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Everything posted by toofarnorth

  1. Agree with edwin above. Lock up then get rid of. Glad I live far away from that part of LoS.
  2. Once again I've been beaten to it. Not the rain , not the tyres ...Brake fail.
  3. Yes , back home it was always twin and earth , here new products like washing machines and lawn mowers come with twin and earth likely Japanese . I have a large drum of cable , the 4 sockets on the side are twin and earth the plug is only twin.
  4. Further to this I think cars should be fitted with a device so that when the engine is started calls cannot be made from the vehicle. So many times I have said to a mate " The driver has put his phone down , look he is speeding up ".
  5. How awful being on a flight with a passenger coming the old raw prawn. Enough to make you chuck up in yer dinky dai Chips Rafferty slouch hat.
  6. and how would you recognise a farnag anyway Leaver.
  7. Maybe you are thinking of Plum flu. No cases as yet but watch out if you find poor quality Plums. As fot Tomato flu ...............enough to give me the pip !
  8. ' Your job is in jeapordy ' ' But I don't want to work abroad '.
  9. Dragged , looks more like push to me. When push comes to shove .......................
  10. How long before a 7/11 is on the moon ?
  11. At the time the Russians believed the Yanks had moon landed , if it was fake they would have been the first to say so !
  12. Yes on my first visit to BKK many years ago I bought a Rolex , I didn't like the metal strap so on getting back to England I went to a watch shop and asked for a leather strap for my Rolex. He said ' If I send this to Rolex it will come back smashed to bits '. I said " Hang on there , I paid 12 quid for it ".
  13. Poor thing needs to be in the country not the city. Perhaps it was a pet that grew up and had to go.
  14. Tats. are not for me , once years ago I thought of getting a small one in the small of my back , silly really as I couldn't see it anyway. On others just a little tat here or there 'tis their choice. Now what I think looks dreadful are those black disc ear rings and even worse pony tails on blokes , yes up to them . I was looking at a video a couple of days ago and a youngish guy was bald except a dreadlock ponytail hanging down nearly to his waist.
  15. Raining cats and dogs here , has been for most of the 'kin day.
  16. I don't like the sound of ' trustees ' either. Why can't she have her money in an account and Jaa have the bank book , only she has access to it and can take out what she wants when she needs it ?
  17. Has anyone else seen the one with hubby driving in reverse to park and wifey is outside waving her arms trying to indicate which way to turn the steering wheel ? what about the lady in a car , wanted gas but the filler was on the other side so she did a U turn round the pumps and hey , the filler cap was still on the wromg side. They are out there , driving amongst us.
  18. The PCX is quite a nice scooter , what a pity it has come off badly .
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