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Everything posted by NorthernRyland

  1. No, the US population is far more criminal and even they have the right to own guns, plus millions of guns in circulation, leaky border with Mexico etc... UK would have much better results.
  2. maybe it's time relocate out of the barn and in to a house.
  3. there's just this feeling of lawlessness in Thailand and it's cheap to stay here for a long time. That's enough right there to attract the worst elements. I don't know what Thailand could do except profile people and deny them entry but that would be bad look for them though. It's a bad position to be in for all of us.
  4. The women in the video goes to length to say there are many good foreigners but they're also having many problems too. I think the Thai's are fair enough but if it goes on they'll probably start feeling if it's even worth it. I don't blame them or anyone else but Thailand simply does attract these types.
  5. This Israeli guy stole some packages from this woman and threw something at her through the gate. Total nut job. Looks like he got arrested eventually. Thai people are getting sick of this crap. A narrative is certainly forming. We need to get these losers out of here ASAP.
  6. Have you seen Biden's new tax plan? It's a disaster. Trump doesn't feel like he's entitled to other peoples money and that means a whole lot to me. I can also stand not seeing my state of Colorado become a dumping ground for latin American peasants and infinity immigration. Unless you need to feel like a good person in your liberal American community or want government welfare there's no practical reason to vote for Democrats anymore.
  7. Trump pissed off all the right people and lowered my taxes. That's good enough for me.
  8. Nice job you idiots. Of course this was going to happen. Anyone with a brain can see how to fix this problem but no progress is ever made.
  9. Reading the comments on Twitter. "Phuket is basically the land of foreigners." 830 likes and goes on to explain how they're working and taking jobs, Thai's are only the hired help. (yeah that's the law dude!). Then this non-Thai women gets 550 likes with "remember my words, good Farang rarely exist in Thailand". It's goes on and on. Thai's are getting pissed in Phuket with mass tourism and I don't blame them honestly.
  10. that would be true but Thailand doesn't enforce any road rules whatsoever so everyone has given up long ago on such ideas. If you expect cars to stop for you and yield you will get hit with 100% certainty.
  11. That Twitter account is trying to cause trouble. They said he didn't check on the injured motorcyclist but cut the clip seconds before that would have happened. They also say "Farang again". He knows what he's doing. Btw, driver doesn't look European to me but it's hard to tell. Having said that the drivers didn't look too interested in the injured driver when the exited the car. Many Thai people behave this way to when they get into accidents too (slowly come out of the car and look around cautiously, notice the injured rider but inspect the car first etc...)
  12. She appears like an entitled b-atch in the video. Probably wasn't happy the guard didn't do exactly what she wanted and threw a fit. I think she got what she deserved.
  13. I was just curious so I Googled. This sounds like total BS to me. Sakong Nakhon seriously? Scrolling around on ventusky.com it says Mae Suai is only 28c right now. Maybe a weather front is moving in. Besides mountain peaks though, where is the coolest average temps in Thailand?
  14. Where is a min of 23c? Doi Inthanon is 23 now so maybe that's where they mean.
  15. I feel like the law holds more power in the minds of the Western person. There's a long history of "a mans word is his bond" and legal traditions that are part of the culture and pride of the people. I simply don't see that in Thailand and so I speculate you could get burned badly if you bring that mindset into Thailand with you and expect the same outcomes.
  16. The way others are explaining these laws it gives the impression effective land ownership is trivial and just a matter of a document signed at the land office. I wonder if the higher courts got involved they would rule such usufructs issued to foreigners are illegal.
  17. and there it is. I see land for sale in CM at ridiculous prices and yet the neighbors are all dirt poor and similar land is vacant for decades. I think it has to do with the gambling mindset of Thai people and magical thinking. 4 million is not a huge amount but 10 rai is a lot and imagine what you would need to put on it in order to make an ROI. If it was that valuable it would have been snatched up already.
  18. That's what they say here in Chiang Mai too! People from BKK are buying everything, hurry up before it's too late. It's true to an extent but clearly overstated from what I can tell.
  19. and btw, what do you account for this 10x price increase in 11 years? I think land in Thailand may be in a bubble fueled by debt, which has largely peaked as people are so indebted today. It's not worth 40 million now is it? 2004 = 400k, 2015 = 4 mil, 2025 = 40 mil??
  20. This seems more reasonable to me and likely to be enforced by a court. however, eventually you do need to transfer for it to living person I would imagine. So long as the family doesn't inherit the property while you're still in it and they kick you out before you can sell it etc...
  21. You had to give her 100% of the value of the land? Maybe that allowed you to keep your house the UK though...
  22. would you accept some income tax and a 300 baht over tourism fee instead? 🙏
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