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Everything posted by NorthernRyland

  1. 26th is on Sat so I'm going in on the 28th on Monday. That's for the 12 month extension you need the money. Some women there explained this to me and I believe it's correct. Maybe they would have allowed it but from what I understand they want me to have a non-o before even issuing the letter that allows me to open the bank account (bank may want to see the actual visa also but I forgot).
  2. Feb 26th it's expired. I would get another one but they make you do 2 trips together the visa and each time it takes a half day. I think I've had enough. ???? Yeah I need to get the non-o and then a letter before the bank will let me open an account. You guys already helped me with that and I confirmed this with the bank. Not looking forward to that part. ????
  3. great thanks! Is just the marriage certificate enough to obtain the actual 3-month visa?
  4. Tourist visa is expired and had 1 COVID extension so far. Can I convert this to a non-o based on marriage within country (then I would subsequently get a 12 month extension)? Thanks!
  5. off topic but I'm curious: did you resolve that noise problem that was driving you insane?
  6. The COVID impact was already so small you wouldn't know unless the media was constantly alerting you. Don't bother citing big numbers like 800,000 deaths until you put those into the various contexts which are required to understand their actual impact on daily life.
  7. Let me guess, whites are already a tiny minority globally and now you want us to be a minority in our own country by allowing non-white permanent immigration? Has living in Thailand taught you nothing about what it means to be a minority without political power? If white America wasn't so stupid they would have shut this entire thing down already but that hasn't nearly happened despite what you're suggesting.
  8. I was gonna say the same thing. 32,000,000/(12*5) = 533,333 baht or $16,609 USD PER MONTH. And this is just to break even before you can realize any profit on what is presumably the highest paying job in the entire country. This is so retarded on it's face I must assume this is some kind of joke. Never again take anything these idiots say seriously.
  9. When it's a murder or car accident their nationality is always given, often in the headline. Where is this women from exactly?
  10. Nowhere in that 5 minute video did they mention that police don't actually patrol and do their jobs yet they're talking about licenses. How do they still not get this???
  11. Something which blows me away in Thailand is how 99% of people are wearing masks while on motorbikes. STILL wearing masks in 2022 now. Does anyone know if this is social pressure or are Thais really that afraid of COVID? I can understand wanting to wear masks indoors at shops but when you're alone on a motorbike???
  12. Thailand tends to have very little ability to reason so I expect these people to people to be in masks for years to come. Does it matter that masks have saved literally no country in the world from COVID outbreaks even though it's been tried in all countries for 2 years now? No of course not because it's basically just another article of polite society like like wearing pants.
  13. How do people keep this fear up? I still to this day don't know anyone who got COVID (in the US or Thailand) and was anything more than just sick for week. As far I can prove with my own experience COVID was literally just the flu. If the government came out tomorrow and said "oops all the stats were made up, we lied" I wouldn't have ANY of my own data or experience to suggest otherwise.
  14. This all depends on the hospital and you're lying if you claim to know every hospital policy. Just recently Fauci in the US said that hospitals were counting "COVID hospitalizations" as hospital admissions with a positive test detected upon entry. CDC has always from the start counted COVID deaths as a death with COVID being written on the death certificate. You could die of cancer and if you had COVID at time of death CDC records that in their stats.
  15. Yeah now you're saying that after it was proven to the case. At least in the US our president said basically "if you take these vaccines you won't get covid". The fact checking shills have all done their damage control but at the time people actually believe it and got vaccinated for this reason.
  16. That was always the case but media did not report it as such so you didn't know unless you actually read the official sources yourself. Except more countries to start revising their official death numbers and releasing them to the public now that the panic seems to be residing.
  17. The other day on another blog someone wrote a really concise and correct summary of where we are currently with central banking and debt/currency. Sharing it here without attribution to the original author. Quote: Rather than the Fed being particularly great at its job, I’d say that, like America itself, the fed is burning through capital built by it predecessors. By the early 1980s, the fed’s fund rate was at an astonishing 19%. In addition, private and public debt was at ~160% of GDP. This gave the fed a lot of room to play with. At first, it just used interest rates. Every time the economy or market show any signs of distress, lower rates. Then, in the recovery, you raise the rates back up, but not as high as they were before the recession, which allowed the recession to keep going. This also allowed for more and more financialization, i.e., debt, which, of course, boosted the economy. When the Dot-com bubble burst, Greenspan dropped rates to nearly zero, causing the investors to look for yield which very much pushed the housing bubble and driving total debt to GDP to 370%. When the fed tried to raise rates back up again, the market and economy collapsed. The debt was just too high to service, and you had a good old fashioned banking crisis. The fed then dropped rates to zero for the first time since the 1930s, but it wasn’t enough because the debt was too high, so the fed printed money to save the banks. Again, they weren’t geniuses. They did what governments have done throughout history. But fine, the fed did what it had to do to avoid another depression. But the debt was still there and rates were still crazy low. This was the moment when the “experts” should have said, “it’s going to hurt, but we have to fix this. We have to get the debt down and gets rates higher. We didn’t a have crash, but the next ten years are still going to suck as right the ship.” But they didn’t. The fed kept rates at zero and continued to print money to keep the economy alive. After initially falling from 370% to ~340%, total debt to GDP flattened out. There was no great deleveraging. Households got the message but corporations and the government kept borrowing more. Everyone knew that the problem was still there. The fed had just avoid dealing with it. Hell, the stock market and economy started puking when the fed tried to raise rates to 2% in the middle of the best economy in a decade. Did the fed stick to its guns? No. It dropped rates again. Even before Covid the repo market collapsed and the fed papered it over. Again, avoid, avoid, avoid. These aren’t experts, they’re cowards. We were heading for a recession even without Covid. Indeed, Covid gave the fed some cover. Regardless, when Covid hit, the fed was out of weapons. Rates were already near zero. So, the fed went nuts with QE, but even that wasn’t enough. This time we need huge fiscal stimulus to go with monetary stimulus. You’ll notice that there’s a very logical progression since the early 1980s. 1) Lower rates at the hint of trouble, but don’t raise them to their previous high after the recession. 2) When rates hit zero, QE. 3) When rates hit zero and even massive QE isn’t enough, fiscal stimulus through massive borrowing, much of which is financed through the fed. But the experts have hit the end of the road, because option #3 is causing inflation (along with other things). The economy is pushing back for the first time. The experts were doing anything special for the past 40 years. They were just using up capital built from the 1940s to the early 1980s. They were trust fund kids who finally blew threw their money. Now, the fed and govt are stuck. The economy is addicted to cheap money, but when the economy goes into recession, it’s in such bad shape that it needs QE and fiscal stimulus. But that leads to inflation – and voters really hate inflation. But raising rates isn’t possible because the debt load can’t handle it. The fed and govt have two choices: 1. Leave rates low and let inflation run, which helps lower debt to GDP but pisses off voters. Also, if inflation gets out of hand, you have a serious problem. 2. Raise rates and tank the economy. “Experts” wouldn’t have put themselves in this position. They had 40 years and a lot built-up capital to run the economy and money supply smoothly, and they blew it.
  18. So if invested into an index fund and over long enough time periods you're talking about 100% free money? That sounds crazy to me but I've been hearing a lot about how the rich get richer.
  19. and this has been known for weeks now. I get that the US government is bought and paid for by big pharma but what excuse does Thailand have to not bother doing basic research? At this point we have to assume they have some agenda outside of public health.
  20. They <deleted> off the wrong guy. I've been annoyed to the brink by loud music in Thailand but never snapped like this guy did. The obvious lesson is to be respectful of your surroundings otherwise there may be consequences.
  21. Wasn't the guy in his 50's and drinking with loud music at 3am? Most people grow out of that in their 20s. The pictures looked like those lowest of the rung rentals that only students are other people down on their luck stay in. Not to judge the guy or anything but I think he was in a bad place (in more ways that one).
  22. If I had the ability to the predict the future I wouldn't be wasting my time posting on the internet in the first place!
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