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Everything posted by NorthernRyland

  1. They burn down the forests every year for foraging and smoke out millions of people. No remorse. They would cut down every single tree to make a few bucks if the government didn't stop them. Actually quite greedy and short sided people.
  2. There was a 7 day festival in my town last week with loud music at night (Just the usual Thai market with Thai music affair) so I decided to take a few days to tour around Chiang Dao. Unbeknownst to me there was the annual "Shambala" festival happening in Chiang Dao at the very same time. Hundreds of new age hippies were crawling around the valley and hotels were packed out make it hard to find a good place to stay. These people colonize areas like Pai and have constructed a narrative about what Thailand is and are living out some collective fantasy for the rest of the us to experience. Shambala is fitting because they themselves are shams. I really dislike this people. They could wreck Chiang Dao along Pai potentially if they colonize it. The amount of Korean, Japanese and Chinese new age cosplayers I saw was noteworthy. I didn't know they were in to that stuff too.
  3. Here's a very American scene. A Somalian woman voted in to congress by other Somalians. Just as the founders intended.
  4. I've seen too many "Americans" flying Mexican flags. People are starting to pay attention.
  5. How could brainwashed Americans resist the first black, Indian, woman president? So many boxes ticked! Maybe if she was crippled that would have taken over the finish line.
  6. During the previous waves of immigrants the federal government was tiny, there wasn't even an income tax then! The worst an immigrant could do is go broke and become a beggar or go back home. Today they have numerous government funded programs they can attach to and drain the tax payers. Finally the immigrants back then were coming from Europe, not 3rd world countries which use government services at a higher rate than the native population. Billions of people in the planet so it's crazy to think the US can support and unlimited number of the worlds poor.
  7. So you were tax cattle back home and now you're tax buffalo in Thailand. How is this a win? You could have literally done nothing and been in the same situation as before.
  8. Not duped they chumped out on their own accord!
  9. I just saw this video on YouTube. Farang cycling is drafting a few feet from a trailer and the Thai driver yells at him for being stupid. Probably trying to get an easy Strava PR or some such nonsense. If that truck breaks even a little he's properly screwed.
  10. but just imagine all the likes she would have got on Instagram!
  11. kind of like when someone goes in for the perfect selfie shot and walks off the edge of a cliff. Before the sadness hits you could get a little chuckle.
  12. The only thing positive about this I can think of is at least she's 55 and not 25 with her whole life ahead of her. If you lose your hands your life is all but ruined so better to have made it nearly to retirement then well before.
  13. so it's the "if you don't want Germans being killed by Muslims you're a Nazi". You're make the case for being a Nazi now?
  14. I'm pretty sure this will be impossible. Thai people simply do not coordinate and communicate with each other well enough. I wouldn't even trust information from officials as they are often wrong or acting illegally themselves. The only thing you can trust is when they come to you personally and ask for X baht or you need to leave the country. That's always how they've operated here. Sadly certainty is not something they do so you need to work around this.
  15. If you're savvy enough to make big money he's trying to attract why would you hire him to figure out life for you? Makes no sense to me.
  16. Why even bother messing around with those countries anymore? I for one have seen enough. At the very most temporary working status. Don't let them have children or start families or gain citizenship. In particular you don't want their children mixed in with ours and above all don't let them vote ffs!!
  17. He should also ban Thais from receiving citizenship or even green cards until they reciprocate a little in Thailand. Also deport the hordes of illegal ones who are overstaying their visas and doing fraud marriages. Last year I met a girl here in Thailand who went to high school in L.A. by simply overstaying her tourist visa and taking advantage of California state laws which require schools to take all students regardless of immigration status. State of CA should be punished for this and abusing their tax payers.
  18. It took decades of brain washing Americans to make them believe they were evil racists. I don't see the same thing happening in Thailand but it's worth keeping an eye on.
  19. I don't know what you're talking about. It's been going very well so far...oh wait.... ...but still it wasn't the migrants fault, it was just a car attack. Pesky cars. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/czdl6594835o
  20. This story makes no sense, all the important details were left out for some reason. How did he get to Doi Tao? He said his driver stranded him but how? It reads like he was taking a taxi from Chiang Mai to Koh Tao but the driver understood it to be Doi Tao (because what moron would hire a taxi to go 800km). Ok so he screwed up and was in Doi Tao, so what? Just a bus back to Chiang Mai and get a flight like you should have done anyways.
  21. this has always been the case though. My point was that this is still as of today an imaginary problem you're creating by poking your noise around to see how you can get taxed. The one thing that is going to prevent us from getting taxed for real is the lack of coordination you're observing and this is a GOOD thing.
  22. you're missing the point. The point is you've ALWAYS been liable for taxes but never paid them or even went in to ask. Why is that?
  23. Check out of this video. I should make a new post entirely for this because it's seems to be a theme. Our American friend is doing his American thing and buys a house for 100k USD 10 months ago then realizes the location sucks (15 min drive from the ocean) then puts in back on the market for 136k USD. Free money yay! These cookie cutter "pool villa" concrete jungles are scammy and probably trapped many chumps.
  24. You mean it's a test run to see if people were stupid enough to fall for the stories in the media and hand over their money?
  25. Up to speed on what? When did the Thai government officially come out and say "we are now assessing all groups residing in Thailand over 6 months per year"? You could have gone to your local tax office 5 years ago and told them you remitted money within the same year it was earned and you're residing in Thailand over 6 months per year. The only thing changed now is the current year loop hole.
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