stuff he said in the past, well it makes you wonder about his mental stability.
  13. You seem to have some experience with Thai customs, could you possibly cast your eye over this ?
  14. I have recently ordered a wrist watch from a manufacturer in the UK, it is basically a special edition watch related to a trade I belonged to in the army, it will be personalised with my army number & a special logo on the face of the watch with special engraving on the watch back. The cost for UK based orders which includes 20% VAT is £1795.00, they ( the manufacturers ) will send to me here in Thailand without the 20 % VAT instead will charge 5% duties, plus 7% VAT & shipping via FedEx @ £40.00. I have a feeling that I'm going to be charged some sort of extra duty by Thai customs dept, 2 questions; does anyone know how much duty ( roughly ) I can expect to pay and how do they collect said duties, do they notify me and I pay the carrier or do I have to go to my local customs office, which for me maybe at Laemchabeang near Sriracha ? Any help gratefully received. Thanks. Sorry should have added, I'm in Pattaya & the item will be fully paid before despatch.
  15. These people are <deleted> clowns, open Pattaya 1st October, God give me strength, the whole of Thailand opened by early January, I really do despair at their stupidity.
  16. Another bonus of buying a house built a few years ago will also mean that any initial problems with things like leaking roofs, dodgy plumbing, electrical problems will have been rectified by other owners / occupiers. These problems can be many and costly to rectify. I had a good friend had a new ( massive ) house built, he spent a lot of money, over 12 million Baht on it, the build was completed during the dry season, at the 1st heavy rain the roof leaked and a fair bit of the internal ceilings collapsed. Only posted for info for you to consider.
  17. Oh dear, how sad, never mind. Stick that in your pipe & smoke it China.
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