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Everything posted by NorthernRyland

  1. Chinese in Thailand have been some of the worst offenders of bad behavior and noise. Even the Thai's who I usually bully about being noisy and inconsiderate complain along side me about the Chinese. It's surprising since there's so much Chinese influence in Thailand and the Thai's themselves are some % Chinese by ancestry. Another large offender albeit lesser known are the hill tribes, who are largely Chinese compared to Thai's. They live on mountains so you don't get to experience them that often but if you live around them the burning, littering and insanely dangerous driving is enough to raise the blood pressure. Much worse than Thai's on fronts except for maybe loud speaker noises.
  2. Those kids on motorbikes are uniquely annoying for me. Not because they're loud and disturbing but because the so-called adults here have so little regard for the state of society that they can't even be bothered to control kids. Indeed it's even illegal to modify motorbikes but no one here cares enough to get off their a** and do something, not even the worthless police force. It's a theme in Thailand that the worst people in society never face any consequences for bad behavior and so they drag everything down to their level. Personally I can only stay here for 6-9 months before their inconsiderate nature grinds me down and I feel like I need to leave.
  3. Going to restaurants in America is often extremely loud. Like so loud you need to raise your voice to be heard. At least that you can avoid it by staying home though. In Thailand there's often no way to escape. Inconsideration is on a whole new level here.
  4. Of all the the ways Thai's make noise and bother me, talking is near the bottom of the list. I find them to be exceptionally soft spoken actually when they're out in public. Staff at business are notoriously quiet and often don't even respond when taking orders or being spoken to. But don't get me wrong, Thai's are extremely noisy and disrespectful in this regard. Best to avoid the country if you like peace and quiet.
  5. He's so wrong. They believe the government will never go after them because they've observed a culture of corruption which runs deep through Thai society at all levels.
  6. The average LGBTQ person doesn't want to be celebrated for just existing (same as anyone else). It's the political class who is shoving this down peoples throats because they know it pisses people off and causes division in society (divide and conquer). Fight and die and battle? You get 1 day per year to be celebrated for your valor. Have anal sex or did you remove your penis and get breast implants? That's ONE MONTH of celebration and fortune 500 companies change their logo to rainbows to honor your courage in the face of ultimate adversity.
  7. The gaslighting has already started. Keep an eye on this. Everyone wants out without losing face.
  8. So we're back at normal levels of mask wearing in Thailand or is June 2023 the most polluted the country has ever been? Seriously though, I'm hearing this often and I think people are tying to backpedal and save face.
  9. There's always some filthy rich person from BKK coming to pay absurd amounts of money for your little plot of worthless land. I think the gambling culture has really rotted peoples brains.
  10. My magic buddha amulet increases your protection against evil spirits by 100%. You've now DOUBLED your protection. Only 800 baht. Do you purchase?
  11. Those people sound hopeless to me. So many better places you could live and not deal with that. What a mess.
  12. Yeah that sounds like she chose a terrible location to build a house. maybe it's not her fault because she didn't know how bad this is for us but you can't live like that.
  13. I remember last year you were talking about building some house for your wife and being worried about a bar opening nearby. I guess that turned out as bad as you thought it would?
  14. This can't be understated. It may not be apparent at first who is low class but people need to learn this and stay away from them. Forgot what you learned back home and practice discrimination with EXTREME PREJUDICE.
  15. move it's not worth the madness. You'll thank yourself later. These constant disruptions play on your mind and cause literal madness eventually.
  16. Sounds like your neighbor has a respect problem. Since when is playing music at 7am ok? It bothers many Thai people also but they have been conditioned to not saying anything and keep quiet.
  17. It's called respect, remember? Noise travels OUTSIDE your property and affects other people. It's not you everyone else's responsibility to manage your audio levels.
  18. Thai people are so hopelessly inconsiderate with loud sounds that the farang probably thought it was normal behavior and likely the Thai never said anything before exploding in anger. It's a mental society here.
  19. I think we have people buying land in Thailand as inflation hedges. Could be a bubble and a good time to sell while the prices are high. US housing market is starting to crash so maybe the same thing will happen in Thailand?
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