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Everything posted by mikeymike100

  1. Certainly agree with you about Banks and bankers, but it seems to me that people are not bashing Thailand or Thais per se. They are commenting, quite rightly, on the ridiculous defamation laws in Thailand.
  2. Could you explain what "TIT"means, thanks.
  3. Once you have cleared customs, the alcohol/bottles can be consumed anywhere, in the airport, in a taxi, or even wait until you get to your hotel room! My point is it invalidates the fact you cannot buy alcohol on 10th October!
  4. I came into Suvarnabhumi 3 days ago and incoming passengers can also buy alcohol. So its not just for departing passengers, is it?
  5. I transferred some money yesterday morning(Friday) from the UK to my TMB, now called TTB bank, just get the usual message cannot transfer mote than 50, 000 baht, unless to Bangkok bank or Krung Thai etc, the transfer took 6 seconds to get to Thai bank.
  6. I am hoping against hope that comment was sarcasm??
  7. Surely the "Airport Control Zone" must exist at all airports in Thailand? But private taxis are allowed, at all other airports? Why is only Phuket a scam airport? Boycott Phuket, well at least the airport!
  8. Totally agree with you, just proves there is always one who thinks he konws best?
  9. Certainly Johnson did lie throughout his career and laughed about it! I don't see where racism comes into it though?
  10. Its got nothing to do with politics, as you seem to think! Any country just printing vast amounts of money over an extended period raises the infation rate, which really benefits no one!
  11. "True, but the same applies to a certain category of white farangs." All farangs are "white", if your not white you are not a farang?
  12. Agree with your sentiment, but I think many posters like Myself thing Snowden was a modern day hero and showed everyone that the "deep state" is watching everybody and Clapper was liar, but they let him off?
  13. Putin doesn't have any friends?
  14. So what does that tell you? You can't eradicate it, you have to live with it and carry on as "normal"?
  15. "The anti mask warriors are just selfish individuals at the end of the day." Surely if an individual is free to wear a mask its fine, but vice versa, an individual is also free to not wear a mask and that's also fine? its not being selfish, its just personal choice?
  16. You mean the big one on the floor marked 'Trash'? ????
  17. Agree! Although I find trying to get halal pork extremely difficult!
  18. Totallt agree, its a waste of time, why they even request this is incomprehendable. It would seem they only ask random people for some reason, again why? I suppose because they can!
  19. The Crusades were a long long time ago, over 8 centuries, so not really relevant Its not religion so much, but the culture in many Arab countries sees women as second class people. Certainly in the counties I have worked , KSA, Dubai and Kuwait women are not treated as equals from my observations.
  20. Agree with your sentiment, however Kuwaitis or Arabs are not farangs!
  21. Agree, but replace them with who? Corruption is endemic in Thailand (not just Thailand) trying to find some honest hard working folks who want to be cops who won't take bribes might well be difficult?
  22. Correct, any normal person would have the large sum of 10million baht safely deposited in a bank, unless of course there was some reason she didn't want anyone asking questions?
  23. Yes indeed, the whole thing smells rather fishy? Surely any normal person would report the theft immediately? But I suppose Government officials aren't normal, hiding in plain site 10 million is rather odd? I mean why didn't she deposit it in a bank? ????
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